Walkthrough:Pokémon Red and Blue/Part 9
Celadon City
Celadon City is the second-largest city in the region, and it's got plenty going on to live up to the hype! The Celadon Department Store is a must-see for any Pokémon Trainer, since practically anything a Trainer could want is on sale here. The Celadon Mansion is a hotel-of-sorts, and the current tenants are none other than Game Freak, the team that developed Pokémon! The Game Corner houses the slot machines, and those coins can be redeemed for valuable prizes in the Prize Corner next door. Aside from all of this, Celadon is also home to the Celadon Gym, nestled on a ledge in the southwest.
Celadon Mansion
The tall building in the north of town is Celadon Mansion. Game Freak's team leader (on the third floor) promises a reward if you show him your completed Pokédex, and you can get a new addition right now. Leave the Mansion and follow the path behind the Poké Center, and you'll find a break in the trees where you can sneak in the Mansion's back door. Take the stairs to the top floor (make sure you've got an empty slot in your party), and you'll find an Eevee! There's only one in the game, so don't miss out! Eevee is an extremely versatile creature, since it can evolve into one of three different forms. It evolves when it encounters the radiation from a Water Stone, Thunder Stone, or Fire Stone; using these stones results in either a Vaporeon, Jolteon, or a Flareon. You can buy these stones in the Dept. Store, and any of those three evolutions will make a powerful addition to your team, especially since they can cover the weaknesses of your starter's final form!
Rockets again?!
If you haven't noticed by now, there are two Rocket grunts wandering the city. It looks like Team Rocket has something planned for Celadon... Stop by the café in the south of town (the building with the Rocket grunt outside), and talk to the guy in the top-left corner. He lost all his money at the slots, so he doesn't need his Coin Case anymore, and hands it over. Now you can start collecting coins for those rare prizes! Next door to the café is an operation that is shipping 2000 Pokémon every month to the Game Corner as slot prizes. Those kind of numbers mean big money, and that's got Team Rocket written all over it! They're up to something, and as one of the workers points out, it surely has nothing to do with a hidden switch behind a poster in the Game Corner. Since you're headed there anyway, why not indulge in some gambling? Who knows, you might get lucky!
Celadon Department Store
This is one massive store! Talk to every clerk behind every counter to view the entire selection, you may even get a free sample!
2nd floor
Left clerk:
Item | Price |
Great Ball | $600 |
Super Potion | $700 |
Revive | $1500 |
Super Repel | $500 |
Antidote | $100 |
Burn Heal | $250 |
Ice Heal | $250 |
Awakening | $200 |
Parlyz Heal | $200 |
Right clerk:
Item | Price |
TM32 (Double Team) | $1000 |
TM33 (Reflect) | $1000 |
TM02 (Razor Wind) | $2000 |
TM07 (Horn Drill) | $2000 |
TM37 (Egg Bomb) | $2000 |
TM01 (Mega Punch) | $3000 |
TM05 (Mega Kick) | $3000 |
TM09 (Take Down) | $3000 |
TM17 (Submission) | $3000 |
3rd floor
There's nothing for sale on the third floor, but you can get TM18 (Counter) by talking to the clerk.
4th floor
If you're looking for the evolution stones, you've come to the right place! Pick up a Water, Thunder, or Fire Stone for your new Eevee, and grab a Poké Doll while you're here. The doll may not sound like much, but it will be important in Saffron City a little later.
Item | Price |
Poké Doll | $1000 |
Fire Stone | $2100 |
Thunder Stone | $2100 |
Water Stone | $2100 |
Leaf Stone | $2100 |
5th floor
Left clerk:
Item | Price |
X Accuracy | $950 |
Guard Spec. | $700 |
Dire Hit | $650 |
X Attack | $500 |
X Defend | $550 |
X Speed | $350 |
X Special | $350 |
Right clerk:
Item | Price |
HP Up | $9800 |
Protein | $9800 |
Iron | $9800 |
Carbos | $9800 |
Calcium | $9800 |
Rooftop Square
Make sure to check out the vending machines. Each machine dispenses Fresh Water for $200, Soda Pop for $300, and Lemonade for $350. Buy one of each drink to give to the little girl nearby; give her a Fresh Water for TM13 (Ice Beam), a Soda Pop for TM48 (Rock Slide), and a Lemonade to get TM49 (Tri Attack). Buy one extra drink for the guards at the Saffron City guardhouses, and stock up on Lemonade! Like the other drinks, Lemonade can restore your Pokémon's health, but Lemonade is the most potent. It restores 80 HP, while a Super Potion only restores 50 HP!
Game Corner
At first glance, everything looks normal here. People are relaxed, having fun at the slot machines, but there's something unsettling about the guy glaring at the poster... As soon as you approach him, he battles you (like you couldn't see that coming).
