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| {| width="100%" style="background: #{{green color}}; -moz-border-radius: 1em; border: 5px solid #{{dark color}}; margin-bottom: 0.5em; margin-left: 1em;"
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| | text align="left" style="background: #{{Green color light}};" | __NOTOC__
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| ==Welcome==
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| Hi everyone. My name's Liam O'Loghlen. Since I got my first Gameboy colour and picked up [[Pokémon Silver Version]], I've loved Pokemon. Later that year for my 8th birthday I got [[Pokemon LeafGreen]] and a [[Gameboy Advance]], which really began my interest in Pokémon. Now, almost 15, I've played through all regions, watched countless episodes of the TV series and I'm a self-confessed Pokémaniac. I don't care if I'm in High School, Pokémon is still the coolest thing ever made! As my name suggests, my favourite type is Grass, and I always pick Grass type starters.
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| ==Teams==
| |
| '''GEN 1'''
| |
| |
| '''Blue'''
| |
| |
| *Venusaur
| |
| |
| *Pidgeot
| |
| |
| *Raichu
| |
| |
| *Hitmonchan
| |
| |
| *Flareon
| |
| |
| *Golem
| |
| |
| '''Yellow'''
| |
| |
| *Pikachu
| |
| |
| *Nidoking
| |
| |
| *Fearow
| |
| |
| *Venusaur
| |
| |
| *Charizard
| |
| |
| *Blastoise
| |
| |
| '''GEN 2'''
| |
| |
| '''Silver'''
| |
| |
| *Meganium
| |
| |
| *Noctowl
| |
| |
| *Furret
| |
| |
| *Arcanine
| |
| |
| *Magneton
| |
| |
| *Golduck
| |
| |
| '''GEN 3'''
| |
| |
| '''Ruby'''
| |
| |
| *Sceptile
| |
| |
| *Swellow
| |
| |
| *Shiftry
| |
| |
| *Gardevoir
| |
| |
| *Roselia
| |
| |
| *Linoone
| |
| |
| '''LeafGreen'''
| |
| |
| *Venusaur
| |
| |
| *Pidgeot
| |
| |
| *Raichu
| |
| |
| *Vaporeon
| |
| |
| *Rapidash
| |
| |
| '''Emerald'''
| |
| |
| *Sceptile
| |
| |
| *Swellow
| |
| |
| *Ludicolo
| |
| |
| *Manetric
| |
| |
| *Kecleon
| |
| |
| *Exploud
| |
| |
| '''GEN 4'''
| |
| |
| '''Diamond'''
| |
| |
| *Empoleon
| |
| |
| *Staraptor
| |
| |
| *Magnezone
| |
| |
| *Weavile
| |
| |
| *Leafeon
| |
| |
| *Bibarel
| |
| |
| '''Platinum'''
| |
| *Torterra
| |
| |
| *Staraptor
| |
| |
| *Luxray
| |
| |
| *Lucario
| |
| |
| *Infernape
| |
| |
| *Milotic
| |
| |
| '''SoulSilver'''
| |
| |
| *Meganium
| |
| |
| *Pidegeot
| |
| |
| *Furret
| |
| |
| *Ampharos
| |
| |
| *Hypno
| |
| |
| *Gyarados
| |
| |
| '''GEN V'''
| |
| |
| '''Black'''
| |
| |
| *Serperior
| |
| |
| *Stoutland
| |
| |
| *Unfezant
| |
| |
| *Simipour
| |
| |
| *Zebstrika
| |
| |
| *Conkeldurr
| |
| |
| ==Userboxes==
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| ::{{User Jirachi}}
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| ::{{User Arceus}}
| |
| ::{{User Mew}}
| |
| ::{{User Darkrai}}
| |
| ::{{User Victini}}
| |
| ::{{User Original Series}}
| |
| ::{{User Donut}}
| |
| ::{{User Hat}}
| |
| ::{{User Episode|EP025.png|EP025|Primeape Goes Bananas}}
| |
| ::{{User Starter|001|Bulbasaur}}
| |
| ::{{User Starter|152|Chikorita}}
| |
| ::{{User Starter|252|Treecko}}
| |
| ::{{User Starter|387|Turtwig}}
| |
| ::{{User Starter|495|Snivy}}
| |
| ::{{User Trainer|BW Hilbert.png}}
| |
| ::{{User Male|389}}
| |
| ::{{User Grass|154}}
| |
| ::{{User Brown Hair|FRRed}}
| |
| ::{{User Platinum}}
| |
| ::{{User SoulSilver}}
| |
| ::{{User Yellow}}
| |
| ::{{User Blue}}
| |
| ::{{User LeafGreen}}
| |
| ::{{User Silver}}
| |
| ::{{User Eight Gym Badges|Lucasplatinum.png}}
| |
| ::{{User GSDS}}
| |
| ::{{User_Smash Bros. Brawl}}
| |
| ::{{User Black}}
| |
Latest revision as of 17:42, 10 January 2013