Talk:Dawn (game)

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Revision as of 09:39, 26 November 2006 by Maxim (talk | contribs) (Talk:Hikari (game) moved to Talk:Pearl (game): Her default name is Pearl see talk page for details. If you don't agree find the good point and post it in talk page before moving!)

She is supposed to be named Pearl. The default name for female DP Character is Pearl! Fans didn't call her Pearl for no reason. "Hikari" is one of optional names like "Ash" for Red or "Hiro" for Gold. Brendan and May are named Brendan and May not Ruby and Sapphire because they weren't named Ruby and Sapphire in the game. In the game default names for them were Brendan and May. But in D/P characters are named after game (Daiya and Pearl). The names that come from Game Editions are considered as default. No one calls Red Ash. So, why do we call Pearl Hikari? D/P continues to name characters after game!