Ash's Primeape

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Ash's Primeape

Ash's Primeape (Japanese: サトシのオコリザル Satoshi's Okorizaru) was the eighth Pokémon caught by Ash during his travels through Kanto.

Ash caught Primeape on Route 7 in the episode Primeape Goes Bananas. On the road to Celadon City, Ash learned that Gary had already captured 30 Pokémon. Upon hearing this, Ash aspired to capture more for himself.

Soon afterwards, a friendly wild Mankey ate some of Brock's food. Ash took this opportunity to try to capture the little Pokémon, but the Poké Ball failed and Mankey was angered. It chased the group, beat up Ash, and stole Ash's lucky hat. Mankey gleefully teased Ash as the young trainer fumed about having his lucky cap stolen.

Team Rocket took this opportunity to try to capture Pikachu, knocking Mankey aside. The angry Pig Monkey evolved into Primeape, which viciously attacked the Team Rocket members.

After several attempts to capture the berzerking Primeape, Ash was finally able to capture it.

Soon after that, in The Punchy Pokémon after leaving Celadon City, Ash and his friends met a man named Anthony who was training to win the P1 Grand Prix, a tournament for Fighting-type Pokémon. Anthony's daughter, Rebecca wanted him to stop spending so much time away from home training. Brock and Ash volunteered to enter the tournament to discourage Anthony. Ash entered Primeape into the P1 Grand Prix.

In the first match, Ash saved Primeape from a nasty fall, which caused the usually angry Pokémon to become closer to Ash.

Ash eventually won the tournament. Anthony asked for Primeape, and so Ash gave it to him.

Primeape was only around for a couple of episodes, but it had a lot of personality. It was very mischievous, and would often fly into uncontrollable tantrums if it didn't get what it wanted. This notably caused Ash to audibly reconsider using Primeape in a gym battle against Erika.

Attacks Used

Related Articles

For more information on this Pokémon's species, see Primeape.