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'''Characteristics''' are a feature in the Pokémon games, introduced in [[Generation IV]]. A Pokémon's Characteristic indicates which stat contains a {{OBP|Pokémon|species}}'s highest [[Individual values|IV]]. It is displayed on the Pokémon's profile screen where its [[nature]], date met, place met, and [[flavor|flavor preference]] ({{g|Diamond and Pearl}} and {{g|Platinum}} only) are shown.
{{incomplete|2=Korean romanizations}}
A Pokémon's Characteristic is determined by the remainder of its highest IV divided by 5 (known as {{wp|modulo operation}} in programming). Since it is built this way, Pokémon transferred from the {{pkmn|games}} of [[Generation III]] via [[Pal Park]] have a Characteristic without their stats being changed.
This is a list of [[Characteristic]]s in all languages that the Pokémon games have been translated into.
==List of Characteristics==
{{langlist|nature||A little quick tempered|ちょっとおこりっぽい|Chotto okorippoi|Un peu coléreux|Besitzt Temperament|Si arrabbia facilmente|A veces se enfada|잘 참음|??}}
{{langlist|nature||Alert to sounds|ものおとにびんかん|Mono'oto ni binkan|Attentif aux sons|Achtet auf Geräusche|Fa attenzione ai suoni|Oído siempre alerta|주위 소리에 민감함|??}}
{| align="center" style="background: #999; {{roundy|10px}} border: 3px solid #cdcdcd"
{{langlist|nature||Capable of taking hits|うたれづよい|Utare dzuyoi|Sait encaisser les coups|{{tt|Kann Treffer gut ab|Generation IV}}<br>{{tt|Kann Treffer gut verkraften|Generation V}}|Forte in attacco|Buen fajador|맷집이 강함|??}}
{{langlist|nature||Good endurance|しんぼうづよい|Shinbō dzuyoi|Bonne endurance|Hat eine gute Ausdauer|Molto paziente|Muy resistente|인내심이 강함|??}}
! style="background:#ccc; {{roundytl|5px}}| Possible Individual Values
{{langlist|nature||Good perseverance|がまんづよい|Gaman dzuyoi|Persévérant|Ist beharrlich|Molto tenace|Muy perseverante|잘 참음|??}}
! style="background:#{{hp color}}" | {{color|{{HP color dark}}|HP}}  
{{langlist|nature||Hates to lose|まけずぎらい|Makezu zarai|A horreur de perdre|Hasst Niederlagen|Non sopporta perdere|Odia perder|지기 싫어함|??}}
! style="background:#{{attack color}}" | {{color|{{attack color dark}}|Attack}}
{{langlist|nature||Highly curious|こうきしんがつよい|Kōkishin ga tsuyoi|Extrêmement curieux|Sehr neugierig|Grande ficcanaso|Extremadamente curioso|호기심이 강함|??}}
! style="background:#{{defense color}}" | {{color|{{defense color dark}}|Defense}}
{{langlist|nature||Highly persistent|ねばりづよい|Nebari dzuyoi|Très obstiné|Äußerst ausdauernd|Molto ostinato|Muy persistente|끈질김|??}}
! style="background:#{{special attack color}}" | {{color|{{special Attack color dark}}|Special Attack}}  
{{langlist|nature||Impetuous and silly|おっちょこちょい|Occhokochoi|Bête et impulsif|Ungestüm und einfältig|Irruente e semplice|Impetuoso y bobo|촐랑대는 성격임|??}}
! style="background:#{{special defense color}}" | {{color|{{special Defense color dark}}|Special Defense}}  
{{langlist|nature||Likes to fight|ケンカをするのがすき|Kenka wo suru no ga suki|Aime combattre|Liebt Kämpfe|Adora combattere|Le gusta luchar|잘 참음|??}}
! style="background:#{{speed color}}; {{roundytr|5px}}"  | {{color|{{speed color dark}}|Speed}}
{{langlist|nature||Likes to relax|のんびりするのがすき|Nonbiri suru no ga suki|Aime se détendre|Mag es, sich zu entspannen|Adora rilassarsi|Le gusta relajarse|유유자적함을 좋아함|??}}
{{langlist|nature||Likes to run|かけっこがすき|Kakekko ga suki|Aime courir|Liebt es zu rennen|Adora correre|Le gusta correr|약간 우쭐쟁이임|??}}
! style="background:#f8f8f8" | 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30
{{langlist|nature||Likes to thrash about|あばれることがすき|Abareru koto ga suki|Aime se démener|Prügelt sich gerne|Adora dimenarsi|Le gusta revolverse|잘 참음|??}}
