Talk:Shadow move
??? type, No type, or Shadow type?
Are these moves really ??? type? In the game, they don't have any type symbol at all, rather than having a ??? type symbol... I think they should be listed as having "No type", or at least being "Shadow type" (especially for moves from XD which can actually be super-effective or not very effective.) --Kayube 02:08, 17 June 2007 (UTC)
From Unknown type: "The ???-type does not run exclusively off of the Pokémon's attack stat or special attack stat. This differs from one attack to another." Can someone possibly add which attacks affect which stats on each page? And I also second what Kayube said --Manga-in-a-bottle 11:44, 5 November 2007 (UTC)
Do Shadow Pokémon receive a Same Type Attack Bonus when using a Shadow-type move? Raylax 08:03, 7 August 2009 (UTC)
Category of Shadow Blast
Are we sure that Shadow Blast is of type "Special" in Gale of Darkness? I've been playing around with it and it certainly seems to be a Physical attack. It hurts a Shadow Chansey a *lot* more than Shadow Lapras. It does more damage after opponents have been with with Shadow Down. And "X DEFENSE" lowers the damage it does.
I can't compare against Colosseum; maybe it was Special there and Physical in XD? Machinedramon 20:04, 12 September 2009 (UTC) Shadow Blast wasn't in Colosseum, just Shadow Rush. I agree though; it does seem to be Physical. Maybe it's a Physical attack that doesn't make physical contact, like Hyper Beam. --Raylax 20:17, 12 September 2009 (UTC)