Hey. This is the user page of Diakia. I'm an aspiring Bulbapedian editor for Bulbapedia. If you know someone I am able to contact please send me a message with who I may contact for this.
With that said, feel free to sign anywhere you want in the top of this page.
My English ss planned pokémon
1st capture- Sentret
2nd- Ledyba
3rd- Hoothoot
4th- Spinarak
5th- Mareep
6th- Weedle
7th- Krabby
8th- Ditto
9th- Slowpoke(post-surf n fly)
10th- Nidoran♂
11th- Snubbull
12th- Pidgeotto
13th- Sunkern
14th- Venonat
15th- Scyther
16th- Koffing
17th- Magmar
18th- Zubat
19th- Krabby
20th- Chinchou
21st- Tentacruel
22nd- Seel
23rd- Seadra
24th- Lugia
25th- Machop
26th- Tyrogue
27th- Gyarados
28th- Red Gyarados
29th- Weepinbell
30th- Lickitung
31st- Skarmory
32nd- Phanpy
33rd- Swinub
34th- Delibird
35th- Jynx
36th- Dratini
Team for Elite Four
Typhlosion lv. 48
- Flame Wheel
- Flamethrower
- Rollout
- Lava Plume
Noctowl lv. 46
- Hypnosis
- Fly
- Air Slash
- Dream Eater(possible)
Nidoking lv. 47
- Earthquake
- Earth Power
- Sludge Bomb
- Poison Jab
Red Gyarados lv. 45
- Surf
- Ice Fang
- Rain Dance
- Hydro Pump
Ampharos lv. 46
- Thunder Punch
- Discharge
- Thunder
- Rain Dance
Dewgong lv. 47
- Ice Beam
- Ice Shard
- Brine
- Aqua Jet
Final Group of Johto Evolutions
- pokémon are subject to change