Dawn's Ambipom

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File:Ash aipom.jpg
Ash's Aipom

Ash's Aipom (Japanese: サトシのエイパム Satoshi's Eipam) is the only Pokémon to be captured by Ash Ketchum in Pokémon: Battle Frontier; she was captured on the Indigo Plateau. She is voiced by 伊東みやこ Miyako Itō.

Aipom was first seen in Slaking Kong, worshipping a giant, mechanical Slaking. However, she also stole Ash's hat. She reappeared in May, We Harley Drew'd Ya!, stealing the hats of the participants before making off with Ash's hat again. In Channeling the Battle Zone, Ash finally captured her.

In Aipom and Circumstance, Aipom became jealous of Ash's Pikachu's closeness to Ash. She also seems to have a certain penchant for headwear; aside from taking Ash's and other participants' hats, she wore a daisy chain on her head and put on a ceremonial crown she had trouble getting rid of. Aipom's gender was confirmed in the Japanese dialogue of Aipom and Circumstance. While Aipom was nearby gathering flowers, May said, 「エイパムやっぱり女の子ね?」 Aipom is a girl after all, isn't she?

Aipom, when out of her Poké Ball, usually sits on Ash's left shoulder, as opposed to Pikachu sitting on his right shoulder.

In AG184, Aipom battled against a Weavile that had been kicked out of its clan. However, the Weavile easily outmatched her and defeated her so badly she had to recover with a nearby Pokémon forest ranger.

In order to bring back Torkoal to battle Brandon's Registeel, Ash sent Aipom to Professor Oak; she had quite a bit of trouble adjusting to the new environment and lack of Ash. However, after Ash's second defeat, Aipom returned.

When Ash left for Sinnoh, leaving all his Pokémon but Pikachu behind as he did when leaving for Hoenn, Aipom snuck aboard the boat he was traveling on to accompany him on his new journey.

In DP003, Aipom defeated Shinji's Hikozaru in battle.

Attacks used

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For more information on this Pokémon's species, see Aipom.