This short was aired on ANA domestic flights in August 2006, and later released on DVD in Japan on April 25, 2008.
Pikachu's Island Adventure (Japanese: ピカチュウのわんぱくアイランド Pikachu's Naughty Island) is the eighteenth Pikachu short. It was released on a separate disc along with the ninth movie. Included in this short is the Hoenn Pokérap.
Template:Incomplete synopsisPikachu and co. arrives on the beach. As they start playing on the beach, Pikachu says that they can play anytime because they're almost to the island full of playground. But suddenly, a Wynaut appeared weak and fainted. When Wynaut wakes up, Pikachu wants to know what happened to him. Then the scene shifts to the island where a bunch of Wynauts, a couple of Pichus, and a Buizel playing peacefully. But an explosion appeared entering Team Rocket, Cacnea, Mime Jr., Wobbuffet, Chatot, Hariyama, and Exploud in the playground! Meowth commands Exploud and Hariyama to kick out all of them out of the island. His story ends. Then Pikachu and co. decides to train Wynauts, Pichus, and Buizel. At first, let's test their strength by "tackling" Corphish but most didnt make it. Suddenly, Corphish got an idea. When one of the Wynauts tackles him, he pretends to be beaten. Now, for the smallest Wynaut, but he accidentally tripped. He chose Buizel next but he's scared of doing it. Now the scene shifts to Pikachu teaching 2 Pichus using Thunderbolt, then onto Squirtle and Marshtomp teaching 4 of Wynauts to dodge a Water Gun. 3 of them made it, but the smallest one got hit. Last, Combusken discusses about countering attacks by using Mirror Coat. 3 Wynauts use Mirror Coat as Corphish's BubbleBeam heading towards them and succeeds. Then, a smallest one wants to try, but he almost successfully counter its attacks because his attack wears off already. Sending him high above and falls. The training is complete and ready for battle with the baddies.