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EP049 : So Near, Yet So Farfetch'd
Original series
EP051 : Bulbasaur's Mysterious Garden
Who Gets to Keep Togepi?
Who Gets to Keep Togepi?
First broadcast
Japan June 25, 1998
United States March 27, 1999
English themes
Opening Pokémon Theme
Japanese themes
Opening めざせポケモンマスター
Ending ポケットにファンタジー
Animation Team Ota
Screenplay 園田英樹 Hideki Sonoda
Storyboard 井硲清高 Kiyotaka Itani
Assistant director 井硲清高 Kiyotaka Itani
Animation director 酒井啓史 Keishi Sakai
Additional credits

Who Gets to Keep Togepi? (Japanese: トゲピーはだれのもの !? Who Gets to Keep Togepi!?) is the 50th episode of the Pokémon anime. It was first broadcast in Japan on June 25, 1998, and in the United States on March 27, 1999.

Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details.


As this story begins, our heroes are sitting in the Pokémon Center playing when Ash gets a phone call from Professor Oak on the PC phone. Professor Oak appears on the screen and so does Ash's Muk, the Pokémon Professor very displeased with Ash's Muk as it has climbed all over him and spoiling his new lab coat. Professor Oak informs Ash that his Pokédex is now upgradeable and tells Ash of how he can do so. Ash follows the directions and places his Pokédex into the small slot on the computer. They go back to a table and talk about the Pokémon that they wish would hatch out of the mysterious egg that Ash found back at the Pokémon Fossil Canyon. Naturally they all say their favorite Pokémon, Misty choosing a Template:Type2 and Brock choosing a Template:Type2.

After that, they leave the Pokémon Center and head outside where they find Team Rocket posing as egg sellers. They have a whole basketful of eggs, just like Ash's mysterious egg. Team Rocket try to talk them into trading or buying one of their eggs and when they politely refuse Jessie and James resort to throwing all of their fake eggs in the air. The real egg, that Brock was holding, gets taken when there is a mix-up with all the eggs.

Team Rocket run out of site and escape with the real egg! Ash, Misty and Brock are stuck with a fake. Whilst in Team Rockets little hiding shack Meowth takes care of the egg. Whilst it is in his possession, the egg gets its best attention ever. Meowth sleeps with it, sings with it and even eats with it.

The three young adventurers follow a trail of broken red blue and green eggs until they reach the shack in which Team Rocket are hiding. They decide to burst in, even though it may be dangerous, and get the egg back.

They all quickly bust into the shack but unfortunately James is quick to react. He sends out Weezing who gives a Poison Gas attack, making Ash and others cough and gasp for breath. Ash sends out Pidgeotto and tells it to use a Gust attack to clear away the Poison Gas. They take a lunge for the little white egg. The egg goes up and down much like in a game of football! Through much controversy Pikachu ends up with the egg and gives the egg back to Ash, at that moment the egg begins to break open, beginning to hatch.

Misty, enthralled with what was going on, jumps in pushes everyone out of the way to get a closer look and the newly hatched Pokémon. When she does the egg hatches, revealing a new unidentified Pokémon. Ash and others are all surprised, especially Team Rocket who instantly want to steal it. Ash points his newly updated Pokédex at the Pokémon, identifying it as a Togepi.

Togepi, unlike other Pokémon, will not just like anybody, to Ash's and Brock's disappointment. It chooses Misty! As Misty is the first thing that the Pokémon saw, it thinks that Misty is its mother.

This newly hatched Pokémon causes quite a fuss among the group. Ash feels that he should have it because he found it; Brock feels it should be his because he cared for it before Meowth; Meowth wants it because he looked after it before it hatched, Jessie and James both just want it! Meowth says to them that they didn't do anything to help in Togepi's growth. Misty feels she should have it, as Togepi likes her best. They all decide to have a Pokémon tournament to decide who should have it. Meowth panics because he has no Pokémon and goes and asks Jessie and James for theirs. They refuse as he didn't let them participate, Meowth then remembers that he is a Pokémon and decides to battle for himself. After the draw ends up between Misty and Ash, the first battle since Cerulean City. Of course everybody's favorite trainer, Ash, wins but because Misty was the first thing that Togepi saw she gets to keep Togepi.

Major events


Pokémon debuts




Who's That Pokémon?: Aerodactyl


  • This is the third episode in which a Pokémon from a new generation appears. The first two were Pokémon - I Choose You! and Pokémon Emergency!, respectively, in which Ho-Oh appeared.
  • When Arbok slaps Brock in the back of the head his eyes open.
  • This marks one of the few occasions where Meowth is seen in battle.
  • The tournament:
    • Meowth VS Onix - Meowth wins by hitting Onix with two buckets of water and then using Fury Swipes (Brock claims that he cheated when he did that, though considering how there was no rule against it, Brock still lost.)
    • Bulbasaur VS Psyduck - Ash wins by having Bulbasaur Tickle Psyduck (unable to actually attack Psyduck without giving it a headache). This may have inspired the move that was introduced in Generation III.
    • Meowth VS Pikachu - Ash wins with a simple Thunderbolt
  • Even though Ash first owned the egg and won it from the tournament, Togepi chose Misty because it saw her first.
  • The dub title is the same as the Japanese title. This also happened with Pokémon - I Choose You!.
  • When the main characters think what the egg could hatch into, most of them suggest a Pokémon that is not possible to be hatched from an egg at that stage, for example Brock suggesting it to hatch into a Golem. This is most probably though because at the time the episode was aired, Pokémon breeding was not yet possible in any game.


  • In one scene, Jessie eats toast with her gloves and boots off. The next scene after being attacked, her gloves and boots were back on.
  • In the Pokédex entry, Togepi is described as the Egg Pokémon being false because it's the Spike Ball Pokemon.

Dub edits

  • The Japanese release states "Dr. Okido" on the video card that Ash gets from Nurse Joy. The dub painted it out.

In other languages

  • Brazilian Portuguese: Quem Vai Ficar com o Togepi?
  • Finnish: Kenelle Togepi kuuluu?
  • French: Oeuf surprise
  • Italian: L'uovo della discordia
  • Latin American Spanish: ¿Quién se queda con Togepi?
  • Iberian Spanish: ¿Quién conseguirá quedarse con Togepi?
  • Swedish: Vem vinner Togepi?
EP049 : So Near, Yet So Farfetch'd
Original series
EP051 : Bulbasaur's Mysterious Garden
This episode article is part of Project Anime, a Bulbapedia project that covers all aspects of Pokémon animation.