Hello. I'm Palkiajosh! As is obvious, Palkia is one of my favorite Pokémon. I strongly dissaprove of cheating and bad language, and bad grammar is just... Uncomfortable. So please try not to use the latter two on my talk page.File:Ani484MS.gif
At the moment, I've somehow been transformed into a Torchic.
Please see this page.
Favorite Pokémon
Regular Team
I placed in the final 8 at the qualifier!
It all started when I played a LeafGreen Version belonging to my friends. I started a new game (of course, I didn't save) and battled Blue. It was probably that battle that began my love of Pokémon. File:Ani001MS.gif
(Bold indicates a strategy of my own design and italic indicates an accidental one.)
File:Ani389MS.gifUltraDrain (Leech Seed + Giga Drain + Leftovers)
File:Ani149MS.gifDragon Dancer
File:Ani149MS.gifRageCalm (Outrage + Persim Berry)
File:Ani389MS.gif"Earthquake Strategy" (Earthquake + Flying-type)
- I really hate it when there are multiples of Legendaries in the Animé. It's just plain WEIRD!!
- I have made one Fanfiction, which is actually based off of Platinum.
- In my usertags, you can see both Latios and Latias.File:Ani381MS.gifFile:Ani380MS.gif
- My first actual set of Pokémon cards was bought on Nov.14th, 2008. It was the Raging Sea Theme Deck. Why I haven't been in the fray for so long is something I will not discuss here.
My collection consists of two Raging Sea Theme Decks, several different language versions (including English) of Tropical Wind Trainer cards from the TCG World Championships/Pokémon Video Game Showdown '08, a Zubat, and a Shinx and Pachirisu from Burger King. I also have the Palkia and Dialga Collector Tins and the Palkia and Dialga premium boxes, as well as quite a few other cards.
External ![Spr_4p_025_ketchup%5B1%5D.png](http://sites.google.com/site/pokemontimesonline/upload-section/jupload3/Spr_4p_025_ketchup%5B1%5D.png)
Well, that's everything! 'Bye! Have a good day! File:Spr 2c 025.gif -パルキアJosh