Miracle Cycle

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Miracle Cycle (Japanese: ミラクルサイクル Miracle Cycle) is the best producer of Bicycles in Kanto and Johto.

In the Games

The Bike Shop in Cerulean City (In Generation II relocated to Goldenrod City) belongs to Miracle Cycle and sells Bicycles produced by this company from a plain city bike to fast MTB. In the Generation I Bicycle can be bought for 1,000,000 Yens or for a Bike Voucher.

Red or Leaf obtained his/her Bicycle from Cerulean Miracle Cycle shop using a Bike Voucher obtained from Pokémon Fan Club Chairman.

Gold or Kris obtained his/her Bicycle from Goldenrod Miracle Cycle shop free.

In the English versions of Pokémon Games the Miracle Cycle Shops are called just "Bike Shops" and no mention of Miracle Cycle is made at all.

Rydel's Hoenn Bicycles aren't production of Miracle Cycle.

In the Manga

Miracle Cycle also exist in Pokémon Special manga.

It was first mentioned by Tripokémon Bike race organizer as the sponsor of the race. This mention was not removed from Viz's English translation of manga.

Later, in Johto saga Whitney owns the Miracle Cycle's Bike.

In the manga Miracle Cycle also produces scooters.