Old man glitch

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The old man glitch (known in some circles as the Rare Candy glitch) is an infamous glitch in Pokémon Red and Blue. It is one of the ways in which a Trainer can encounter Missingo. and 'M; a side effect of this glitch allows the player to duplicate items in his bag. Its name comes from the old man in Viridian City, whom is required to complete the glitch.

As the Missingno. glitch was removed from Pokémon Yellow, the Rare Candy cheat is not possible in that version of the game.


The sixth item in the bag is duplicated. Due to the value of the Rare Candy, it is often a target. The quantity of this item will be reset to 128. After using all duplicated items and then repeating the glitch, an infinite amount of items can be obtained.

Rare Candies are by no means the only item that can be duplicated. Any item that can be stored in the bag may be cloned. Other common targets are Master Balls, Poké Dolls, and valuable items: Master Balls allow capture of any Pokémon, Poké Dolls allow easy escape from the high level Pokémon encountered while performing the glitch, and valuable items can be sold for money. Key items can be duplicated, but rarely used up and removed from the bag.

Performing the glitch


  • A Pokémon that knows Fly (assuming the player has the badge to use it)
  • A Pokémon that knows Surf (assuming the player has the badge to use it)
  • At least one of the item to be cloned (for the purposes of this explanation, the article shall use a Rare Candy)
  • At least five other items in the bag
  • Access to Cinnabar Island or Fuchsia City


  1. Talk to the Old Man located North of Viridian City. Allow him to demonstrate how to catch a Pokémon.
  2. Once he is finished, immediately Fly to Cinnabar Island or Fuchsia City and then Surf to Seafoam Islands.
  3. Make sure that the Rare Candy is in the sixth slot of the bag.
  4. Surf up and down along the east coast of either island where the water is touching the land. Whether Missingno. can be encountered depends on the player's name; other Pokémon may appear instead. Continue Surfing along the coast until Missingno. appears (assuming that the player's entered name will cause a Missingno. encounter). Some names may not cause Missingno. to appear. If so, the player may find 'M, which works just as well.
  5. Defeat, run from, or catch Missingno. or 'M.

After the battle, open the menu and view the items currently in the bag. If done correctly, the game should show "?8" or "?5" as the amount of Rare Candies in the bag (? being a glitch character).

Cause of the glitch

Every Pokémon has a "Pokédex byte" that tells the game whether it has been seen or caught. A value of 0 means the Pokémon hasn't been seen or caught, 128 means it's been seen, and 255 means it's been caught.

Missingno.'s Pokédex byte is in the same location as the byte that stores how many of the 6th item is in the bag, as well as 'M's. This is why, when Missingno. or 'M is encountered, the sixth item slot is set to 128 (or 255 if it is captured). The glitchy box symbol is a result of the game attempting to display a number greater than 99, which causes it to grab sprites from beyond the number sprites. Sometimes it can appear to be a blank tile, but if one goes somewhere else or out of battle it will revert back to an unusual tile.

A way to tell whether " 9" is in fact 9 or [blank tile]9 is to select Toss. The quantity is displayed with a leading zero if the amount is actually 9, and as simply " 9" if not.

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Generation II GlitchesBattle glitches
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Generation III GlitchesBattle glitchesOverworld glitches
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Generation IV GlitchesBattle glitchesOverworld glitches
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Surf glitchTweakingPal Park Retire glitch
Generation V GlitchesBattle glitchesOverworld glitches
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Generation VI GlitchesBattle glitchesOverworld glitches
Charge Beam additional effect chance glitchCharge move replacement glitchChoice item lock glitch
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Generation VII GlitchesBattle glitchesOverworld glitches
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Generation VIII Glitches
Charge Beam additional effect chance glitchCharge move replacement glitchChoice item lock glitch
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Generation IX Glitches
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Gen II only: Glitch dimension
Lists Glitches (GOHOMEMystery DungeonTCG GBSpin-off)
Glitch Pokémon (Gen IGen IIGen IIIGen IVGen VGen VIGen VIIGen VIII)
Glitch moves (Gen I) • Glitch types (Gen IGen II)
This article is part of Project GlitchDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on glitches in the Pokémon games.