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Latest comment: 7 October 20093 comments2 people in discussion
Hey buddy, can you please tell me the name of that book or magazine in which you saw that Zoey's Gastrodon news. --♫♪Adyniz♪♫05:17, 7 October 2009 (UTC)Reply
Sure thing! The book is ポケットモンスターダイヤモンド・パールまるわかりじてん; its ISBN number is 978-4097510345, and it's available to order on Amazon.co.jp. It's actually a board book (like the kind made for toddlers, so that they can chew on the book or whatever without doing any serious damage), but it's pretty neat. :3 梅子❀✿05:51, 7 October 2009 (UTC)Reply
it kinda should belong in the special abilities section though. i mean i get what you're saying, but is there anyway that stuff can be there?
people dont read the trivia anyway when they're looking for the abilities of Pokémon (; - unsigned comment from TheLastCharmander (talk • contribs)
Pokédex entry
Latest comment: 15 October 20094 comments2 people in discussion
Can you create a user template for this? As in, User:Umeko/Pokédex? That could possibly be used in the mainspace. Maybe. When you're done, talk to Nate. ht1402:10, 15 October 2009 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 15 October 20092 comments2 people in discussion
Next time, if the conversation starts on your user talk page, leave it there. Anyhow, it's not the main thing I wanted to talk about. Here. This may help you in your edits. It's specifically designed for those who have "nothing to do" on the wiki. ht1403:39, 15 October 2009 (UTC)Reply
You mean me commenting on your talk page? Ah, I kind of felt like that was sort of a different conversation than the one above... kind of. And I wasn't sure if you'd see it if I edited my talk... But thanks for the link! 梅子❀✿03:42, 15 October 2009 (UTC)Reply
Latest usertag
Latest comment: 17 October 20096 comments2 people in discussion
Oh no, I totally did, I just wanted to make it more customizable? Just for my own use. ...That's okay, right? D: 梅子❀✿05:12, 17 October 2009 (UTC)Reply
Of course, but we'd have totally let you the regulation one as well if you wanted. Provided it didn't kill any pages, of course. —darklordtrom05:15, 17 October 2009 (UTC)Reply
fffffffffff *flails* But I've just barely been here a month I feel like I'm not... established enough to ask something like that XD;;;; 梅子❀✿05:21, 17 October 2009 (UTC)Reply
Aww, I'm honored. :'D Maybe I'll do that tomorrow, after a good night's sleep. I'm about to collapse on my keyboard. 梅子❀✿05:34, 17 October 2009 (UTC)Reply
*thumbs up*
Latest comment: 21 October 20092 comments2 people in discussion
Aww, thanks! :'D I really enjoy lyric translation, and I have a huge collection of Pokemon CDs, so I'm more than happy to share what I can. \o/! (Natsu deSUKA? translation is almost done; it's kind of a tough one. XD) 梅子❀✿15:20, 21 October 2009 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 8 November 20092 comments2 people in discussion
Wait until the other person replies and (dis)agrees before promptly editing that page. In other words, wair for a response before moving on. Thanks.ht1404:28, 8 November 2009 (UTC)Reply
Er, sorry. I just kind of thought that since it was a fact, that there wasn't much reason to wait for a response? I'll keep that in mind for future reference. 梅子❀✿04:31, 8 November 2009 (UTC)Reply
Userspace Box
Latest comment: 11 November 20092 comments1 person in discussion
That would mean digging around in your contribs, and honestly I can think of a few better things to do with my time. XD It's just something that I've noted idly while cruising the RC, and I thought it would be worth it to point it out. 梅子❀✿21:04, 22 November 2009 (UTC)Reply
"Revived legend"... or actually it's in non-past tense, so it would be "reviving legend" I suppose. What's the context? 梅子❄❅17:10, 29 November 2009 (UTC)Reply
I didn't think they were necessary, and when I asked the Echidna-in-Chief, he agreed and gave me the go-ahead to remove them. 梅子❄❅19:09, 6 December 2009 (UTC)Reply
Friend Code
Latest comment: 7 January 20101 comment1 person in discussion
I regestered your HeartGold Friend Code on my Pearl game. My friend code is 0947 2869 1878. Give me a shout when you wanna trade or battle! User:?????
