The Lonely Snover! (Japanese: さびしがりやのユキカブリ!The Lonely Yukikaburi!) is the 121st episode of the Diamond & Pearl series, and the 587th episode of the Pokémon anime. It first aired in Japan on April 2, 2009, as part of a one-hour special along with DP122 and in the United States on August 22, 2009.
Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details.
Template:Incomplete synopsis
Taking a break, the gang encounter a lost Snover. Ash, Dawn and Brock decide to help return Snover to its owner, but Team Rocket have ambitions for it...
Much like Here's Looking at You, Elekid before it, this episode begins a new era for the Pokémon anime, as it switches from a 4:3 aspect ratio to a widescreen 16:9 aspect ratio, while broadcasting in high-definition for the first time.
However, Cartoon Network's standard definition feed still aired the episode in a 4:3 aspect ratio.
As a result, this is the second episode to feature a running change in an active dub opening, after Once in a Mawile's running change to Unbeatable.
A new title card is introduced. It features the SinnohGymBadgesAsh currently has and ContestRibbonsDawn earned. It also features the silhouettes of Dialga and Palkia, with the Notched-ear Pichu under the title. The Pichu was for a Japanese contest only so she did not appear in the dub version's title card.
The new eyecatches are introduced. This time, Ash was positioned at the center for the first eyecatch and Dawn was positioned at the center of the second eyecatch. Previously, Dawn was at the center of the eyecatches. In addition, a quiz in Japan was introduced where residents from Japan had to answer where the Notched-ear Pichu appeared in.
The font used for the "To be continued" text at the end of the episode has been changed, after being the same since EP001.