there is a secret episode of pokemon that will never be shown, but some how i manage to get the info. ash and co. arrive in a small hawaiian village called kokawa town where they meet a young girl who wishes to be a pokemon trainer.she is lilo.
when ash and co. meet her, they descover a new pokemon. i don't have his picture yet.his name is stitch.
but this pokemon is very unusuall, and ash turns to proffsor oak. he says there are many more pokemon like him.
who are currently cuaght by lilo. ash tests the new pokemon by battling him. it seems that the new pokemon dosn't have any good powers eccpt for these: lift 3000 times his own wheight, can bulletproof,fireproof and thinks faster than a super computer. he has retractable spikes, four arms and retracktable antennas.he is a blue alien who poses as a dog. his name is 'stitch'. lilo loses the battle. in an instant, many more new pokemon pop out, ten of them. jessie and james see this and try to steal the pokemon. lilo's uncle jumba, whos super smart uses an unknown legendary air pokemon called malie to stop jessie and james. mali has these powers:
peck,iorn tail,pin missel and can learn lots of pokemon attacks.
i don't have mali's picture, but she uses her mystical and soothing voice to make her enemys fall asleep for 48 hours. she sings in this langage: african
i will make more articles on the new pokemon soon. these pokemon are known as 'deleted pokemon', they were rejected by the pokemon creatoes. at the end of the episode, lilo joins ash on his journey. this episode was deleted for a reson, it had a very confusing plot. if you are reading this, you may recodnize that this was a special guest star episode for the pokemon tenth anaversary, but it will never be shown.
lilo from lilo and stitch the seies guest stars, and so does stitch.
the shape shift pokemon who looks like stitch has all powers of mew.
a small speck in the sky over lilo's house is mew.
stitch, formally known as 626 claims to be a pokemon/alien and his cousins are thats 625 new pokemon.