Rage Candy Bar

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The Ragecandybar is an item available only in Pokémon Gold, Silver, and Crystal. It costs $300 when bought and heals 20 HP when used on a Pokémon. The price and effect are the same as a standard Potion.

The Ragecandybar is the local specialty of Mahogany Town, much like how the Lava Cookie is the local specialty of Lavaridge Town. The item is initially only available from a man right next to Route 44, who will bump players back into town and try to sell a candy bar to them. He says he's sold out once the Red Gyarados has been dealt with, and Ragecandybars will remain unavailable until the player chases Team Rocket out of the Radio Tower, at which point the local shop in the former Rocket Hideout will carry the item.

Although the item doesn't exist in the game code for the Generation III and Generation IV games, someone near the shop on Boon Island in FireRed and LeafGreen mentions the item, here mistyped as "Rage Candybar". Bruno left disappointed and empty-handed after finding out the shop is sold out of them. Unlike in Generation II, Ragecandybars never become available at this shop.

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