Name | Pokémon | Winnings |
Rocket | Lv 20 Raticate, Lv 20 Zubat | $600 |
All the prizes here are offered at extremely high prices, so you're going to need a huge supply of coins to get everything! You can find a few on the ground, and talking to the other gamblers gets you some more. Besides that, you can either buy them (50 coins for $1000) or play the slots. Some prizes, like Dratini, are extremely rare, while others (like Porygon) are one-of-a-kind. You'll definitely be back here, so now let's head to the Gym. To get there, head back to the café in the south of town, and cut down the tree blocking the way.
Prize | Exchanged for |
Abra | 180 coins (Red) / 120 coins (Blue) |
Clefairy | 500 coins (Red) / 750 coins (Blue) |
Nidorina (Red) / Nidorino (Blue) | 1200 coins |
Dratini | 2800 coins (Red) / 4600 coins (Blue) |
Scyther (Red only) | 5500 coins |
Pinsir (Blue only) | 2500 coins |
Porygon | 9999 coins (Red) / 6500 coins (Blue) |
TM23 (Dragon Rage) | 3300 coins |
TM15 (Hyper Beam) | 5500 coins |
TM50 (Substitute) | 7700 coins |
Celadon Gym
The Nature Loving Princess!
Here it is, Gym #4. Erika's Gym is one of the easiest to defeat, since her Grass-types have so many weaknesses. Fire- and Flying-types are your strongest battlers here, though your own Grass-types are relatively immune to her attacks. If you've used TM13 already, Ice Beam is a definite help here, too.
Name | Pokémon | Winnings |
Lass | Lv 23 Bellsprout, Lv 23 Weepinbell | $345 |
Beauty | Lv 21 Oddish, Lv 21 Bellsprout, Lv 21 Oddish, Lv 21 Bellsprout | $1470 |
Beauty | Lv 24 Bellsprout, Lv 24 Bellsprout | $1680 |
Jr. Trainer♀ | Lv 24 Bulbasaur, Lv 24 Ivysaur | $480 |
Cooltrainer♀ | Lv 24 Weepinbell, Lv 24 Gloom, Lv 24 Ivysaur | $840 |
Lass | Lv 23 Oddish, Lv 23 Gloom | $345 |
Beauty | Lv 26 Exeggcute | $1820 |
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Defeating the Celadon Gym earns you the Rainbow Badge, which lets you command all Pokémon at Lv 50 or less without question, and use Strength outside of battle (after finding HM04). Erika also gives you TM21 (Mega Drain), a Grass-type move that damages the opponent and restores your health. With the Gym defeated, it's time to infiltrate Team Rocket's Celadon operation! If you haven't already, examine the poster in the Game Corner, which reveals a set of stairs nearby, and descend into their hideout.
Rocket Hideout
Your sleuthing skills has gotten you into the middle of Team Rocket's operation, headed by a shadowy figure known as Giovanni. This mob boss is in possession of the Silph Scope prototype which can identify the ghosts back in Pokémon Tower. Make sure he doesn't escape!
B1F (northern area):
Name | Pokémon | Winnings |
Rocket | Lv 21 Drowzee, Lv 21 Machop | $630 |
Rocket | Lv 21 Raticate, Lv 21 Raticate | $630 |
Item | Location |
Escape Rope | West room |
The key to confronting Giovanni in his office is exactly that - a key. The Lift Key that operates the elevator is on the fourth floor below the Game Corner.
Name | Pokémon | Winnings |
Rocket | Lv 17 Zubat, Lv 17 Koffing, Lv 17 Grimer, Lv 17 Zubat, Lv 17 Raticate |
$510 |
Item | Location |
Nugget | Along the north wall |
Moon Stone | Along the west wall |
TM07 (Horn Drill) | Northwest area of the maze |
Super Potion | Southwest area of the maze |
Once you've collected the items here, you can take the southern stairs up to the first floor, where you'll find a Hyper Potion and two more Rocket grunts waiting for you.
B1F (southern area):
Name | Pokémon | Winnings |
Rocket | Lv 19 Rattata, Lv 19 Raticate, Lv 19 Raticate, Lv 19 Rattata | $570 |
Rocket | Lv 20 Grimer, Lv 20 Koffing, Lv 20 Koffing | $600 |
Backtrack to the stairs, work your way through the maze again, and take the northern stairs down to the 3rd basement floor.
Name | Pokémon | Winnings |
Rocket | Lv 21 Machop, Lv 21 Machop | $630 |
Rocket | Lv 20 Rattata, Lv 20 Raticate, Lv 20 Drowzee | $600 |
Item | Location |
TM10 (Double-Edge) | Eastern room |
Rare Candy | Eastern area of the maze |
Beat the two Rocket grunts here, work your way through the maze, and take the stairs in the center of the room down to the fourth floor.
