Misty's Corsola (Japanese: カスミのサニーゴKasumi's Sunnygo) was the second Pokémon acquired by Misty in the Johtoregion and her ninth in total. Its Japanese voice actress is Ikue Ohtani and its English voice actress is Kayzie Rogers.
In A Corsola Caper!, the group met a family who raised Corsola to make jewelry out of their shed body parts. However, a wild Corsola came along and invaded the ranch, causing the Corsola in the area to flee. Eventually, all of the Corsola were recovered and Misty caught the wild Corsola with the Lure Ball she got from Kurt.
Corsola also seems to have a stubborn and aggressive personality. It then became one of Misty's most used Pokémon and she continued to use it regularly throughout her travels in the Johto region.
Corsola is the only one of Misty's Pokémon who is part Template:Type2, and it is the only Rock-type to be owned by a main character other than Brock, if Ash's Larvitar is not counted.
Misty's want to capture a Corsola and managing to after an extended number of episodes has been echoed by every main female lead since (May and her Beautifly and Dawn and her Buneary).
Related articles
For more information on this Pokémon's species, see Corsola.