Go-Rock Quads

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Revision as of 04:22, 25 January 2009 by EspeonA (talk | contribs) (Not exactly mentioned that they were quadruplets... just children.)
"Billy" redirects here. If you were looking for Brock's little brother, see Brock's siblings.

Go-Rock Quads
ゴーゴー4兄弟 Four Go-Go Siblings
Art from Pokémon Ranger
(from left to right) Tiffany, Clyde, Billy, Garret
Gender 3 Male, 1 Female
Hometown Unknown
Region Fiore, Almia
Relatives Gordor (father)
Generation III, IV
Games Pokémon Ranger, Pokémon Ranger: Shadows of Almia
Member of Go-Rock Squad
Rank Admin

The Go-Rock Quads (Japanese: ゴーゴー4兄弟 Four Go-Go Siblings) are recurring villains in Pokémon Ranger. They are a musical quartet and the admins of the Go-Rock Squad. Together, they are the offspring of Gordor, the leader of the Go-Rock Squad.

Tiffany (ミライ Mirai) is the only female sibling. Her favorite activity is shopping in Fall City where she makes her brothers or the grunts carry her purchases. She is first faced after clearing the Krokka Tunnel in the fifth numbered mission of the game. Tiffany uses one Camerupt in the first encounter and two Camerupt in the second encounter. She plays a violin.

Clyde (ヨウジ Yōji) is faced in the Jungle Relic when he blocks the way to Gordor until Entei is under the control of the Go-Rock Squad. Clyde uses a Slaking in the first encounter, which is joined by a Slakoth and Vigoroth in the second encounter. He plays a bongo.

Garret (ユウキ Yūki) is left to watch over the Dusk Factory in the seventh numbered mission of the game. Garret uses a Scizor in the first encounter, which is joined by two Scyther in the second encounter. He plays a bass guitar.

Billy (ヤライ Yarai) is the eldest and assumed leader of the four. He is not faced until his siblings have been defeated a second time in the Go-Rock Squad Base. Billy uses a Larvitar, Pupitar and Tyranitar. He too plays a guitar (possibly electric).

After Billy is defeated, the Go-Rock Quads leave the Go-Rock Squad in shame and concentrate on their musical act. They do one last performance under the Joy Clock Tower before leaving Fiore to bring their music to distant lands.

The Go-Rock Quads also appeared in Pokémon Ranger: Shadows of Almia as performers for Altru's seventieth anniversary. They are first seen rehearsing at Altru Park but are disrupted by Blake Hall at one time. Clyde goes out of the park first to think of a new song to replace the horrible song Dream Energy by Blake Hall. He goes to Brooke's grandmother and hears a folktale. He then comes up with the song The Song of Vatonage and returns to the group at the park. They reappear there once Team Dim Sun takes over Altru Tower and make their final appearance performing outside the tower during the last scenes of the game.


Each time the Go-Rock Quads appear in the game, they recite a musical motto as an introduction:

All: Pokémon a go-go!
Garret: Even if you're in a hurry, stop in your tracks!
(Garret has guitar solo)
Tiffany: Open your ears to our melodic attacks!
(Tiffany's violin solo)
Clyde: The rhythm of rage pounds the ground!
(Bongo solo)
Billy: Let the melody of ambition rise to the skies!
(Guitar solo)
All: If you don't know us, we'll cure your ignorance!
Billy! Garret! Clyde! Tiffany!
The Go-Rock Squad's hot prospect band
of key-shaker-and-taker celebrities!
A name once heard and never forgotten!
The Go-Rock Quads!
(All play at once and confetti comes down)


  • The way the four of them recite their motto every time they are encountered is somewhat similar to Jessie and James of Team Rocket in the anime.
  • Garret plays his guitar left handed.

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