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旅の終わり、そして旅のはじまり! End of a Journey, and Start of a Journey!
First broadcast
September 14, 2006
United States
English themes
Japanese themes
(Japanese: 旅の終わり、そして旅のはじまり! End of a Journey, and Then the Start of a Journey! ) is the 191st and final episode of the Advanced Generation series. It was first broadcast in Japan on September 14, 2006.
Ash returns to Pallet Town , ready for his new adventures in Sinnoh . However upon his return he meets Gary and it's time for a Pokémon battle! But with Gary using a Pokémon Ash has never seen before, how can Ash win?
Major events
Ash and May tie in the final round of the Pokémon Contest.
Both are declared to be the winners, without a sudden-death tiebreaker round.
As there is only one medal, Ash and May decide to split the medal in half and take one each.
May decides to go to Johto alone.
Max returns to Petalburg City .
Brock returns to Pewter City .
Ash returns to Pallet Town before setting off again.
Gary 's Erekiburu defeats Ash's Pikachu .
Gary returns to Sinnoh shortly thereafter, and then Ash sets off the next day.
Ash recieves a new Pokédex from Professor Oak .
Ash leaves behind all his Pokémon except Pikachu; however Aipom stows away on the ship.
Team Rocket follow Ash to Sinnoh by clinging on to the hull of the boat.
File:Next time... A new beginning!.jpg Next time... A new beginning!
The screenplay is by 園田英樹 Hideki Sonoda , who is the screenwriter for the Pokémon movies .
The storyboard is by 日高政光 Masamitsu Hidaka , who was the former director for the Pokémon anime.
The (assisant) director is 浅田裕二 Yūji Asada , who usually also handles the storyboard; as assistant director, he has handled the most of any person.
The instrumental version of 小さきもの A Small Thing from Jirachi: Wish Maker is used as background music.
前向きロケット団! Face Forward Team Rocket! and an alternate cut of めざせポケモンマスター2001 Aim to be a Pokémon Master 2001 are also used as background music.
The usual To be continued is omitted and replaced with Next time... A new beginning! .
The preview for DP001 is narrated by the Pokémon Sunday narrator 木村匡也 Kyōya Kimura .
Dub edits
In other languages