Lickitung has soft, pink skin with circular yellow markings on its belly and a thick, powerful tail. It has small, beady eyes. The most famous feature Lickitung possesses is a long prehensile tongue, which it uses to manipulate objects and possibly to consume them, aside from being very receptive to all sorts of tastes, it is also very dexterous. The tongue is very likely connected to its huge tail, as when it is extended, the tail quivers.
Gender differences
Special abilities
Licks from its 6' 6" long tongue can paralyze foes. Its saliva is gooey and sticks to everything.
These Pokémon appear to be, like Slowpoke, rather easygoing and almost dopey, Hence having Own Tempo and Oblivious as abilities. They also like to lick things they come across, but get put-off by some sour substances. They do not mean harm when they lick people for food traces.
Whenever Lickitung comes across something new, it will unfailingly give it a lick. It does so because it memorizes things by texture and by taste. It is somewhat put off by sour things.
Whenever Lickitung comes across something new, it will unfailingly give it a lick. It does so because it memorizes things by texture and by taste. It is somewhat put off by sour things.
Whenever it sees something unfamiliar, it always licks the object because it memorizes things by texture and taste. It is somewhat put off by sour things.
|- style="background:#C1C2C1"
| colspan="13" | Bold indicates a move that gets STAB Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only from an Evolution of this Pokémon A colored initial indicates that the move is not available to be tutored in this game, while a colored background indicates that the move is available.
The only sprite that shows Lickitung without its tongue out is in Pokémon Emerald, and even then, its tongue is only in its mouth in one frame of animation. This is in deep contrast to Golbat, who, though its mouth is wide open, only has its tongue showing in one sprite.
Its Red/Blue and LeafGreen Pokédex data compares Lickitung's extensible tongue to that of a chameleon, a real-world lizard. Charmeleon is also based on a chameleon, but does not have a notably long tongue.
All of Lickitung's back sprites show Lickitung with its arms up.
It may have been based on any number of lizards with extending tongues, commonly the blue-tongued lizard. It also shares traits with anteaters.
Lickitung could also be an Iguanodon with some similar characteristics, including a long tongue.
Name origin
Lickitung's name is a combination and corruption of lick and tongue. The bero in Beroringa may be derived from ベロ bero, tongue, べろべろ, berobero, an onomatopoeia for a licking sound, or べろべろ嘗める beroberonameru, to lick up with one's tongue. Ringer is most likely derived from English ring, referring to the patterns on its body. It is also possible that ringa is a corruption of the English word lingua, which refers to a tongue or an organ resembling a tongue [1].
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.