"Pokemon are much more than tools. They're companions, and if you are kind to them, they'll open their heart to you." -Professor Rowan
About Me
My Favorite Pokémon are as listed...
I love Lucario's strong determination and fighting spirit. It has strong will and will never give up to protect its friends.
I am very emotional, so when I saw this one, it had me.
I tend to not have much willpower over myself, but whenever the paths of right and wrong come before me, automatically I see Azelf.
I am pretty intelligent, and feel as though that intelligence came from Uxie.
It seems so clean and nature- oriented, which I love about a lot of things.
I've always thought this was the most beautiful Pokémon of all- (take that, Milotic!!)
It is just so mysterious and calm, I can't help but love this Pokémon
Many, many more...
Least Favorite Pokémon are as followed...
Those glassy eyes, that creepy grin, this little buttmunch is annoying as crap. I can't imagine having it as one of my Pokémon.
Just like Aipom, but bigger.
I hate bugs (except Wurmple, Silcoon, and Beautifly) by default, but this one blows me over the top. Ugly pest.
Favorite Characters are as followed (in order)...
Favorite Manga
Pokémon Special, Pokemon Diamond and Pearl Adventure
Favorite TV Shows
Pokémon, Avatar the Last Airbender, Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends
More to come later...