User:Gywall/New Evolution

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.

Not totally ripped off of MAGNEDETH.. or anyone else. I'll refer to versions as Purple and Orange for this page.


Gen I

Pokémon Picture Why How New Name/Type Stats Notes
Eevee Why not. Eevee already evolves into every other special type. Level-up knowing Dracofang. Agoneon
HP: 95
Attack: 110
Defense: 60
SpAtk: 65
SpDef: 65
Speed: 130
Dragon and Eon make it's name
Eevee We all love Eeveelutions.. right? Level up in Purple version Goopeon
HP: 110
Attack: 65
Defense: 60
SpAtk: 65
SpDef: 130
Speed: 95
Name is partly named after the Goop Gas Attack TCG card.
Aerodactyl Every other fossil evolves. Levelup in Ancient Cave Pterokull
Rock Flying
HP: 80
Attack: 105
Defense: 95
SpAtk: 70
SpDef: 105
Speed: 60
Less speed, more defence. Kinda like Onix to Steelix evolution.

Name is Pterodactyl and Skull.

Gen II

Pokémon Picture Why How New Name/Type Stats Notes
Lanturn Is it just me, or is Lanturn just not as attractive as it's types suggest it should be.. Trade to Purple version. Deepight
Water Electric
HP: 123
Attack: 93
Defense: 67
SpAtk: 96
SpDef: 106
Speed: 60
Deep + Bright.
Sunflora Good idea, just nothing to pull it off with. Level-up at Sunny Rock Solower
HP: 95
Attack: 75
Defense: 95
SpAtk: 125
SpDef: 105
Speed: 30
The name is derived from "Solar" and "Tower".
Or So Slower as Tesh says..
Qwilfish Why not. It has a nice idea.. Maximise toughness and level-up with Strange Orb held. Jabbeloon
Water Poison
HP: 78
Attack: 102
Defense: 120
SpAtk: 55
SpDef: 83
Speed: 87
It just didn't look impressive
Magcargo Unique typing, nothing impressive. Maximise smartless and level-up with Strange Orb held. Lavtank
Fire Rock
HP: 70
Attack: 50
Defense: 130
SpAtk: 150
SpDef: 120
Speed: 30
Improved defences, and special attack.
Delibird Not just for Christmas any more Level-up in Tropical Cave. Sansack
Ice Flying
HP: 85
Attack: 75
Defense: 65
SpAtk: 98
SpDef: 100
Speed: 102
Santa and Sack. Do the maths.


Pokémon Picture Why How New Name/Type Stats Notes
Mightyena It's a wolf.. It sucks. 420 Base? Level up holding Miracle Incense Wolvernite
HP: 83
Attack: 115
Defense: 85
SpAtk: 60
SpDef: 77
Speed: 100
Now that's more of a wolf.
Sableye Seriously out-classed by Spiritomb. Level-up holding Strange Orb Shadpaz
Dark Ghost
HP: 50
Attack: 115
Defense: 75
SpAtk: 105
SpDef: 65
Speed: 75
I always thought Sableye should be more offence oriented of the two. It's evolution should learn some special moves too.
Castform I think it needs a weather-patch.. Trade to Orange version. Transcast
HP: 87
Attack: 83
Defense: 72
SpAtk: 83
SpDef: 97
Speed: 113
Now it can change with any weather - Wind, Sandstorm, Fog all included.

Gen IV

Pokémon Picture Why How New Name/Type Stats Notes
Combee Males are useless until now. Level 21 with Strange Orb held. Wasdier
Bug Flying
HP: 40
Attack: 107
Defense: 65
SpAtk: 75
SpDef: 70
Speed: 117
♂ Gender only. Wasp Soldier.

Gen V

This section is based on own ideas and pre-evo ideas.

Pokémon Picture Why How New Name/Type Stats Notes
Kanga Jr Why not split it off? Evolves knowing Comet Punch Rugaroo
HP: 123
Attack: 72
Defense: 97
SpAtk: 32
SpDef: 97
Speed: 68
♂ Gender only
Niglish Dark and Steel never get paired.. Level up at Night Flaight
Steel Dark
HP: 125
Attack: 60
Defense: 50
SpAtk: 95
SpDef: 95
Speed: 80
Flash Night makes it's name.
Ability: Pressure or Technician
Flaight Just why not. Level up during the Morning Niglish
Steel Dark
HP: 80
Attack: 95
Defense: 95
SpAtk: 60
SpDef: 50
Speed: 125
Same name basis, just reversed.
Ability: Technician or Pressure*
- Why not have a temporary rain bringer? Capture/Breed. Aquoud
Ghost Water
HP: 59
Attack: 64
Defense: 68
SpAtk: 101
SpDef: 146
Speed: 72
Weather changed to rain while in battle; Weather clears upon exiting battle.
Cannot learn Thunder.
Ability name: Aqua Body
- Why not have a temporary sun bringer? Capture/Breed. Soloud
Ghost Fire
HP: 146
Attack: 59
Defense: 101
SpAtk: 78
SpDef: 92
Speed: 34
Weather changed to sunny while in battle; Weather clears upon exiting battle.
Cannot learn Solarbeam.
Ability name: Bright Body


Gen I

Pokémon Picture Why How New Name/Type Stats Notes
Kangaskhan We see it's child, just why DO they hatch out of eggs with children? Breed with Spring Incense Kanga Jr
HP: 68
Attack: 41
Defense: 37
SpAtk: 15
SpDef: 37
Speed: 48
Gender ratio of 12.5% ♂, 87.5% ♀

It should be time for a split evolution too. Evolves knowing Comet Punch.

Lapras Maybe some people will stop telling me Gyarados evolves into Lapras.. Hatch at Tropical Cave Shelise
Water Ice
HP: 72
Attack: 42
Defense: 35
SpAtk: 42
SpDef: 50
Speed: 28
Shell + Cruise make it's name.

Evolves when traded.

Gen II

Pokémon Picture Why How New Name/Type Stats Notes
Skarmory This thing needs no evolution.. maybe a pre-evo. Breed in Orange version Scroil
Steel Flying
HP: 30
Attack: 35
Defense: 70
SpAtk: 15
SpDef: 25
Speed: 34
Scratch foil..

Evolves when traded.


Gen IV