Miracle Cycle

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Miracle Cycle ミラクルサイクル
Miracle Cycle
"Wild Missingno. appeared!"
File:Miracle Cycle.png
Map description: {{{mapdesc}}}
Location: Cerulean City, Goldenrod City
Region: Kanto
Generations: I, II, III
File:Cerulean City.png
Location of Miracle Cycle in Kanto.
Pokémon world locations

Miracle Cycle (Japanese: ミラクルサイクル Miracle Cycle) is the best producer of bicycles in Kanto and Johto. They were initially located in Cerulean City, however in three years of produced, they moved to Goldenrod City where they had trouble with business at first, but began to gain popularity after a while.

Rydel's Cycles, the bike shop in Hoenn, is not related to Miracle Cycle, nor is Rad Rickshaw's Cycle Shop in Sinnoh.

In the games

Generation I and III

File:Fahrradladen FRBG.png
Miracle Cycle in Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen

The Bike Shop in Cerulean City belongs to Miracle Cycle and sells Bicycles produced by this company from a plain city bike to fast MTB. In Generation I, the Bicycle can be bought for 1,000,000 Pokémon Dollars or for a Bike Voucher.

The player first encounters the Miracle Cycle shop when they enter Cerulean City, however there is no way to buy a bicycle, because it is impossible, as the game's money is limited to $999,999. The player can obtain their Bicycle from the Cerulean Miracle Cycle shop using a Bike Voucher obtained from the Pokémon Fan Club Chairman in Vermilion City.

In the English versions of Pokémon games, the Miracle Cycle Shops are called just "Bike Shops" and no mention of Miracle Cycle is made at all.

Generation II

The lone Bike Shop in Johto is located in an isolated neighborhood in east Goldenrod, where his business don't seem to be doing good. The owner of the shop moved his business from Cerulean City to Goldenrod in between Generation I and Generation II.

Gold or Kris obtained their Bicycle from the Goldenrod Miracle Cycle shop for free. It was initially for a temporary time, but they were allowed to keep it as riding it around increased the number of customers.

In the manga

Miracle Cycle also exists in Pokémon Special manga.

It was first mentioned by the Tripokémon Bike race organizer as the sponsor of the race. This mention was not removed from Viz's English translation of the manga.

Whitney owns a Miracle Cycle Bike which she used in the Johto saga in a race against Gold. The race was designed as a promotion for the bikes but Gold adapted his into a scooter.