| style="background:#{{hp color light}}" | Loves to eat
{{langlist|nature||Loves to eat|たべるのがだいすき|Taberu no ga daisuki|Adore manger|Liebt es zu essen|Adora mangiare|Le encanta comer|먹는 것을 제일 좋아함|??}}
| style="background:#{{attack color light}}" | Proud of its power
{{langlist|nature||Mischievous|イタズラがすき|Itazura ga suki|Coquin|Hinterhältig|Alquanto vivace|Travieso|매우 꼼꼼함|??}}
| style="background:#{{defense color light}}" | Sturdy body
{{langlist|nature||Often dozes off|ひるねをよくする|Hirune wo yoku suru|S'assoupit souvent|Nickt oft ein|Si addormenta spesso|A menudo se duerme|낮잠을 잘 잠|??}}
| style="background:#{{special attack color light}}" | Highly curious
{{langlist|nature||Often lost in thought|かんがえごとがおおい|Kangae goto ga ooi|Souvent dans la lune|Ist oft in Gedanken|Si perde nel suo mondo|A menudo está en Babia|몸이 튼튼함|??}}
| style="background:#{{special defense color light}}" | Strong willed
{{langlist|nature||Often scatters things|いねむりがおおい|Inemuri ga ooi|Dort beaucoup|Schläft gerne|Dorme a lungo|Duerme muncho|낮잠을 잘 잠|??}}
| style="background:#{{speed color light}}" | Likes to run
{{langlist|nature||Proud of its power|ちからがじまん|Chikara ga jiman|Est fier de sa puissance|Stolz auf seine Stärke|La forza è il suo vanto|Orgulloso de su fuerza|힘자랑이 특기임|??}}
{{langlist|nature||Quick tempered|ちのけがおおい|Chinoke ga ooi|S'emporte facilement|Impulsiv|Facilmente irritabile|Tiene mal genio|혈기가 왕성함|??}}
! style="background:#f8f8f8" | 1, 6, 11, 16, 21, 26, 31
{{langlist|nature||Quick to flee|にげるのがはやい|Nigeru no ga hayai|Fuit rapidement|Flüchtet schnell|Sa fuggire velocemente|Huye rápido|도망에는 선수임|??}}
| style="background:#{{hp color light}}" | Often dozes off
{{langlist|nature||Scatters things often|ものをよくちらかす|Mono wo yokuchira kasu|Éparpille des choses|Macht oft Unordnung|Lascia cose in giro|Suele desordenar cosas|물건을 잘 어지름|??}}
| style="background:#{{attack color light}}" | Likes to thrash about  
{{langlist|nature||Somewhat of a clown|すこしおちょうしもの|Sukoshi occhōshimono|Aime faire le pitre|Ist fast wie ein Clown|Una specie di buffone|Es un poco payaso|약간 우쭐쟁이임|??}}
| style="background:#{{defense color light}}" | Capable of taking hits
{{langlist|nature||Somewhat stubborn|ちょっぴりごうじょう|Choppiri gōjō|Axxez entêté|Dickköpfig|Un po' testardo|Un poco cabezota|조금 고집통이임|??}}
| style="background:#{{special attack color light}}" | Mischievous
{{langlist|nature||Somewhat vain|ちょっぴりみえっぱり|Choppiri mieppari|Un peu vaniteux|Irgendwie eitel|Abbastanza superficiale|Algo orgulloso|조금 겉치레를 좋아함|??}}
| style="background:#{{special defense color light}}" | Somewhat vain
{{langlist|nature||Strong willed|きがつよい|Ki ga tsuyoi|Très volontaire|Besitzt starken Willen|Sa il fatto suo|Voluntarioso|말뚝잠이 많음|??}}
| style="background:#{{speed color light}}" | Alert to sounds
{{langlist|nature||Strongly defiant|まけんきがつよい|Makenki ga tsuyoi|Esprit rebelle|Sehr aufsässig|Molto insolente|Muy insolente|약간 우쭐쟁이임|??}}
{{langlist|nature||Sturdy body|からだがじょうぶ|Karada ga jōbu|Corps robuste|Hat robusten Körper|Ha un corpo robusto|Cuerpo resistente|몸이 튼튼함|??}}
! style="background:#f8f8f8" | 2, 7, 12, 17, 22, 27
{{langlist|nature||Thoroughly cunning|ぬけめがない|Nukeme ga nai|Très astucieux|Äußerst gerissen|Estremamente sagace|Muy astuto|빈틈이 없음|??}}
| style="background:#{{hp color light}}" | Often scatters things  
{{langlist|nature||Very finicky|とてもきちょうめん|Totemo kichōmen|Très particulier|Sehr pedantisch|Molto esigente|Muy melindroso|매우 꼼꼼함|??}}
| style="background:#{{attack color light}}" | A little quick tempered
| style="background:#{{defense color light}}" | Highly persistent
| style="background:#{{special attack color light}}" | Thoroughly cunning