I did too! But I need to find out what my code is. When I do, I'l put it here. Just so you know, my platinum sucks. But I'm getting better.--user02:03, 7 January 2010 (UTC)Reply
HGSS Pokédex entries
Latest comment: 5 January 20107 comments3 people in discussion
I don't know if you're somewhat in charge of this right now but shouldn't the HGSS Dex entries be listed as "Currently unknown" or in Japanese with monospaced English (through the tt element)? It's because I'm seeing lots of Pokémon articles with the HGSS entries in English, making those unaware to think that the games' English versions have been released. =S Pokemon lover19:01, 4 January 2010 (UTC)Reply
Haha, I'm not in charge of anything, but I can answer your question. The HGSS entries for Gen III and IV Pokemon are being listed with {{tt}} (or they should be; if they aren't then someone's gonna get a beating). The entries for the Gen I and II Pokemon are exactly the same as they were in Gold and Silver, so those are there in English (fifty bucks says that if NoA does make any changes to their translations, it would be the odd punctuation or grammatical tweaking in maybe two entries). That's how the Dex entries have been since September, the EB has always been in support of that (they can slap me upside the head if I'm misinformed here), and if someone is under the impression that HGSS is released in English simply because there are English Dex entries then I think that's the least of their problems. :P 梅子❄❅19:26, 4 January 2010 (UTC)Reply
I know you aren't in charge, but I think you said that you were going to get the JP Dex entries and translate them to English (using the {{tt}} element, of course), that's why I asked you. ;-) So it seems you're gonna have to beat someone or someones 'cause I might have saw some Gen III & IV Pokémon articles with English Dex entries that weren't following the rules.
Okay, I just went over all Generation III & IV Pokémon entries and fixed the perpetrators. It's a good you brought it up too because I was able to fix some of the entries that were wrong >_< ... we still have a bit of work to do to finish the entries off though haha... (Yaminokame01:42, 5 January 2010 (UTC))Reply
ご苦労さん :P I keep thinking to myself that I should translate some more entries... but then I look over at the Kanto-side guidebook/Pokedex and the size of the thing just makes me shudder. 8D;; 梅子❄❅01:45, 5 January 2010 (UTC)Reply
haha ;) Unfortunately I don't have that much time to fill them in right now with the English translations, but I can try to move over the dex entries that I filled in on the ポケモンWiki Pokémon pages at least for right now :p ... that should at least get that out of the way so we can continue the fun part and hopefully finish them all off haha ^^ (Yaminokame06:33, 5 January 2010 (UTC))Reply
Latest comment: 7 January 20101 comment1 person in discussion
Sooo... yeah. I didn't get an edit conflict or anything, so sorry about that. And I didn't get one for when CK reverted it either, even though I was trying to revert it at the same time as him. R.A.HunterBlade05:12, 7 January 2010 (UTC)Reply
OP13 image
Latest comment: 9 January 20108 comments3 people in discussion
Um. I'd just like to say that it's better if it were a public consensus. I have no problems with it anyway, just thought the other one reflected more the spirit of the OP and not just a random shot of legendaries. --Nick., something to say?00:26, 9 January 2010 (UTC)Reply
Most of the admins were there at the time, as well as TTE. If something has happened "over AIM", then it's been approved by multiple EB members, admins, etc.--RexRacer00:34, 9 January 2010 (UTC)Reply
Nate was too - he specifically told me to revert it, actually - and he's EiC of the Archives. (And btw Japanese fans have nicknamed the new OP "Legendary Pokemon Bargain Sale," so a random shot of legendaries is totally relevant.) 梅子❄❅00:35, 9 January 2010 (UTC)Reply
I'm not thinking you lied or something. I just think that this kind of things should be public - if anyone have doubts, then it's open for him to find out what happened.--Nick., something to say?02:02, 9 January 2010 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 9 January 20107 comments2 people in discussion
Hi Umeko. =) Can you translate me this, please? It's because the only information that Google Translator gave me that I fully comprehended was that the service was shut down on December 14, 2002. Pokemon lover17:17, 8 January 2010 (UTC)Reply
