Cinnabar Lab

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This article is about the Dr. Fuji's laboratory located in Cinnabar Island. For Professor Oak's lab, see Professor Oak's Laboratory.

The Pokémon Lab is a laboratory located on Cinnabar Island. It was founded by Dr. Fuji and appears in the Generation I games and their remakes.

In the games

The Pokémon Lab, as seen in FireRed.

The first room of the Pokémon Lab has two people who will offer to trade Pokémon. In Pokémon Red and Blue and Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen, the old man will offer his Electrode for a Raichu, and the girl will want to trade her Tangela for a Venonat. In Pokémon Yellow, Rhydon and Dewgong can be traded for Golduck and Growlithe respectively.

In the second room, there is a man who will teach Metronome once to one of the player's Pokémon. In Generation I, he gives away the TM containing Metronome, TM35.

In the third room, there is a scientist who will revive the fossils the player obtained at Mt. Moon and from the Pewter City Museum. There is also a third in-game trade: Seel for a Ponyta in Red, Blue, FireRed and LeafGreen, and Muk for Kangaskhan in Yellow.

A Pokémon Report found in Silph Co. states that Pokémon Lab is the creator of Porygon.

In the anime

The Pokémon Lab, as seen in EP058.

When Ash and friends arrived on Cinnabar Island in Riddle Me This, they had planned to visit the Pokémon Lab. However, Team Rocket stole all of the Pokémon in it. Ash helped save them and sent the trio blasting off.

In Pokémon Special

In Holy Moltres, Red was sent by Blaine to revive the Old Amber that he received from Giovanni in PS023. Red managed to revive an Aerodactyl.