| style="background:#{{special defense color light}}" | Strongly defiant
| style="background:#{{speed color light}}" | Impetuous and silly
! style="background:#f8f8f8" | 3, 8, 13, 18, 23, 28
| style="background:#{{hp color light}}" | Scatters things often  
| style="background:#{{attack color light}}" | Likes to fight
| style="background:#{{defense color light}}" | Good endurance
| style="background:#{{special attack color light}}" | Often lost in thought
| style="background:#{{special defense color light}}" | Hates to lose
| style="background:#{{speed color light}}" | Somewhat of a clown
! style="background:#f8f8f8; {{roundybl|5px}}" | 4, 9, 14, 19, 24, 29
| style="background:#{{hp color light}}" | Likes to relax
| style="background:#{{attack color light}}" | Quick tempered
| style="background:#{{defense color light}}" | Good perseverance
| style="background:#{{special attack color light}}" | Very finicky
| style="background:#{{special defense color light}}" | Somewhat stubborn
| style="background:#{{speed color light}}; {{roundybr|5px}}" | Quick to flee

Note that having a certain Characteristic does not necessarily imply that the highest possible value for an IV is present. A Pokémon with an "Alert to sounds" Characteristic could have a 6 in Speed (and thus very low IVs across all of its stats since none could be higher than 6) instead of a 31 in Speed.
[[Category:Pages in other languages]]
A {{p|Mudkip}} has the following IVs:
{{Hidden Power calculation/IV|24|18|17|'''29'''|24|27|258.png}}
Since its highest IV is 29 in Speed, its Characteristic will be "Quick to flee."
A {{p|Ditto}} has the following IVs:
{{Hidden Power calculation/IV|8|0|0|10|'''17'''|10|132.png}}
Since its highest IV is 17 in Special Attack, its Characteristic will be "Thoroughly cunning."
In the event of a tie in highest IVs, the IV that determines the Pokémon's Characteristic is decided in the following manner:
Start with the Pokémon's [[personality value]] mod 6. The result is an index number of a stat in this order: HP, Attack, Defense, Speed, Special Attack, Special Defense. In the event of a tie in IVs, the first IV checked is the IV corresponding to that index number.  If that IV is not part of the tie, the game moves on to the next index number in the aforementioned order. If it goes past 5 (Special Defense), it wraps around back to 0 (HP). When the game finds an IV that is part of the tie, that is the IV that will determine the Characteristic displayed.
==See also==
* [[List of characteristics in other languages]]
{{Pokémon individuality}}<br>
{{Project Games notice|game mechanic}}
[[Category:Game mechanics]]

Revision as of 14:46, 20 October 2012

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Reason: Korean romanizations

This is a list of Characteristics in all languages that the Pokémon games have been translated into.

English English Japanese Kana Japanese Rōmaji French French German German Italian Italian Spanish Spanish Korean Hangul Korean Romanized Chinese Hànzì Chinese Romanized
A little quick tempered ちょっとおこりっぽい Chotto okorippoi Un peu coléreux Besitzt Temperament Si arrabbia facilmente A veces se enfada 잘 참음 ??
Alert to sounds ものおとにびんかん Mono'oto ni binkan Attentif aux sons Achtet auf Geräusche Fa attenzione ai suoni Oído siempre alerta 주위 소리에 민감함 ??
Capable of taking hits うたれづよい Utare dzuyoi Sait encaisser les coups Kann Treffer gut ab
Kann Treffer gut verkraften
Forte in attacco Buen fajador 맷집이 강함 ??
Good endurance しんぼうづよい Shinbō dzuyoi Bonne endurance Hat eine gute Ausdauer Molto paziente Muy resistente 인내심이 강함 ??
Good perseverance がまんづよい Gaman dzuyoi Persévérant Ist beharrlich Molto tenace Muy perseverante 잘 참음 ??
