Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Super Smash Bros. Brawl | |
[[File:File:Brawl Cover.PNG|250px]] The cover of Super Smash Bros. Brawl | |
Basic info
| |
Platform: | {{{platform}}} |
Category: | Versus Fighting |
Players: | 4 players simultaneous |
Connectivity: | None |
Developer: | Game Arts |
Publisher: | Nintendo |
Part of: | {{{gen_series}}} |
| |
CERO: | N/A |
ESRB: | T for Teen |
ACB: | N/A |
OFLC: | N/A |
PEGI: | N/A |
GRAC: | N/A |
GSRR: | N/A |
Release dates
| |
Japan: | 31 January 2008 |
North America: | 9 March 2008 |
Australia: | 26 June 2008 |
Europe: | 27 June 2008 |
South Korea: | |
Hong Kong: | N/A |
Taiwan: | N/A |
| |
Japanese: | Official Japanese Site |
English: | Official US Site |
Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Japanese: 大乱闘スマッシュブラザーズX Great Fray Smash Brothers X) is the third installment of the Super Smash Bros. series, released on the Wii in early 2008. As with previous installments, characters from various Nintendo video games will do battle with each other. The game allows the use of the Nintendo GameCube controller, the Wii Remote alone, the Nunchuck + Remote control scheme, and the Wii Classic Controller. Non-Nintendo characters Solid Snake and Sonic the Hedgehog are also featured in the game.
Several game mechanics have been introduced into the sequel, like the ability to crawl, the existence of containers with wheels, and the ability of each character to perform an unusually powerful signature move called Final Smash. The game also built on Melee's one-player modes, with the Adventure Mode being expanded into a complete side-scrolling game called The Subspace Emissary. This mode features a story told through cutscenes which were co-written by Kazushige Nojima, who is best known as the scenario writer for Final Fantasy VII.
The game has 39 playable characters, including transformations, which is an increase of 13 from Melee. Pikachu and Jigglypuff return as playable Pokémon but Pichu and Mewtwo were both cut from the roster. Pikachu's Final Smash is Volt Tackle and Jigglypuff's Final Smash is Puff Up.
A new character present in the starting lineup is a Pokémon Trainer, whose character design is based on the Generation III Red. In a first for the series, he only appears in the background and his Pokémon do the actual fighting. His team is comprised of Squirtle, Ivysaur, and Charizard, which he cycles through in that order with his Down Special move, Pokémon Change. Squirtle knows Waterfall, Water Gun, and Withdraw, Ivysaur knows Bullet Seed, Razor Leaf, and Vine Whip, and Charizard knows Flamethrower, Fly, and Rock Smash. In addition, Charizard has the ability to glide. The Pokémon Trainer's Final Smash is Triple Finish.
The other new playable character in the game is Lucario, who was accidently revealed to be a playable character in a commercial released ten days before the game. When browsing through the sticker book, the icons at the bottom of the screen list the playable characters that can use it, so Groudon's sticker naturally showed Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Pokémon Trainer and Lucario. Lucario is unlocked by completing the five target tests, playing 100 VS matches or simply meeting it in the Subspace Emissary. Lucario's Final Smash is Aura Storm.
The Poké Ball returns as an item, providing the debut of many Generation III and Generation IV Pokémon to the series. It is joined by the Assist Trophy, which uses the same concept to bring characters from other franchises into the fray.
Super Smash Bros. Brawl became the seventh game to ever receive a perfect score from Famitsu.
