Corsola is a small, pink, roundish Pokémon with branch-like growths on its back. It has a white underside with four stubby legs. Corsola also has a pair of pink, stubby arms. Corsola's face appears to resemble Chansey's.
Gender differences
Special abilities
Corsola are known to have great regenerative powers. Unlike real coral which can take years to grow, if any of their horns are broken, it can grow back in as little as a single night. However, in order for this to function properly, they need clean ocean water, they cannot survive in polluted water.
Corsola is somewhat of a defensive Pokémon. It is capable of using self-healing attacks such as Recover and Aqua Ring. Corsola is also capable of a few stat-boosting moves such as Barrier, Calm Mind and Amnesia. Corsola is one of the few Pokémon that can learn Power Gem and also learns some Template:Type2 moves, such as Earth Power.
Corsola often have a plucky, cheerful disposition and often form large social groups in their habitats. Occasionally these groups get so large that people may live atop them - as is the case in Pacifidlog Town. Although they gear towards the defensive side of battling, Corsola usually show a cheerful determination and are prepared to do the best that they can.
Corsola's branches glitter very beautifully in seven colors when they catch sunlight. If any branch breaks off, this Pokémon grows it back in just one night.
Clusters of Corsola congregate in warm seas where they serve as ideal hiding places for smaller Pokémon. When the Water temperature falls, this Pokémon migrates to the southern seas.
|- style="background:#74ACF5"
| colspan="13" | Bold indicates a move that gets STAB Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only from an Evolution of this Pokémon A colored initial indicates that the move is not available to be tutored in this game, while a colored background indicates that the move is available.
Corsola is the only non-Grass Pokémon to learn Ingrain. This may be due to the fact that corals are often rooted to a single spot and grow like plants.
Corsola's Generation III back sprite has more in common with its Generation IV back sprite than its Generation II back sprite. Normally, this is the other way around.
Corsola's name may be a combination of coral and sole, a piece of coral, or solar. Its Japanese appears to be a combination of sunny and 珊瑚 sango, coral.
In other languages
German: Corasonn - From Koralle (coral) and Sonne (sun).
French: Corayon - From corail (coral) and rayon (ray). May also be a pun on crayon.
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.