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Hi. I understand you're still fairly new, but Bulbapedia:talk pages are meant for discussing the article, not the subject of the article. I'm particularly talking about this edit. A better place to ask would be at the Bulbagarden forums. This is where general discussion like remakes for RSE needs to go. Thanks for reading over this. — THE TROM — 23:20, 18 February 2009 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 28 July 20091 comment1 person in discussion
You're renamed. Make a userpage, change your signature to something more stand-outty, and reunify your accounts on BA and BN. TTEchidna04:29, 28 July 2009 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 30 July 20092 comments2 people in discussion
I noticed you have been editing the User: namespace a lot recently. You may not be aware of this, but Bulbapedia has a Userspace policy that asks users to try and minimize the number of userspace edits they make in a short period of time. Instead of making multiple edits, why not use the Preview button (Alt + Shift + P) located right next to the edit button to look at your page and see how it is coming? That way, your page can look great while staying within the required amount of edits. Instead of editing the userspace, as a wiki, we encourage users to edit the mainspace. So, if you edit the mainspace more often, you will be allowed to edit the userspace more. Thanks! --- Kogoro|Talk to me - 04:27, 30 July 2009 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 30 August 20091 comment1 person in discussion
I noticed you have been editing the User: namespace a lot recently. You may not be aware of this, but Bulbapedia has a Userspace policy that asks users to try and minimize the number of userspace edits they make in a short period of time. Instead of making multiple edits, why not use the Preview button (Alt + Shift + P) located right next to the edit button to look at your page and see how it is coming? That way, your page can look great while staying within the required amount of edits. Instead of editing the userspace, as a wiki, we encourage users to edit the mainspace. So, if you edit the mainspace more often, you will be allowed to edit the userspace more. Thanks! ----DarkICE (User:Cold)(page, talk)20:24, 30 August 2009 (UTC)Reply
Uh... sorry for that. I was waiting for you to edit but you've lasted some time, so I went and edited it for myself. I thought it would had no difference. By the way, sorry again. -- RikkiKitsune04:01, 12 September 2009 (UTC)Reply