- If you were looking for the song, see The Power of One (song).
- If you were looking for the manga, see The Power of One (manga).
The Power of One 幻のポケモン ルギア爆誕 Mirage Pokémon Lugia's Explosive Birth
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Home video
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English themes
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Japanese themes
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Pokémon the Movie 2000 - The Power of One (Japanese: 幻のポケモン ルギア爆誕 Mirage Pokémon: Lugia's Explosive Birth; officially Revelation Lugia in Japan) is the second original series movie, and second of all Pokémon movies. It was first in Japanese theaters on July 17, 1999. It then made its way to North American theaters on July 21, 2000.
The film is set between the episodes Charizard Chills and The Pokémon Water War.
Disturb not the harmony of fire, ice or lightning, lest these titans wreak destruction upon the world in which they clash. Though the water's great guardian shall arise to quell the fighting, alone its song will fail, thus the earth shall turn to ash. Oh, Chosen One. Into thine hands bring together all three. Their treasure combined, tame the Beast of the Sea.
- --Shamouti Prophecy
Lawrence III, a wealthy collector of the world's most valuable antiques, wishes to make his collection complete by catching the three legendary birds, Moltres, Zapdos and Articuno. Anyone of them would be a priceless addition to Lawrence's collection, but he aims to capture the three in order to capture the fourth and most powerful bird, Lugia. Using his giant flying aircraft, Lawrence attacks the Fire Island, home to Moltres and captures the firebird. However, as Lawrence begins to follow the prophecy, the world's climate begins to be affected.
Somewhere in the Orange Islands, Ash, Misty and Tracey are traveling to their next island destination on board a boat owned by a woman named Maren. Team Rocket as usual follow in their submarine. Owner, both parties are suddenly struck by a sea storm and dragged across the ocean to the middle of the Orange Islands, where they arrive at Shamouti Island. The weather is also going wrong at Pallet Town, as witnessed by Professor Oak and Delia Ketchum. The trio and their Pokémon meet the islanders of Shamouti, who are celebrating their annual Legend Festival following the prophecy's tale - a Chosen One shall help Lugia to save the world and calm the legendary birds. Maren's friend, Carol was once the Festival Maiden, but now her younger rebellious sister Melody takes on the role with some reluctance, until she meets Ash and kisses him, angering Misty.
During the festival ceremony, Melody explains Ash's role as Chosen One. He must venture out to the islands of the legendary birds and collects three glass orbs that represent the elements of Fire, Ice and Lightning, bring them back to Shamouti's shrine where Melody will play a wonderful tune (similar to the cry of Lugia) which will end the festival. Ash heads out immediately, with Maren and Pikachu going with him. Pikachu seems to be the only one who realizes the seriousness of the weather and leads Ash to the location of the Fire Sphere on Fire Island, after Maren's boat crashes onto its shores. Team Rocket, Misty, Tracey and Melody show up later on, but the island is visited by Zapdos. Pikachu and Zapdos communicate using electrical attacks, Zapdos explaining he shall claim the island for his own. Lawrence's ship appears, capturing Zapdos and the rest in Melody's boat. Lawrence is very polite to his accidental captives and kindly releases them in the lower chamber of his ship where Moltres and Zapdos are held prisoner.
However, this proves to be a mistake when Ash uses his Pokémon to release the two birds, who immediately get into a fight and destroy the ship in the process. The ship crashes onto Lightning Island, where Ash finds the Lightning Sphere. The group escape onto Melody's boat while Moltres, Zapdos and new arrival Articuno duel overhead. A giant typhoon scoops up the boat and carries it to the Shamouti Shrine, where Ash and the others meet Slowking, the shrine's guardian. Able to speak telepathically, he shows Ash where to place the collected spheres. The legendary birds attack the shrine, but are stopped by the sudden appearance of Lugia. Lugia, who can also speak using psychic powers, explains that Ash, who is revealed to be the actual Chosen One of the prophecy, must collect the Ice Sphere from Articuno's island. Ash doubts he can do it, but support from his friends and Pokémon changes his mind.
As Ash sets out with Pikachu, Squirtle, Bulbasaur, Charizard, and Lugia towards Ice Island, Team Rocket witness a helicopter containing Professor Oak, Delia, Professor Ivy and a news crew crash land. Seeing a discarded inflatable raft and the helicopter's tail propeller, they get an idea. Ash's attempts to reach the island are thwarted by the legendary birds, but Team Rocket surprisingly come to the rescue on a motorboat using the items they salvaged. Team Rocket shock Ash by revealing that they do not wish the world to be destroyed. The heroes (and villains) race through the island and find the Ice Sphere. The legendary birds appear and Articuno is knocked out by its opponents. Ash, Pikachu and Team Rocket are saved by Lugia who heads back to Shamouti.
