Water (type)
Template:ElementalTypes Template:TypeNotice Some notable water Pokémon trainers include Misty of Cerulean City, Wallace and Juan of Sootopolis City and Makishi of Nomose City
Statistical Averages
Stat | Range | ||
At Lv. 50 | At Lv. 100 | ||
HP: 69
129 - 176 | 248 - 342 | |
67 - 134 | 130 - 262 | |
70 - 137 | 135 - 269 | |
66 - 133 | 128 - 260 | |
64 - 130 | 125 - 256 | |
60 - 125 | 116 - 245 | |
Total: 410
Other Pokémon with this total | ||
Battle Properties
Water-type attacks:
- Are super-effective against: Fire, Ground, Rock
- Are not very effective against: Dragon, Grass, Water
- Have no effect against: None
Water-type Pokémon:
Defensively, the Water type is very strong when combined with high defensive stats. It has no weaknesses to any physical attacks, Grass-type attacks are rare and a Water-type Pokémon can simply switch away from any Electric-type attacks.
The Water type is also useful offensively. Many Water-type Pokémon learn Ice Beam to deal with Dragon and Grass-types, making their resistance to Water-type attacks irrelevant. It is somewhat useful to be super-effective against Ground and Rock types, but not a whole lot. It is also reasonably good against Steel, being a special type and that Steel isn't resistant to it. It is the best type to use on the Aron family (types Rock/Steel), since Aron's other weaknesses are physical, and Aron's special defense is approximately 40% of its physical.
Pure Water-type Pokémon
- Squirtle
- Wartortle
- Blastoise
- Psyduck
- Golduck
- Poliwag
- Poliwhirl
- Seel
- Shellder
- Krabby
- Kingler
- Horsea
- Seadra
- Goldeen
- Seaking
- Staryu
- Magikarp
- Vaporeon
- Totodile
- Croconaw
- Feraligatr
- Marill
- Azumarill
- Politoed
- Remoraid
- Octillery
- Suicune
- Mudkip
- Wailmer
- Wailord
- Corphish
- Feebas
- Milotic
- Clamperl
- Huntail
- Gorebyss
- Luvdisc
- Kyogre
- Pochama
- Pottaishi
- Buoysel
- Flowsel
- Karanakushi
- Keikouo
- Neorant
- Phione
- Manaphy
Half Water-type Pokémon
Primary Water-type Pokémon
- Poliwrath (Water/Fighting)
- Tentacool (Water/Poison)
- Tentacruel (Water/Poison)
- Slowpoke (Water/Psychic)
- Slowbro (Water/Psychic)
- Dewgong (Water/Ice)
- Cloyster (Water/Ice)
- Starmie (Water/Psychic)
- Gyarados (Water/Flying)
- Lapras (Water/Ice)
- Chinchou (Water/Electric)
- Lanturn (Water/Electric)
- Wooper (Water/Ground)
- Quagsire (Water/Ground)
- Slowking (Water/Psychic)
- Qwilfish (Water/Poison)
- Corsola (Water/Rock)
- Mantine (Water/Flying)
- Kingdra (Water/Dragon)
- Marshtomp (Water/Ground)
- Swampert (Water/Ground)
- Lotad (Water/Grass)
- Lombre (Water/Grass)
- Ludicolo (Water/Grass)
- Wingull (Water/Flying)
- Pelipper (Water/Flying)
- Carvanha (Water/Dark)
- Sharpedo (Water/Dark)
- Barboach (Water/Ground)
- Whiscash (Water/Ground)
- Crawdaunt (Water/Dark)
- Relicanth (Water/Rock)
- Emperte (Water/Steel)
- Toritodon (Water/Ground)
- Mantyke (Water/Flying)
- Palkia (Water/Dragon)
Secondary Water-type Pokémon
- Omanyte (Rock/Water)
- Omastar (Rock/Water)
- Kabuto (Rock/Water)
- Kabutops (Rock/Water)
- Surskit (Bug/Water)
- Spheal (Ice/Water)
- Sealeo (Ice/Water)
- Walrein (Ice/Water)
- Beadaru (Normal/Water)
Damage-dealing moves
- Bubble
- Bubblebeam
- Clamp
- Crabhammer
- Dive
- Hydro Cannon
- Hydro Pump
- Muddy Water
- Octazooka
- Surf
- Water Gun
- Water Pulse
- Water Spout
- Waterfall
- Whirlpool
Non-damaging moves
In other languages
- Japanese: みず
- French: eau
- German: Wasser
- Italian: acqua
- Spanish: agua
- Dutch: water
- Portuguese: água
- Russian: Водный
- Hebrew: מים
- Swedish: vatten
- Danish: vand
- Norwegian: vann
- Finnish: vesi
- Polish: wodny
- Hungarian: víz
- Catalan: Aigua'
- Arabic: مائي