
From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.

ElectricDonphan312, or Electric for short, is only a huge Pokéfan. I currently live in the United States and I am still in High School. My biggest goal in life is to complete an ENTIRE Pokédex without cheating. I only lack 10 (all of whom are legendaries). I am an avid spriter, and I create Pokémon, Trainers, Towns/Cities, items, and anything else that comes to mind. I am trying to sprite an entire region of my own.

As a Trainer

As far as stats go, I tend to favor Defense. It doesn't matter how strong your attacks are if you can't stay in battle long enough to use them. Perseverance always pays off in the end. I also like waiting-like strategies, such as Rollout and Toxic.

My Favorite Moves

I have a lot of favorite moves aside from Rollout and Toxic, however. I also like Dream Eater the best. Not only is the opponent asleep, you are damaging them severely AND gaining additional HP. I also like Ice Beam and a Sunny Day/Solarbeam combo.

My Favorite Pokemon

I have a LOT of favorite Pokés. So here they are:

First Generation

Name . Name . Name .
Arbok Nidoqueen Ninetales
Venomoth Dewgong Cloyster
Cubone Lickitung Rhydon
Seaking Dragonite

Second Generation

Name . Name . Name .
Ariados Lanturn Ampharos
Espeon Murkrow Slowking
Girafarig Forretress Qwilfish
Steelix Scizor Typhlosion
Magcargo Octillery Mantine
Houndoom Kingdra Donphan
Stantler Hitmontop Raikou

Third Generation

Name . Name . Name .
Blaziken Gardevoir Camerupt
Ninjask Shedinja Grumpig
Flygon Cacturne Whiscash
Claydol Tropius Sealeo

Fourth Generation

Name . Name . Name .
Bastiodon Mothim Vespiquen
Drifblim Mismagius Gallade