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Union Road (Japanese: ユニオンかいどう Union Highway) is a location in Pokémon Ranger: Shadows of Almia.
These are the quests which can be found on Union Road:
Cherrim, Cherrim, Come to Us♪
Ghost Defense
Bring us a Cherrim.♪ Pretty please?♪ Real ones should be on a cliff.♪ Yes, high up on Peril Cliffs.♪ That's where ♪ they are.♪
Energy Plus
On the road to Chroma Highlands, a Vespiquen and her sidekicks are buzzing around out of control. It's all my fault. I made them furious. Sorry, but can you go settle them down?
That poor Shieldon got stuck on Peril Cliffs while trying to get down. Please, Ranger, you have to help that little Shieldon out!