List of Key Items in Generation III

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This is a list of all key items that are found in Generation III. Please note that some of these are also part of the list of key items in Generation I due to Pokémon Red and Green being remade, and several appear in multiple generations.

Some items are specific to a certain region, while others can be found in both Kanto and Hoenn. Those that can be will be indicated.

This list includes only key items from the Game Boy Advance games. For lists of key items in each of the GameCube games, see List of key items in Pokémon Colosseum and List of key items in Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness.

List of key items in Generation III

File:Acro.png Acro Bike

  • Purpose: Use to move faster than walking. Performs tricks.
  • Description: A folding bicycle capable of jumps and wheelies.
  • Location: Rydel's Bicycle Shop in Mauville City

File:Auroraticket.png Auroraticket

File:Basement Key sprite.png Basement Key

File:Berry Pouch sprite.png Berry Pouch

  • Purpose: Holds Berries.
  • Description: A pouch for carrying Berries. It is attached to the bag's compartment for important items.
  • Location: N/A* (Appears the the first time a player collects a berry)

File:Bicycle sprite.png Bicycle

  • Purpose: Use to move faster than walking.
  • Description: A folding bicycle that allows faster movement than the running shoes.
  • Location: Cerulean City

File:Bike voucher.png Bike Voucher

File:Blue Orb sprite.png Blue Orb

  • Purpose: Use to awaken Kyogre.
  • Description: A blue, glowing orb said to contain an ancient power.
  • Location: Mt. Pyre*

File:Card Key sprite.png Card Key

File:Claw.png Claw Fossil

File:Coincase.jpg Coin Case

File:Contest Pass sprite.png Contest Pass

File:Devon Goods.png Devon Goods

File:Devon Scope sprite.png Devon Scope

  • Purpose: Reveals hidden Pokémon.
  • Description: A device by Devon that signals any unseeable Pokémon.
  • Location: Route 120

File:Dome.png Dome Fossil

File:Eon.png Eon Ticket

File:Fame Checker sprite.png Fame Checker

  • Purpose: Tells about famous characters.
  • Description: A device that enables you to recall what you've heard and seen about famous people.
  • Location: Cerulean City

File:Go-Goggles sprite.png Go-Goggles

  • Purpose: Allows players to enter the desert sandstorm.
  • Description: Nifty goggles that protect eyes from desert sandstorms.
  • Location: Lavaridge Town

File:Gold Teeth sprite.png Gold Teeth

File:Good Rod sprite.png Good Rod

  • Purpose: Allows the player to fish in bodies of water. Better than the Old Rod.
  • Description: A new, good-quality fishing rod. Use it by any body of water to fish for wild Pokémon.
  • Location:

File:Helix.png Helix Fossil

File:Itemfinder sprite.png Itemfinder

  • Purpose: Locates items hidden on the ground.
  • Description: A device used for finding items. If there is a hidden item nearby when it is used, it emits a signal.
  • Location:

File:Letter sprite.png Letter

File:Lift Key sprite.png Lift Key

File:Mach.png Mach Bike

  • Purpose: Use to move much faster than walking. Able to climb muddy slopes.
  • Description: A folding bicycle that doubles your speed or better.
  • Location: Mauville City

File:Magma Emblem sprite.png Magma Emblem

  • Purpose: Use it to access Team Magma's lair.
  • Description: A medal-like item in the same shape as Team Magma's mark.
  • Location: Mt. Pyre*

File:Meteorite sprite.png Meteorite

File:Mysticticket.png Mysticticket

  • Purpose: Allows players to access Navel Rock.
  • Description: A ticket required to board the ship to Navel Rock. It glows with a mystic light.
  • Location: Nintendo Event*

File:Oak's Parcel sprite.png Oak's Parcel

File:Amber.png Old Amber

File:Old Rod sprite.png Old Rod

File:Old Sea Map sprite.png Old Sea Map

File:Pokeblock Case sprite.png Pokéblock Case

File:PokeFlute.png Poké Flute

  • Purpose: Awakens sleeping Pokémon.
  • Description: A flute that is said to instantly awaken any Pokémon. It has a lovely tone.
  • Location: Lavender Town

File:Powder Jar sprite.png Powder Jar

File:Red Orb sprite.png Red Orb

File:Rainbow Pass sprite.png Rainbow Pass

File:Rm. 1 Key sprite.png Rm. 1 Key

File:Rm. 2 Key sprite.png Rm. 2 Key

File:Rm. 4 Key sprite.png Rm. 4 Key

File:Rm. 6 Key sprite.png Rm. 6 Key

File:Root.png Root Fossil

File:Ruby.png Ruby

File:Sapphire.png Sapphire

File:Scanner sprite.png Scanner

File:Secret Key.png Secret Key

File:Silph scope.png Silph Scope

File:Soot Sack sprite.png Soot Sack

  • Purpose: Allows ashes to be collected.
  • Description: A sack used to gather and hold volcanic ash.
  • Location: Route 113

File:Ssticket.png S.S. Ticket

File:Storage Key (Hoenn) sprite.png Storage Key

File:Super Rod sprite.png Super Rod

  • Purpose: Allows the player to fish in bodies of water. Best Rod of all.
  • Description: An awesome, high-tech fishing rod. Use it by any body of water to fish for wild Pokémon.
  • Location:

File:Teachy TV sprite.png Teachy TV

  • Purpose: Teaches players how to capture Pokémon.
  • Description: A television set that is tuned to a program with useful tips for novice Trainers.
  • Location: Viridian City

File:TM Case sprite.png TM Case

  • Purpose: Holds TMs and HMs.
  • Description: A case that holds TMs and HMs. It is attached to the bag's compartment for important items.
  • Location: N/A*

File:TownMapSprite.png Town Map

  • Purpose: Displays a map of Kanto and the Sevii Islands.
  • Description: A very convenient map that can be viewed anytime. It even shows your present location.
  • Location: Pallet Town

File:Tri-Pass sprite.png Tri Pass

Underground Key

  • Purpose: Opens the sealed gate in New Mauville.
  • Description:
  • Location: Mauville City

File:Wailmer Pail sprite.png Wailmer Pail

  • Purpose: Allows Berries to be watered. If watering is done correctly, the resulting Berry trees will have more Berries to pluck.
  • Description: A tool used for watering berries and plants.
  • Location: Route 104

File:Vs Seeker sprite.png Vs Seeker

  • Purpose: Allows Trainers to be rechallenged.
  • Description: A device that indicates Trainers who want to battle. The battery charges while traveling.
  • Location: Vermilion City

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