Talk:May (anime)

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Revision as of 23:12, 2 September 2006 by PikamasterADV (talk | contribs)

That pic got horribly distorted. Help? Anyone? Evkl 20:32, 27 Feb 2005 (UTC)

How's that? Use "Frame" instead of "Thumb". - Ferret 20:40, 27 Feb 2005 (UTC)

May just got Munchlax. Someone might want to mention that in her bio. The ep was called "May Deliciously Captures Munchlax". Screenshots are at SPP that confirm it.LedianX 19:51, 4 Mar 2005 (UTC)

Wasn't the policy that Pokémon are only to be linked to once per article unless absolutely necessary? Munchlax is already listed at the beginning of the article. On top of that, there's a double standard when Torchic is only linked once but Munchlax is twice. Argy

You forget that lists are excepted from the rule since they should be convenient to use. - 刘 (劉) 振霖

Y'know, if there's one thing about May I don't get, it's this: When she first saw a Treecko in AG001, she creeped out. While in AG007, she didn't show the slightest bit of being uncomfortable when around a whole bunch of them.

She also hated Pokémon in AG001, while she doesn't by AG007. It's a plot hole. (Which is actually a shame since they could have shown her actually changing through the contest storyline. FabuVinny 08:48, 20 November 2005 (CST)

When did May wear a bikini?HK-47


I don't think May's lineup should be updated with Blaziken until we see it evolve in the show.