I would love to translate that... in five hours. Stupid work computers don't display Japanese text. *shakes fist* 梅子❄❅17:31, 8 January 2010 (UTC)Reply
They must be running Windows XP. But don't mind with that, I'm not in a hurry. ;-)
Haha, well I run XP at home too. They just don't have Japanese fonts installed here. (Btw, if you find someone else willing to translate before I get home, don't wait for me or anything. XD)
Okay, so basically that page says that, as was announced in May 2002, The Gameboy Mobile System shut down on December 14, 2002, and it thanks everyone for using it. There is a note, however, that players of Pokemon Crystal will still be able to trade and battle with friends using the mobile system. 梅子❄❅23:14, 8 January 2010 (UTC)Reply
Thx. =) BTW, do you know what the DION was? I googled it and found this. It seems to have been some sort of service provider, that was also discontinued, more precisely 4 days after the Mobile System was shut down. Pokemon lover13:41, 9 January 2010 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 11 January 20103 comments2 people in discussion
I notice you've been updating the PokéGods page. I was wondering why you were doing so, and where you've been getting your information, if anywhere other than your head. Redstar18:03, 11 January 2010 (UTC)Reply
Why: Because it was a huge phenomenon back in the day, and thus a notable part of the fandom's history.
Just curious. It's just a bit coincidental that this page has begun being updated simultaneously as the only definitive PokeGod page on the Internet, so I wanted to be sure no theft was involved. Carry on. Redstar18:29, 11 January 2010 (UTC)Reply
Translation and confirmation
Latest comment: 17 January 20105 comments3 people in discussion
According to the article on the Japanese wiki, the bulletin boards were shut down on December 31st (which I did notice before), and that in the last third of the month updates to the site will become irregular.
Due to personal reasons, by the end of December, this site's (Pokeani's) updates will be temporarily halted.
I am not thinking of closing the site itself. But for a short while from now on, I will mostly have no time to update the site, and even watching (or recording) the anime on Thursdays will be difficult (so quick updates will be impossible). There are various reasons, and this is what I've decided.
At this point in time, I don't know when I'll be able to resume updates. I'll probably resume when things calm down. However, I'm expecting that even after reopening, it will be difficult to return to the site's current update style, so I'm considering switching over to being a wiki site.
Also, for purely my own convenience I will be closing all the bulletin boards and polls by the end of December. (Because I really can't moderate them from now on.)
Yup. There's something on the front page that implies that updates are planned to resume around spring or summer, though. 梅子❄❅19:47, 16 January 2010 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 17 January 20102 comments2 people in discussion
Not sure how much you know of this, but what do you make of this? We don't have that image in the Archives, and I'm wondering if it was released with certain games, like say FR/LG. ht1422:42, 17 January 2010 (UTC)Reply
Huh. If I were to guess, I'd say it looks like something that would have possibly been put up on the Game Freak blog (or something similar)? I've never seen it before though. 梅子❄❅22:45, 17 January 2010 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 18 January 20104 comments2 people in discussion
Battrio is an arcade game; I imagine that it would be insanely expensive to import one. :P I plan on (hopefully) trying it out when I'm in Japan in March, but I will not be able to offer any information before then. 梅子❄❅19:56, 18 January 2010 (UTC)Reply
Hmm. Well that, too, will have to wait until March, as I'm saving my money to blow in Japan rather than blow now and have to pay overseas shipping, haha. 梅子❄❅21:37, 18 January 2010 (UTC)Reply
Charizard offical Sugimori's art
Latest comment: 31 January 20103 comments2 people in discussion
Well the real Sugimori's art is the picture with the real colors, the image before than this one. The another one is only a fanart.
No... Sugimori colored Charizard with these color. No with new color! The offical site of pokemon the color not are this .I prefer the new color but the REAL COLORS is the before. The image must be change!