Norman (EP036)

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Norman is a character of the day who appeared in The Bridge Bike Gang. He is a bridge officer for people going to Sunnytown. He was not given a name in the Japanese version.

While Ash and his friends were about to cross a bridge to Sunnytown, Norman told the group that the bridge wasn't completely finished. He also told them that it would be for cars even it was finished and it would be dark if they crossed it by foot as it was ten miles from where they were. Norman suggested to the group that they could cross if they had bicycles since the bike track was finished. Norman was greeted by some passerbys as they went through.

He is likely named after Norman J. Grossfeld.

Voice actors

Language Voice actor
Japanese 坂口候一 Kōichi Sakaguchi


Language Name Origin
Danish Kaj From the word kaj (quay), referencing a seagull by the same name in a Danish Scandlines TV commercial.

This article is part of Project COD, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each one-time character of the Pokémon animated series.