Playable Pokémon characters
Pokémon stages
Pokémon music
- Pokémon Red and Blue - Main Theme
- Pokémon Red and Blue - Pokémon Center
- Pokémon Red and Blue - Route 1
- Pokémon Red and Blue - Gym & Evolution Theme
- Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire - Wild Pokémon Battle
- Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire - Victory Road
- Pokémon Diamond and Pearl - Wild Pokémon Battle
- Pokémon Diamond and Pearl - Dialga & Palkia Battle
- Pokémon Diamond and Pearl - Team Galactic Battle
- Pokémon Diamond and Pearl - Route 209
- Super Smash Bros. Melee - Pokémon Stadium
- Super Smash Bros. Melee - Poké Floats
- Super Smash Bros. Melee - Pokémon Gold/Silver Battle Theme
- Pokémon Victory Theme
Subspace Emissary Pokémon
The following Pokémon appear alongside the playable characters in the game's Adventure Mode, "The Subspace Emissary":
Poké Ball Pokémon
The following Pokémon appear from Poké Balls:
Meowth | Uses Pay Day on opponents. |
Electrode | Electrode uses Explosion. It can be thrown after some time has passed. It may fail to detonate. |
Goldeen | No effect, just Splashes around. |
Staryu | Chases after the nearest opponent, then locks itself into position and shoots with Swift. |
Snorlax | Uses Body Slam on the battlefield. |
Moltres | Uses Fly to lift away from the battlefield while burning all who touch it. |
Mew | Appears and leaves a CD. |
Chikorita | Unleashes a flurry of Razor Leaf attacks hitting anyone in its path. |
Togepi | Uses Metronome to randomly perform another attack. |
Bellossom | Uses Sweet Scent to put nearby players to sleep. |
Wobbuffet | Uses Counter to knock away anyone who hits it. |
Entei | It uses Fire Spin, trapping anyone who lands in it. |
Suicune | Shoots a powerful Aurora Beam directly forward. |
Lugia | Uses Aeroblast to shoot foes with a blast of air. |
Ho-Oh | Uses Sacred Fire to trap a foe in a vortex of flames. |
Celebi | Appears and leaves some Trophies. |
Torchic | It engulfs nearby battlers with flames it radiates from its body by using Fire Spin. |
Gardevoir | Conjures a sphere of Reflect that will protect the player that summoned it from projectile attacks. |
Gulpin | Uses Swallow to trap nearby players and then spits them out after chewing on them. |
Metagross | Hovers above the ground before creating an Earthquake. |
Latias and Latios | Fly to opposite ends of the screen then converge in the middle and use Steel Wing, attacking anyone in their paths. |
Kyogre | Kyogre uses Hydro Pump to shoot a stream of water at the battlefield. |
Groudon | Groudon's uses Overheat to form a fiery aura that harms and knocks away upon contact. |
Deoxys | Floats up into the air and unleashes a Hyper Beam at the ground. |
Jirachi | Appears and leaves some Stickers. |
Piplup | Slides around using Surf to push anyone caught in the water off the stage. |
Bonsly | Wanders around the stage and can be picked up and tossed to cause severe damage with a Tackle. |
Munchlax | Slowly walks around looking for items to eat using the Pickup ability. |
Weavile | Uses False Swipe to run around the stage slashing wildly. It does minimal damage but causes stunning. |
Manaphy | Uses Heart Swap to make the players switch characters for a while. |
Pokémon cameos
The following Pokémon and fossils make cameos on the Pokémon Stadium 2 stage:
- Ground Field: Dugtrio, Cubone, Helix Fossil, Dome Fossil
- Flying Field: Skarmory, Drifloon, Hoppip
- Ice Field: Snover, Snorunt
- Electric Field: Electivire, Magnezone
The following Pokémon make cameos on the Spear Pillar stage:
Pokémon Trophies
Note: Random trophy drops denote that they may be obtained either from the Coin Launcher, during All-Star or Boss Battles Mode (between stages), in the Subspace Emissary (either by defeating enemies or obtaining them in item boxes), Home-Run Contest (by having Sandbag collide with them as it slides on the ground), or from Celebi drops.
