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Revision as of 19:56, 30 September 2006 by Dingbat (talk | contribs) (Synopsis)


Find Pikachu! Route 202!
First broadcast
Japan September 28, 2006
United States
English themes
Japanese themes
Opening None
Ending 君のそばで 〜ヒカリのテーマ〜
Animation Team Iguchi
Screenplay 冨岡淳広 Atsuhiro Tomioka
Storyboard 山田浩之 Hiroyuki Yamada
Assistant director 山田浩之 Hiroyuki Yamada
Animation director 新城真 Makoto Shinjō

(Japanese: ピカチュウをさがせ!202番道路! Find Pikachu! Route 202!) is the second episode of Diamond & Pearl. It is scheduled to air in Japan on September 28, 2006.

Hikari, who just recieved her Pochama, lays her sights on Kotobuki Town. A weakened Pikachu appears in front of her.

Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details.


Hikari and her new Pochama are relaxing in a field after their tiresome morning. A wild Mimiroru pops out of the grass. Hikari scans it with her Pokedex and is eager to capture it. Pochama attacks it with a Bubblebeam, but Mimiroru strikes back with a Tackle. Pochama is knocked out and Mimiroru bounces off Hikari's head and away.

Traveling through the forest on her bike, with Pochama in the basket, Hikari consoles it - they'll have better luck next time. Hikari then spots a Minomutchi hanging from a tree above and decides next time is now! Pochama attacks with another Bubblebeam but the Minomutchi drops from the tree, scaring it senseless. Hikari conforts Pochama and grabs a PokeBall. She is about to throw it but realises Minomutchi has gone. Hikari reassures Pochama that they will just have to try again later.

But Hikari and Pochama are stunned when a tired and injured Pikachu (Ash's), stumbles out of a hedge and collapses. Hikari scans it and sends Pochama into battle. Unfortunately Pochama attacks her. She tosses a PokeBall and Pikachu, but is stunned when Pikachu isn't pulled into the ball. Before she can question why, a Cacnea and Seviper lunge out of the bush, followed by a Meowth. Hikari is stunned to hear it talk - her Pokedex doesn't say it can. Jessie and James, with Wobbuffet and Mime Jr, also appear, thrilled to have finally caught Pikachu. Pikachu however, launches a Thunderbolt, barbecueing Team Rocket and Hikari's bike. Seviper, Cacnea and Dustox advance on Pikachu. Hikari, warning Team Rocket to leave it alone, asks who they are. Team Rocket say their motto. Pikachu cowers behind Hikari and she tells Pochama to attack. Seviper wraps itself around Pochama, squeezing it tight. Pochama attacks it with Bubblebeam, releasing its grip. Team Rocket won't give up and their Pokemon attack. Pikachu fires a Thunderbolt and Team Rocket are sent blasting off. It then collapses into Hikari's arms.

Hikari takes Pikachu to the Pokemon Centre, where Nurse Joy tells her it will be fine. She makes a video-phone call home to her mom, who watches in dismay as Hikari and Pochama argue and fight about who saved Pikachu. She then calls Professor Nanakamado to tell him her story.

Meanwhile in the forest, Ash has had Aipom in the trees looking for Pikachu, but there's no luck. Dejectedly, they both sit down when Officer Jenny rides past on her motorbike. She offers to give them a lift to Futaba Town, which Ash accepts.

At the lab, Ash tells the Professor that he has lost his Pikachu and the Professor realises it must be the same one Hikari found. He and Ash call the Pokemon Centre, where Ash is happy to learn his Pikachu is okay. He and Aipom set off right away.

Walking through the forest, Team Rocket come across an old mansion. James realises it's his old family mansion and Team Rocket have fun exploring the place. James is thrilled to have found his old collection of bottlecaps but there's also a PokeBall inside the chest. James releases the Pokemon, only to be stunned when a happy Masukippa emerges, biting down on his head. After a hearty meal made by the staff (and Meowth, Wobbuffet and Mime Jr playing a Hitmonchan vs Kangaskhan video game), James is sad that they will have to leave. Using the big screen, they contact Giovanni who is pleased that they are in Shinou. He offers them a promotion if they bring him back a Pokemon. Team Rocket cheer.

Hikari is back on the road with Pochama and Pikachu, and Ash is still making his way to the Pokemon Centre. A large truck pulls up alongside him and stops. The passenger seat opens and someone jumps out. It's Brock! After an exchange with the female driver, they are back in the forest looking for Pikachu. Aipom swings through the trees, accidentaly smashing into a Mukkuru. Ash scans it with his 'Dex. Ash is eager to capture it and pulls out a Pokeball but before he can throw it, Mukkuru whips up a Whirlwind. It then slams into Aipom with a Quick Attack, but Aipom fights back, knocking it back with Iron Tail. Ash throws the Pokeball and Mukkuru is captured! Ash looks at the ball, wondering if it was right to catch it. Brock assures him it's okay and he releases Mukkuru, telling it to find Pikachu. Mukkuru flys off into the distance as Ash and Brock follow it. Will Ash see Pikachu again?

Major events

  • Ash reaches Shin'ō, only to have his Pikachu taken away and lost by Team Rocket.
  • Hikari's attempt to catch Ash's Pikachu ends up with Pikachu destroying Hikari's bike.
  • Hikari meets and fights Team Rocket for the first time.
  • James retrieves his Masukippa that he had as a child.
  • Brock arrives at Shin'ō and meets up with Ash.
  • Ash captures a Mukkuru.







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