However, Lugia is slowed down by the extra weight of Team Rocket. The trio of villains decide to let go and nobly sacrifice themselves to allow Ash to save the world, something of which he is shocked by. Lawrence's ship, which is still functional, tries to capture Lugia, but it uses an Aeroblast attack to defeat the remaining legendary birds and Lawrence's ship before falling unconscious into the sea. Ash also falls unconscious but is saved by the timely arrival of Misty. Misty and Tracey revive Ash, who leads the group back to the shrine. Ash inserts the final sphere into shrine, which shines brightly with the unison of the spheres. Melody plays Lugia's tune, which revives him and restores balance to the legendary birds. Lugia takes Ash and Pikachu for a fly with Articuno, Zapdos and Moltres beside them. Suddenly, a giant stream of water rises out of the ocean (the Beast of the Sea) and is tamed by the song. All the birds return to their homes and the Beast of the Sea vanishes into the ocean.
Lugia also departs, thanking Ash for his help. After Lugia has left, Delia, Oak and Ivy arrive, Delia scolding Ash for his recklessness but then asks him if he could visit her once in a while on his journey. Ash agrees to her question. Lawrence picks up a Mew Card from the wreckage of his ship, deciding he shall restart his collection on a smaller size. The film ends with Team Rocket appearing on Shamouti, having survived their sacrificial fall, lamenting about how nobody actually seeing them being heroes - but Slowking reveals to them that many people watched them and are right now. Slowking looks towards the screen, breaking the fourth wall, as do Team Rocket, who end the film discussing what they should do now since they seem to now be good.
- Ash
- Misty
- Tracey
- Jessie
- James
- Melody
- Lawrence III
- Professor Oak
- Delia Ketchum
- Professor Ivy
- Maren
- Carol
- Brock (cameo)
- Pikachu (Ash's)
- Meowth (Team Rocket)
- Togepi (Misty's)
- Bulbasaur (Ash's)
- Charizard (Ash's)
- Squirtle (Ash's)
- Lapras (Ash's)
- Snorlax (Ash's)
- Staryu (Misty's)
- Goldeen (Misty's)
- Psyduck (Misty's)
- Marill (Tracey's)
- Venonat (Tracey's)
- Scyther (Tracey's)
- Arbok (Jessie's)
- Weezing (James's)
- Mr. Mime (Delia's, Mimey)
- Zapdos (anime)
- Articuno (anime)
- Moltres (anime)
- Lugia (anime)
- Slowking
- A large number of cameos by Generation I Pokémon.
Movie guide
Character introductions
Pokémon debuts
出演 | |||||
Ash Ketchum | Veronica Taylor | Satoshi | Rica Matsumoto | サトシ | 松本梨香 |
Pikachu | Ikue Ohtani | Pikachu | Ikue Ohtani | ピカチュウ | 大谷育江 |
Misty | Rachael Lillis | Kasumi | Mayumi Iizuka | カスミ | 飯塚雅弓 |
Togepi | Satomi Kōrogi | Togepi | Satomi Kōrogi | トゲピー | こおろぎさとみ |
Tracey | Ted Lewis | Kenji | Tomokazu Seki | ケンジ | 関智一 |
Jessie | Rachael Lillis | Musashi | Megumi Hayashibara | ムサシ | 林原めぐみ |
James | Eric Stuart | Kojirō | Shin'ichirō Miki | コジロウ | 三木眞一郎 |
Meowth | Maddie Blaustein | Nyarth | Inuko Inuyama | ニャース | 犬山イヌコ |
Professor Oak | Stan Hart | Dr. Ōkido | Unshō Ishizuka | オーキド博士 | 石塚運昇 |
Delia Ketchum | Veronica Taylor | Hanako | Masami Toyoshima | ハナコ | 豊島まさみ |
Lawrence III | Neil Stuart | Jirarudan | Takeshi Kaga | ジラルダン | 鹿賀丈史 |
Slowking | Nathan Price | Yadoking | Masatoshi Hamada | ヤドキング | 濱田雅功 |
Lugia | Eric Rath | Lugia | Kōichi Yamadera | ルギア | 山寺宏一 |
Melody | Amy Birnbaum | Fleura | Akiko Hiramatsu | フルーラ | 平松晶子 |
Maren | Tara Jayne | Michiko | Kotono Mitsuishi | ミチコ | 三石琴乃 |
Moltres | Rikako Aikawa | Fire | Rikako Aikawa | ファイヤー | 愛河里花子 |
Articuno | Yumi Tōma | Freezer | Yumi Tōma | フリーザー | 冬馬由美 |
Zapdos | Katsuyuki Konishi | Thunder | Katsuyuki Konishi | サンダー | 小西克幸 |
Professor Ivy | Kayzie Rogers | Dr. Uchikido | Keiko Han | ウチキド博士 | 藩恵子 |
Narration | Ken Gates | Narration | Unshō Ishizuka | ナレーション | 石塚運昇 |
- The events of this movie happen between the episodes Charizard Chills and The Pokémon Water War, and premiered in Japan between those episodes.
