Ash's Swellow
Swellow (Japanese: オオスバメ Ohsubame) was the first Pokémon caught by Ash during his travels through Hoenn. Its voice actor in Japanese is Unshō Ishizuka (Natsuki Yoshiwara when it was Taillow), and it has not yet appeared in the English version.
Taillow was caught in the episode You Can Never Taillow! after it stole May's chocolate and challenged Pikachu to a battle. Taillow evolved into Swellow in the episode Beginning Challenge! Sky Match - PokéRinger! after progressing to the final round in a PokéRinger tournament. It was up against James and Jessie's Dustox, and evolved at the last second to fly to victory. Several episodes later, in Fortree Gym! Battle in the Sky!, Swellow defeated Winona's Swellow despite Winona's Swellow using more powerful attacks. After this victory, Ash became determined to teach his Swellow the powerful flying move Aerial Ace, which was used by Winona's Swellow.
Attacks Used
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For more information on this Pokémon's species, see Swellow.