User talk:TTEchidna/Archive Oct 09

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
Revision as of 21:56, 2 October 2009 by Kimori-Hinoarashi (talk | contribs) (Usertags: new section)

Latest comment: 2 October 2009 by CuboneKing in topic Wierd glitch with the Pwnsome Cubone Award
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HGSS is out, and yes I imported, so anything you need verified, I can assist.

Just don't wreck my talk page! TTEchidna

Fake cards? :D

I'll trust your opinion on this matter, but what are the chances of dedicating a few articles at Bulbapedia on the topic of the art of Fake Pokemon TCG cards? I think it might be appropriate for Project Fandom, but it might be TOO fan-made to be of any relevance on Bulbapedia. Whaddya' say? - Nick15 07:06, 1 October 2009 (UTC)Reply

That's a good question. I'd throw the primary questions at Nate to see if you can do something with it (since he's the TCG guy), and then after you've made an example article in the userspace or something...
But eh, I suppose it'd probably alright. We have an article on hack games... TTEchidna 07:09, 1 October 2009 (UTC)Reply


I just noticed what you are trying to do so from Ponyta onwards I will make the appropriate updates for the Stats section as I add Pokéthlon, but can you get the number Pokémon before Ponyta for me since I don't have time and have to leave soon before I can resume working? -Tyler53841 17:19, 1 October 2009 (UTC)Reply

Not an immediate concern, but it will be picked up soon. By the time I'd be able to get to it someone would have done it already. TTEchidna 17:21, 1 October 2009 (UTC)Reply

Town infobox

So I borrowed your design like we talked this morning, and came up with this. You can see many examples on the talk page. Basically, it works perfectly, except in some cases large spaces are created and I can't fix them. Can you locate the problem? Once you fix it, I think we're good to go. --electAbuzzzz 16:38, 2 October 2009 (UTC)Reply

Will do later on today. TTEchidna 16:55, 2 October 2009 (UTC)Reply

Wierd glitch with the Pwnsome Cubone Award

Whenever I try to award it, it engulfs the rest of the page. Same with the usertag associated with it. Please fix it, and tell me how to make it not happen again. I will let you edit my subpages this time. Alpha CuboneKing 17:16, 2 October 2009 (UTC)Reply

Really somebody please help me. Alpha CuboneKing 20:37, 2 October 2009 (UTC)Reply


Hello, I am new to Bulbapedia. How do you make usertags and edit your signature?