
From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
Revision as of 10:55, 10 November 2009 by ElectAbuzzzz (talk | contribs) (babel template change)

Template:User JST

ja この利用者は日本語母語としています。
en-1 This user is able to contribute with a basic level of English.
This user contributes using Microsoft Windows XP.
This user contributes using Ubuntu Linux.
This user contributes using Microsoft Internet Explorer.
This user contributes using Mozilla Firefox.
This user contributes using FTTH.
This user is a player of Pokémon Green Version.
This user is a player of Pokémon Gold Version.
This user is a player of Pokémon Silver Version.
This user is a player of Pokémon Ruby Version.
This user is a player of Pokémon Emerald Version.
This user is a player of Pokémon FireRed Version.
This user is a player of Pokémon Diamond Version.
This user is a player of Pokémon Pearl Version.
This user is a player of Pokémon Platinum Version.
This user is a player of Pokémon HeartGold Version.
This user is a player of Pokémon SoulSilver Version.
This user is one of the Bureaucrat of the Pokemon Wiki.

Hello. Welcome to this user page. I have lived in Japan since I was born. And I have a site about pokemon, that is written in Japanese. I'm glad to meet you. Thank you for reading it! :)

As you can see, My sentences are far from English (every time? :P ), please excuse me.

I want to be able to use English much well. so I am studying English. But, it may be difficult for me?

P.S. I want to buy a new pc because My pc is old and slow. but Dualcore or Quadcore PCs has high prices... oh...