4th floor:
Name | Pokémon | Winnings |
Rocket | Lv 21 Koffing, Lv 21 Zubat | $630 |
By walking south, you'll find an HP Up on a table. Get back to the stairs, and head north to find another grunt. Grab TM02 (Razor Wind) from the other side of the table, and take out the Rocket. Talk to him after the battle, and he'll drop the Lift Key. Make your way back to the 2nd floor, spin through the maze again, and enter the elevator in the southeast corner. Take it to the 4th floor, grab the Iron from the table in the southwest, beat the two guards outside Giovanni's office, and step inside to confront the mob boss.
Giovanni's guards:
Name | Pokémon | Winnings |
Rocket | Lv 23 Sandshrew, Lv 23 Ekans, Lv 23 Sandslash | $690 |
Rocket | Lv 23 Ekans, Lv 23 Sandshrew, Lv 23 Arbok | $690 |
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After the battle, pick up the Silph Scope that he dropped. You can finally battle the ghosts in Pokémon Tower!
Take the elevator to the 1st floor, and beat the Rocket on the way out:
Name | Pokémon | Winnings |
Rocket | Lv 22 Grimer, Lv 22 Koffing | $660 |
Hit the Poké Center if needed, and make sure you've got an extra drink, and go east to Route 7. Step into the guardhouse and you will be stopped by the guard. You'll automatically give him the drink, and since he'll share it with the other 3 guards, you can now come and go through Saffron City whenever you want! You may want to stop in the Saffron Poké Mart and grab a Max Repel or two in preparation for the haunted tower. Just ignore the rest of the city for now (including the Rocket grunts hanging around...), and continue east until you return to Lavender Town.
Lavender Town
Pokémon Tower
The Ghost-types here are totally immune to Normal and Fighting moves, so most of your Pokémon will be useless here. Anything that can dig, and anything with a strong Psychic-type attack, like Kadabra or Drowzee, are good to bring with you. If you don't want to deal with the random encounters, just spray on the Max Repel (after you catch a Gastly, of course).
Rival battle #5 (2nd floor):
If the player chose Bulbasaur: Template:PartyHeader Template:PartyBody13 Template:PartyDiv Template:PartyBody12 Template:PartyFooter
If the player chose Charmander: Template:PartyHeader Template:PartyBody13 Template:PartyDiv Template:PartyBody12 Template:PartyFooter
If the player chose Squirtle: Template:PartyHeader Template:PartyBody13 Template:PartyDiv Template:PartyBody12 Template:PartyFooter
3rd floor:
Name | Pokémon | Winnings |
Channeler | Lv 23 Gastly | $690 |
Channeler | Lv 22 Gastly | $660 |
Channeler | Lv 24 Gastly | $720 |
4th floor:
Name | Pokémon | Winnings |
Channeler | Lv 23 Gastly, Lv 23 Gastly | $690 |
Channeler | Lv 22 Gastly | $660 |
Channeler | Lv 24 Gastly | $720 |
Item | Location |
Elixir | Near the stairs from 3F |
Awakening | Middle of the room |
HP Up | Along the south wall |
5th floor:
Name | Pokémon | Winnings |
Channeler | Lv 22 Gastly | $660 |
Channeler | Lv 23 Haunter | $690 |
Channeler | Lv 24 Gastly | $720 |
Channeler | Lv 22 Haunter | $660 |
Item | Location |
Nugget | Southwest corner |
There is a Channeler in the middle of this floor that hasn't been possessed, and she maintains a healing area with her white magic. This protected zone will fully heal every Pokémon in your team, restoring health and eliminating any status problems.
6th floor:
Name | Pokémon | Winnings |
Channeler | Lv 22 Gastly, Lv 22 Gastly, Lv 22 Gastly | $660 |
Channeler | Lv 24 Gastly | $720 |
Channeler | Lv 24 Gastly | $720 |
Channeler | Lv |
Item | Location |
X Accuracy | Southeast corner |
Rare Candy | Near the western wall |
As you approach the stairs to the top floor, the ghost attacks, and the Silph Scope activates, revealing... a Lv 30 Marowak! This may look like a great addition to your team, but this spirit can't be caught, so all you can do is defeat it. Once the battle is over, the mother Marowak's spirit is calmed, and departs to the afterlife, finally able to rest in peace. Take the stairs to the top floor, right into a group of Rockets!
7th floor:
Name | Pokémon | Winnings |
Rocket | Lv 25 Zubat, Lv 25 Zubat, Lv 25 Golbat | $750 |
Rocket | Lv 26 Koffing, Lv 26 Drowzee | $780 |
Rocket | Lv 23 Zubat, Lv 23 Rattata, Lv 23 Raticate, Lv 23 Zubat | $690 |
After the grunts run off, talk to Mr. Fuji and he'll take you to his home at the foot of the tower.
Mr. Fuji's house
Speak with him again and he'll give you the Poké Flute, an item that instantly awakens any sleeping Pokémon. It also awakens the Snorlax near Celadon City, and the Snorlax south of Lavender Town. Now, head back to Saffron City.