Hates to lose まけずぎらい Makezu zarai A horreur de perdre Hasst Niederlagen Non sopporta perdere Odia perder 지기 싫어함 ??
Highly curious こうきしんがつよい Kōkishin ga tsuyoi Extrêmement curieux Sehr neugierig Grande ficcanaso Extremadamente curioso 호기심이 강함 ??
Highly persistent ねばりづよい Nebari dzuyoi Très obstiné Äußerst ausdauernd Molto ostinato Muy persistente 끈질김 ??
Impetuous and silly おっちょこちょい Occhokochoi Bête et impulsif Ungestüm und einfältig Irruente e semplice Impetuoso y bobo 촐랑대는 성격임 ??
Likes to fight ケンカをするのがすき Kenka wo suru no ga suki Aime combattre Liebt Kämpfe Adora combattere Le gusta luchar 잘 참음 ??
Likes to relax のんびりするのがすき Nonbiri suru no ga suki Aime se détendre Mag es, sich zu entspannen Adora rilassarsi Le gusta relajarse 유유자적함을 좋아함 ??
Likes to run かけっこがすき Kakekko ga suki Aime courir Liebt es zu rennen Adora correre Le gusta correr 약간 우쭐쟁이임 ??
Likes to thrash about あばれることがすき Abareru koto ga suki Aime se démener Prügelt sich gerne Adora dimenarsi Le gusta revolverse 잘 참음 ??
Loves to eat たべるのがだいすき Taberu no ga daisuki Adore manger Liebt es zu essen Adora mangiare Le encanta comer 먹는 것을 제일 좋아함 ??
Mischievous イタズラがすき Itazura ga suki Coquin Hinterhältig Alquanto vivace Travieso 매우 꼼꼼함 ??
Often dozes off ひるねをよくする Hirune wo yoku suru S'assoupit souvent Nickt oft ein Si addormenta spesso A menudo se duerme 낮잠을 잘 잠 ??
Often lost in thought かんがえごとがおおい Kangae goto ga ooi Souvent dans la lune Ist oft in Gedanken Si perde nel suo mondo A menudo está en Babia 몸이 튼튼함 ??
Often scatters things いねむりがおおい Inemuri ga ooi Dort beaucoup Schläft gerne Dorme a lungo Duerme muncho 낮잠을 잘 잠 ??
Proud of its power ちからがじまん Chikara ga jiman Est fier de sa puissance Stolz auf seine Stärke La forza è il suo vanto Orgulloso de su fuerza 힘자랑이 특기임 ??
Quick tempered ちのけがおおい Chinoke ga ooi S'emporte facilement Impulsiv Facilmente irritabile Tiene mal genio 혈기가 왕성함 ??
Quick to flee にげるのがはやい Nigeru no ga hayai Fuit rapidement Flüchtet schnell Sa fuggire velocemente Huye rápido 도망에는 선수임 ??
Scatters things often ものをよくちらかす Mono wo yokuchira kasu Éparpille des choses Macht oft Unordnung Lascia cose in giro Suele desordenar cosas 물건을 잘 어지름 ??
Somewhat of a clown すこしおちょうしもの Sukoshi occhōshimono Aime faire le pitre Ist fast wie ein Clown Una specie di buffone Es un poco payaso 약간 우쭐쟁이임 ??
Somewhat stubborn ちょっぴりごうじょう Choppiri gōjō Axxez entêté Dickköpfig Un po' testardo Un poco cabezota 조금 고집통이임 ??
Somewhat vain ちょっぴりみえっぱり Choppiri mieppari Un peu vaniteux Irgendwie eitel Abbastanza superficiale Algo orgulloso 조금 겉치레를 좋아함 ??
Strong willed きがつよい Ki ga tsuyoi Très volontaire Besitzt starken Willen Sa il fatto suo Voluntarioso 말뚝잠이 많음 ??
Strongly defiant まけんきがつよい Makenki ga tsuyoi Esprit rebelle Sehr aufsässig Molto insolente Muy insolente 약간 우쭐쟁이임 ??
Sturdy body からだがじょうぶ Karada ga jōbu Corps robuste Hat robusten Körper Ha un corpo robusto Cuerpo resistente 몸이 튼튼함 ??
Thoroughly cunning ぬけめがない Nukeme ga nai Très astucieux Äußerst gerissen Estremamente sagace Muy astuto 빈틈이 없음 ??
Very finicky とてもきちょうめん Totemo kichōmen Très particulier Sehr pedantisch Molto esigente Muy melindroso 매우 꼼꼼함 ??