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Hi everyone. My name's Liam O'Loghlen. Since I got my first Gameboy colour and picked up [[Pokémon Silver Version]], I've loved Pokemon. Later that year for my 8th birthday I got [[Pokemon LeafGreen]] and a [[Gameboy Advance]], which really began my interest in Pokémon. Now, almost 15, I've played through all the games, watched countless episodes of the TV series and I'm a self-confessed Pokémaniac. I don't care if I'm in High School, Pokémon is still awesome! Ever since I set off on my journey, I've always picked the Grass Types, but my teams are usually very well rounded, and as varied as could be. My favourite Pokémon game is, so far, Pokémon Silver!

==Other Interests==
I'm also interested in many other things. I'm a big Hard Rock/Heavy Metal fan. My favourite band is KISS. I'm one of those people who like to whinge about being born into a time with little innovation in the music industry, adn all this auto-tuned, squeaky clean Pop Music (Don't you F**ing dare get me started on Justin Bieber). I would say that Green Day are my next favourite band (Mostly a classic Pre-American Idiot fan, but I still do like their new stuff, even if it is too mainstream, followed by The Beatles, who, despite coming third on my list, are still the most innovative, influential band of all time!
I'm also a big WWE fan(It is '''SCRIPTED''', or '''PREDETERMINED''', not fake!). My favourite Wrstlers are:
* '''CM Punk''', because of his amazing Mic and In-Ring skills, which have just gotten better and better since his Heel Turn, and his recent turn into an Anti-Hero
* '''John Cena''', because he has an amzing work ethic. He may not be technically skilled, and while good on the mic, his gimmick isn't doing him any good, but he works harder than any guy in that locker room. He lives and breathes WWE!
* '''Zack Ryder'''! WOO! WOO! WOO! YOU KNOW IT!
* '''AJ Styles''', because he is, in my opinion, the most skilled wrestler in the world today! He's truly Phenomenal!
* '''Santino Marella'''. There, I said it!
I enjoy other video games, too. I'm a Nintendo guy, because, in my opinion, they make the most consistent, high qualty video games on the market. Also, you just can't go past the fact that they invented every single button and control method on a modern game controller. Yeah, Sony made double shoudler buttons and double analog sticks, but all they did was add on to Nintendo's creation. My favourite games, just to name a few, are:
* ''' The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time'''
* '''Super Mario Galaxy 2'''
* '''[[Pokémon Silver Version]]'''
==GEN I==
[[Image:Spr 1b 003.png]]<br>[[Venusaur]]
[[Image:Spr 1b 018.png]]<br>[[Pidgeot]]
[[Image:Spr 1b 026.png]]<br>[[Raichu]]
[[Image:Spr 1b 107.png]]<br>[[Hitmonchan]]
[[Image:Spr 1b 136.png]]<br>[[Flareon]]
[[Image:Spr 1b 076.png]]<br>[[Golem]]
[[Image:Spr 1y 025.png]]<br>[[Pikachu]]
[[Image:Spr 1y 034.png]]<br>[[Nidoking]]
[[Image:Spr 1y 022.png]]<br>[[Fearow]]
[[Image:Spr 1y 003.png]]<br>[[Venusaur]]
[[Image:Spr 1y 009.png]]<br>[[Blastoise]]
[[Image:Spr 1y 006.png]]<br>[[Charizard]]
==GEN II==
[[Image:Spr 2s 154.png]]<br>[[Meganium]]
[[Image:Spr 2s 164.png]]<br>[[Noctowl]]
[[Image:Spr 2s 162.png]]<br>[[Furret]]
[[Image:Spr 2s 059.png]]<br>[[Arcanine]]
[[Image:Spr 2s 082.png]]<br>[[Magneton]]
[[Image:Spr 2s 055.png]]<br>[[Golduck]]
[[Image:Spr 3r 254.png]]<br>[[Sceptile]]
[[Image:Spr 3r 277.png]]<br>[[Swellow]]
[[Image:Spr 3r 282.png]]<br>[[Gardevoir]]
[[Image:Spr 3r 315.png]]<br>[[Roselia]]
[[Image:Spr 3r 264.png]]<br>[[Linoone]]
[[Image:Spr 3r 350.png]]<br>[[Milotic]]
'''LeafGreen''' (Black PC)
'''Emerald''' (Black PC)
==GEN IV==
[[Image:Spr 4d 395.png]]<br>[[Empoleon]]
[[Image:Spr 4d 398 m.png]]<br>[[Staraptor]]
[[Image:Spr 4d 462.png]]<br>[[Magnezone]]
[[Image:Spr 4d 461 m.png]]<br>[[Weavile]]
[[Image:Spr 4d 470.png]]<br>[[Leafeon]]
[[Image:Spr 4d 400 m.png]]<br>[[Bibarel]]
'''Platinum''' (Black PC)
'''SoulSilver''' (Black PC)
[[Image:Spr 5b 130 f s.png]]<br>[[Gyarados]]
==GEN V==
[[Image:Spr 5b 521 f.png]]<br>[[Unfezant]]
::{{User Jirachi}}
::{{User Arceus}}
::{{User Mew}}
::{{User Darkrai}}
::{{User Victini}}
::{{User Shiny|130|Gyarados|Water|Flying}}
::{{User Shiny|018|Pidgeot|Normal|Flying}}
::{{User Shiny|022|Fearow|Normal|Flying}}
::{{User Original Series}}
::{{User Donut}}
::{{User Hat}}
::{{User Episode|EP025.png|EP025|Primeape Goes Bananas}}
::{{User Starter|001|Bulbasaur}}
::{{User Starter|025|Pikachu}}
::{{User Starter|152|Chikorita}}
::{{User Starter|252|Treecko}}
::{{User Starter|393|Piplup}}
::{{User Starter|387|Turtwig}}
::{{User Starter|495|Snivy}}
::{{User Trainer|BW Hilbert.png}}
::{{User Male|389}}
::{{User Grass|154}}
::{{User Brown Hair|FRRed}}
::{{User Platinum}}
::{{User SoulSilver}}
::{{User Yellow}}
::{{User Blue}}
::{{User LeafGreen}}
::{{User Silver}}
::{{User Eight Gym Badges|Lucasplatinum.png}}
::{{User GSDS}}
::{{User_Smash Bros. Brawl}}
::{{User Black}}

Latest revision as of 17:42, 10 January 2013