- Delia Ketchum, Professor Oak, and Professor Ivy's first names were first revealed in this movie.
- Lawrence III's actions in this movie were set in motion due to an Ancient Mew card. This is also the only movie to feature a Pokémon card.
- Some of the Pokémon shown on the cover are never actually seen in the movie.
- On the front cover, it appears as if Ash's undershirt is white, but it's actually black/really dark green.
- Pikachu becomes the second Pokémon to steal Ash's hat after his Primeape in the film, and Ash behaves similarly to the way he did in Primeape Goes Bananas. However, when Latias steals his hat in Pokémon Heroes, Ash behaves in a more mature and friendly manner.
- If this movie is counted as part of the anime timeline, it must take place after Charizard Chills because Ash's Charizard obeys him in the movie and before Viva Las Lapras, because Ash still has Lapras. Since its events are referenced in The Mystery is History!, it is further possible that it is canonical. However, events in A Tents Situation (see below) might prove otherwise (though that doesn't necessarily mean it's not canon due to the fact that some episodes contradict past events).
- When Professor Oak is talking to Professor Ivy, the Pokémon TCG type symbols are shown as link buttons near the bottom of the screen.
- In this movie, Team Rocket uses a dub-only variation of their motto.
- This is also the only movie in which Team Rocket says a variation of the motto and one of the few in which they actually say a full motto.
- Three of the movies characters, Melody, Carol, and Maren, each share their Japanese voice actresses with one character from the anime, Sailor Moon. Melody's voice actress, Akiko Hiramatsu, voices the villain Calaveras in the Sailor Moon R arc. Carol's voice actress, Aya Hisakawa, voices Sailor Mercury. Maren's voice actress, Kotono Mitsuishi, voices Sailor Moon herself.
- Tracey meets Professor Oak and Delia at the end of the movie. However, in A Tents Situation, Tracey acts as if he never met them before.
- "And Tracey, it's nice to finally meet you." - Delia
- "He's really real!" - Tracey
- Ash could have given Professor Oak the GS Ball, which was the reason he went to the Orange Islands in the first place, but instead waits until he gets back to Pallet Town.
- When Melody and Misty first meet, Melody tells them what time the banquet is and then says "Oh, and Misty, try not to get jealous." However only Ash was introduced while Misty's and Tracey's names were never mentioned.
Dub edits
- The Japanese prophecy did not refer to Ash specifically, but only to an "exceptional Trainer".
- A portion of Professor Oak's explanation of what was causing the weather disturbance was cut. In it, Professor Oak theorized that life on earth was started by a chemical reaction that began when lightning struck volcanic seawater on the young planet, relating it to the elemental abilities of Zapdos, Moltres, and Articuno.
- When the Pokémon are attempting to free the legendary birds, ThunderShock, Water Gun, and Flamethrower are used simultaneously. Tracey's explanation, which was cut from the dub, is that "electricity, plus fire, plus water... electricity separates water into hydrogen and oxygen, which is then recombined using fire which means- Everybody get down!"
In other languages
- Dutch: Pokémon 2000: Op Eigen Kracht
- Chinese(HK): 利基亞爆誕
- Chinese(TW): 夢幻之神奇寶貝 洛奇亞爆誕
- Czech: Pokémon 2: Síla jednotlivce
- German: Pokémon 2 -Die Macht des Einzelnen
- Korean: 루기아의 탄생
- Polish: Pokémon 2 - Uwierz w Swoją Siłę
- European Portuguese: O Poder de Um
- Spanish: El Poder de Uno
- Finnish: Pokémon - Yhden voimalla/Pelastakaa maailma
- Brazilian Portuguese: Pokémon 2000: O Poder de Um
- Swedish: Pokémon 2000: Ensam är Stark
External links
- Pokémon: The Movie 2000 at IMDb
- Gekijô-ban poketto monsutâ: Maboroshi no pokemon: Rugia bakutan at IMDb