Name | Obtain by |
Aura Storm | Finish All-Star Mode with Lucario. |
Azelf | Random trophy drop. |
Bellossom | Random trophy drop. |
Blaziken | Random trophy drop. |
Bonsly | Random trophy drop. |
Bulbasaur | Random trophy drop. |
Buneary | Random trophy drop. |
Celebi | Random trophy drop. |
Charizard | Finish Classic Mode with Pokémon Trainer, and have Charizard deal the finishing blow to Master Hand. |
Charmander | Random trophy drop. |
Chikorita | Random trophy drop. |
Chimchar | Random trophy drop. |
Cresselia | Random trophy drop. |
Cubone | Random trophy drop. |
Cyndaquil | Random trophy drop. |
Darkrai | Random trophy drop. |
Deoxys | Random trophy drop. |
Dialga | Random trophy drop. |
Drifloon | Random trophy drop. |
Dugtrio | Random trophy drop. |
Electivire | Random trophy drop. |
Electrode | Random trophy drop. |
Entei | Random trophy drop. |
Gardevoir | Random trophy drop. |
Glaceon and Leafeon | Random trophy drop. |
Goldeen | Random trophy drop. |
Groudon | Random trophy drop. |
Gulpin | Random trophy drop. |
Gyarados | Random trophy drop. |
Ho-Oh | Random trophy drop. |
Hoppip | Random trophy drop. |
Ivysaur | Finish Classic Mode with Pokémon Trainer, and have Ivysaur deal the finishing blow to Master Hand. |
Jigglypuff | Finish Classic Mode with Jigglypuff. |
Jirachi | Random trophy drop. |
Kyogre | Random trophy drop. |
Latias and Latios | Random trophy drop. |
Lucario | Finish Classic Mode with Lucario. |
Lugia | Random trophy drop. |
Magnezone | Random trophy drop. |
Manaphy | Random trophy drop. |
Meowth | Random trophy drop. |
Mesprit | Random trophy drop. |
Metagross | Random trophy drop. |
Mew | Random trophy drop. |
Mewtwo | Finish All-Star Mode on Intense difficulty. |
Moltres | Random trophy drop. |
Mudkip | Random trophy drop. |
Munchlax | Random trophy drop. |
Palkia | Random trophy drop. |
Pichu | Finish All-Star Mode without continuing. |
Pikachu | Finish Classic Mode with Pikachu. |
Piplup | Random trophy drop. |
Plusle and Minun | Collect Final Smash trophies for all characters. |
Poké Ball | Random trophy drop. |
Puff Up | Finish All-Star Mode with Jigglypuff. |
Pokémon Trainer | Finish Classic Mode with Pokémon Trainer. |
Rayquaza | Capture Rayquaza in a Trophy Stand in the Subspace Emissary. |
Riolu | Random trophy drop. |
Skarmory | Random trophy drop. |
Snorlax | Random trophy drop. |
Snorunt | Random trophy drop. |
Snover | Random trophy drop. |
Squirtle | Finish Classic Mode with Pokémon Trainer, and have Squirtle deal the finishing blow to Master Hand. |
Starly | Random trophy drop. |
Staryu | Random trophy drop. |
Togepi | Random trophy drop. |
Torchic | Random trophy drop. |
Totodile | Random trophy drop. |
Treecko | Random trophy drop. |
Triple Finish | Finish All-Star Mode with Pokémon Trainer |
Turtwig | Random trophy drop. |
Uxie | Random trophy drop. |
Volt Tackle | Finish All-Star Mode with Pikachu |
Weavile | Random trophy drop. |
Wobbuffet | Random trophy drop. |
Pokémon Stickers
Pokémon | Effect | Usable on |
Bellossom | Grass +8 | Pokémon Trainer |
Bonsly | Leg + 3 | All |
Celebi | Grass + 14 | Pokémon Trainer |
Charizard | Arm, Leg +10 | Jigglypuff, Lucario, Pikachu, Pokémon Trainer |
Chikorita | Aura +13 | Lucario |
Deoxys | Slash Attack +10 | Jigglypuff, Lucario, Pikachu, Pokémon Trainer |
Electrode | Explosive +7 | All |
Entei | Flame Attack +20 | Jigglypuff, Lucario, Pikachu, Pokémon Trainer |
Gardevoir | Shield Resistance +9 | All |
Goldeen | Leg +4 | Jigglypuff, Lucario, Pikachu, Pokémon Trainer |
Groudon | Flame Resistance +14 | Pikachu, Pokémon Trainer |
Gulpin | Electric Attack +16 | Jigglypuff, Lucario, Pikachu, Pokémon Trainer |
