
From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.

Hi, my name's Ztobor. I registered an account on here simply so that I could contribute a pattern that I've noticed in the games.

Trainer payouts (working page)

Based on investigation of the data here on Bulbapedia, I've deduced a pattern in the way money is paid out by all Trainers. (This is most likely not new information, but I haven't found it anywhere else on the site or on other sites, so if it is somewhere, please point me to it.)

The money that each trainer pays to your character is calculated using the following formula:

Money = (Base Payout) * (Level of last Pokemon sent out by the trainer)

The Base Payout is different for each different type of trainer. Here is a list (mostly incomplete because BP is missing information on some of the generations):

Generation I

Swimmer: $5
Bug Catcher: $10
Psychic: $10
Lass: $15
Youngster: $15
Jr. Trainer: $20
Black Belt: $25
Rocker: $25
Super Nerd: $25
Channeller: $30
Rocket: $30
CoolTrainer: $35
Hiker: $35
Juggler: $35
Rival* (First 3 battles): $35
Tamer: $40
Engineer: $48
Pokemaniac: $50
Rival* (Next 4 battles): $65
Beauty: $70
Gentleman: $70
Gamer: $72
Burglar: $90
Boss (Giovanni): $99
Gym Leader: $99
Elite Four: $99
Champion: $99

Scientist: ?? Cue Ball: ?? Biker: ?? Bird Keeper: ??

  • for the Rival, the "last" Pokemon is always the starter Pokemon that (s)he received at the beginning.

A lot of them (the ones marked ??) are missing because I couldn't find information on them on Bulbapedia and because I don't remember personally what they are in the games.

For some odd reason, the Rival pays out $1330 instead of $1300 for the fourth battle, on the S.S. Anne. Another discrepancy is the first Channeller in the Saffron Gym who should pay out $990 but only pays out $900.

Generation II

Swimmer: $8
Bug Catcher: $16
Youngster: $16
Camper: $20
Picnicker: $20
Schoolboy: $20 / 32
Twins: $20
Bird Keeper: $24
Black Belt: $24
Lass: $24
Hiker: $32
Psychic: $32
Sage: $32
Fisherman: $40
Juggler: $40
Medium: $40
Officer: $40
Rocket Grunt: $40
Sailor: $40
CoolTrainer: $48
Firebreather: $48
Pokemaniac: $60
Rival (Johto): $60
Skier: $72
Boarder: $72
Rocket Executive: $72
PokeFan: $80
Beauty: $88
Scientist: $100
Rival (Kanto): $100
Gym Leader: $100
Elite Four: $100
Champion: $100


  • Psychic Mark gives $544 even though his Kadabra is level 15 instead of 17.
  • Psychic Phil gives $832 even though both his Pokemon are level 24 instead of 26.
  • Schoolboys Alan and Chad have different base payouts, of $20 and $32 respectively.
  • Sailor Eugene's "last" Pokemon is his Krabby, which is level 19.
  • Some of the female swimmers on route 41 have a base payout of $20, while two of them pay $440 with Pokemon that are level 19 instead of level 22. I don't know why this happens.
  • The "last" Pokemon of the Boarders in Mahogany Gym are whichever ones they have two of. Either that or the people who made the article on Bulbapedia decided to put the trainers' Pokemon in order of level instead of appearance.
  • For some odd reason, Bulbapedia lists Silver as giving the player $1320 at the Indigo Plateau, making his base payout $26.4. Perhaps it was a bug? I dunno.
  • The first Rocket Executive gives a payout of $1800 even though her Pokemon are level 23 instead of level 25.

Generation III

The ones that are different from Generation II (as well as new ones) are listed here:

Tuber: $4
Ninja Boy: $12
Camper: $16
Lass: $16
Picnicker: $16
Team Magma/Aqua Grunt: $20
Winstrate (Ruby/Sapphire): $20
Battle Girl: $24
Psychic: $24
Sis and Bro: $24
Twins: $24
Bird Keeper: $32
Black Belt: $32
Guitarist: $32
Kindler: $32
Sailor: $32
Sr. and Jr.: $32
Aroma Lady: $40
Expert: $40
Hiker: $40
Magma/Aqua Admin: $40
Parasol Lady: $40
Pokemon Breeder: $40
Triathlete: $40
Winstrate (Emerald): $40
Pokemon Ranger: $48
Bug Maniac: $60
Collector: $60
Rival: $60
Ruin Maniac: $60
Beauty: $80
Magma/Aqua Leader: $80
Interviewers: $96
Gentleman: $200
Lady: $200
Rich Boy: $200

Hex Maniac: $24? (Not enough info) Young Couple: $56? (Not enough info) Dragon Tamer: $?? (No info) Old Couple: $?? (No info)

The ones with "not enough info" have only one source to corroborate.

Exceptions (according to Bulbapedia):

  • Sailor Huey gives $8 less than he should by following this rule ($440 instead of $448).
  • Sailor Cory pays $104[sic], even though his Pokemon are all level 24 instead of level 26. (Even if they were level 26, this would imply a base payout of $4, which is highly unusual.)
  • For some reason, Fisherman Carter's base payout is $36.
  • Camper Travis pays $288, even though his Sandshrew is level 19 instead of level 18.
  • Kindler Hayden pays $576, even though his Numel is level 17 instead of level 18.
  • Winstrate Victoria pays $340 even though her Roselia is level 16 instead of level 17.
  • This problem is corrected in Emerald, where Victoria's Roselia is level 17.
  • Rich Boy Garret and Lady Anette, on the S.S. Tidal, have a base payout of $160.

Based on this information, I'll make the prediction that Mossdeep Gym's first trainer, Psychic Preston, pays the trainer $888 upon defeat. (There is currently no info like that on the actual page.)

This might be just "speculation", but I've verified the pattern over pretty much all the cases on Bulbapedia. Ztobor 17:07, 28 December 2009 (UTC)