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Revision as of 15:15, 6 December 2009 by Maxim (talk | contribs) (Spelling problems again)
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Latest comment: 6 December 2009 by Maxim in topic Spelling problems again

Spelling problems again

I've seen the spelling "Jessebelle" everywhere. In Official Pokemon Handbook, my secret file and... tadadadam... Closed Captions! I even moved the page at one point. But I got reverted (by Kuki whom we don't trust so much) because "closed captionings misspell Jessie's name all the time". But that's not a reason not to believe them. It's a PUN. It doesn't have to be spelt exactly the same as Jessie's name. Also, puns are often aliterated to make them sound less obvious. I've seen Jessebelle (without the "i") in EVERY merchandise that I've seen so far. So maybe we shouldn't act like we're wiser than official sources themselves and move the page back to "Jessebelle"? --Maxim 15:15, 6 December 2009 (UTC)Reply