Ho-Oh | Flame Attack +12 | All |
Ivysaur | Grass +39 | Pokémon Trainer |
Jigglypuff | Body, Spin + 31 | Jigglypuff, Lucario, Pikachu, Pokémon Trainer |
Jirachi | Arm, Leg +7 | Jigglypuff, Lucario, Pikachu, Pokémon Trainer |
Kyogre | Flinch Resistance +42 | All |
Latias and Latios | Grass +42 | Pokémon Trainer |
Lucario | Aura +41 | Lucario |
Lugia | Grass +18 | Pokémon Trainer |
Manaphy | Specials: Direct +4 | All |
Meowth | Slash Attack +5 | Jigglypuff, Lucario, Pikachu, Pokémon Trainer |
Metagross | Launch Resistance +23 | Jigglypuff, Lucario, Pikachu, Pokémon Trainer |
Mew | Body, Spin +4 | Jigglypuff, Lucario, Pikachu, Pokémon Trainer |
Moltres | Flame Attack +20 | Jigglypuff, Lucario, Pikachu, Pokémon Trainer |
Munchlax | Aura +13 | Lucario |
Pikachu | Electric Attack +33 | Pikachu |
Piplup | Water +26 | Pokémon Trainer |
Pokémon Trainer | Leg +13 | Jigglypuff, Lucario, Pikachu, Pokémon Trainer |
Rayquaza | Aura +24 | Lucario |
Snorlax | Electric Attack +5 | All |
Squirtle | Water +41 | Pokémon Trainer |
Staryu | Specials: Direct + 3 | Jigglypuff, Lucario, Pikachu, Pokémon Trainer |
Suicune | Grass +17 | Pokémon Trainer |
Togepi | Body, Spin +11 | Jigglypuff, Lucario, Pikachu, Pokémon Trainer |
Torchic | Flame Attack +8 | Jigglypuff, Lucario, Pikachu, Pokémon Trainer |
Weavile | Slash Attack +5 | Pikachu, Pokémon Trainer |
Wobbuffet | Head +12 | All |
Stickers affecting Pokémon characters
This is the list of stickers affecting Pokémon characters (other than those that affect all characters and Pokémon stickers).
Sticker | Effect | Usable on |
Akari Hayami (Wave Race BS) | Water +8 | Pokémon Trainer |
Barkle (Tingle's Rupeeland) | Tail +32 | Pikachu, Pokémon Trainer |
Blathers (Animal Crossing: WW) | Tail +7 | Pikachu, Pokémon Trainer |
Bone Dragon (Yoshi's Story) | Bite +13 | Pokémon Trainer |
Box Boxer (Kirby: Squeak Squad) | Aura +26 | Lucario |
Boxy (Kirby: Squeak Squad) | Bite + 24 | Pokémon Trainer |
Bowser Jr. (Super Mario Sunshine) | Tail +25 | Pikachu, Pokémon Trainer |
Bubble Baby Mario (Yoshi's Island) | Bite +6 | Pokémon Trainer |
Burt the Bashful (Yoshi's Island) | Bite +6 | Pokémon Trainer |
Chain Chomp (Mario Party 8) | Bite +23 | Pokémon Trainer |
Chihuahua (Nintendogs) | Tail +12 | Pikachu, Pokémon Trainer |
Chozo Statue (Metroid II) | Aura +25 | Lucario |
Crazee Dayzee (Yoshi's Island DS) | Grass +7 | Pokémon Trainer |
Dry Bones (Mario Party 7) | Aura +17 | Lucario |
Fairy (Zelda: Twilight Princess) | Tail +7 | Pikachu, Pokémon Trainer |
Lakitu (New Super Mario Bros.) | Aura +6 | Lucario |
Master Belch (EarthBound) | Bite +9 | Pokémon Trainer |
Petey Piranha (Mario Strikers Charged) | Bite +32 | Pokémon Trainer |
Rachel (Advance Wars: DS) | Aura +11 | Lucario |
Rouge the Bat (Sonic Adventure 2: Battle) | Tail +10 | Pikachu, Pokémon Trainer |
Ryota Hayami (Wave Race BS) | Water +34 | Pokémon Trainer |
Sable (Animal Crossing: WW) | Bite +6 | Pokémon Trainer |
Saharah (Animal Crossing: WW) | Water +8 | Pokémon Trainer |
Seiuchi-kun (Densetsu no Stafy 3) | Water +18 | Pokémon Trainer |
Spitz (WarioWare: MPG) | Tail +12 | Pikachu, Pokémon Trainer |
Stafy (Densetsu no Stafy) | Tail +7 | Pikachu, Pokémon Trainer |
Starman (New Super Mario Bros.) | Aura +6 | Lucario |
Wario (Super Mario Strikers) | Bite +15 | Pokémon Trainer |
Warrior Ing (Metroid Prime 2 Echoes) | Bite +10 | Pokémon Trainer |
Water Fairy Elias (Nintendo Puzzle Collection) | Water +30 | Pokémon Trainer |
External links
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This game-related article is part of Project Games, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon games. |