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Revision as of 03:09, 26 October 2019

The Red Field

The Red Field is a pinball table in Pokémon Pinball. Its counterpart is the Blue Field.

Field Features

Catch 'Em Mode

Catch 'Em Mode can be activated by sending the ball through the right loop twice, lighting up two Catch 'Em arrows, then sending the ball into Bellsprout's mouth. Some Pokémon will only appear when all 3 Catch 'Em arrows are lit.

EVO Mode

Sending the ball through the left loop three times will allow the player to activate EVO mode by hitting the ball into the hole previously guarded by Ditto. After choosing a Pokémon to evolve, green arrows will appear pointing to locations on the field. Hitting them places evolution items somewhere on the field, and collecting all three (within the two-minute time limit) and getting the ball in the hole that appears will allow the selected Pokémon to evolve.

If the chosen Pokémon is already fully evolved, the player will instead get a 10 million point bonus upon collecting all three items.

Travel Mode

Hitting the head of Diglett three times on a single side will allow you to instigate travel mode once sending the ball through the directed loop and landing it in the hole in the field's center.

Bonus Fields

Diglett Bonus Stage

This table features Diglett and Dugtrio, it has no time limit however, the player only has one ball to complete the stage with. If the ball is lost, the stage ends. When the stage begins, the field is covered with Diglett that, when hit with the ball, will retreat into the table. The player earns points for each Diglett he knocks down. When all the Diglett are knocked down, a Dugtrio appears in the back center portion of the table. Hitting the Dugtrio three times will earn bonus points and complete the bonus stage.

Gengar Bonus Stage

This table is set in a graveyard where the player is attacked by several wild Gastly. Hitting ten Gastly with the ball will cause Haunter to appear instead. Hitting ten Haunter with the ball will draw out a giant Gengar. Hit Gengar five times to complete the stage. Hitting the necessary Pokémon will earn points. There is a time limit of 1:30 on the stage, and the player can lose the ball an unlimited number of times without penalty.

Mewtwo Bonus Stage

Mewtwo stands in the back center of the otherwise open stage, surrounded by six black circles moving around it in a circular pattern. Hitting these circles will earn 1,000,000 points and cause them to disappear momentarily. Hitting Mewtwo will earn 50,000,000 points per hit. As the player hits Mewtwo more, the number of circles on the field will decrease gradually. Hitting Mewtwo 25 times will complete the stage. There is a time limit of 2:00 on the stage, with unlimited extra balls.

Once the Mewtwo stage is completed, the rotation will cycle back to the first bonus stage for the table being played.

Diglett Bonus Stage Gengar Bonus Stage Mewtwo Bonus Stage


This is a listing of the areas on the Red Field and the Pokémon that appear there. They are listed in the in-game order:

Area 1

Pallet Town
Pokémon Catch'em Arrows
Two Three
Bulbasaur 6.25% 18.75%
Charmander 37.5% 6.25%
Pidgey 18.75% 6.25%
Rattata 18.75% 6.25%
Nidoran♀ 6.25% 25.00%
Nidoran♂ 6.25% 18.75%
Tentacool 6.25% 18.75%
Viridian Forest
Pokémon Catch'em Arrows
Two Three
Caterpie - 12.5%
Weedle 31.25% 18.75%
Pidgey 31.25% 12.5%
Rattata 31.25% 12.5%
Pikachu 6.25% 43.75%
Pewter City
Pokémon Catch'em Arrows
Two Three
Pidgey 12.5% 12.5%
Spearow 37.5% 18.75%
Ekans 6.25% 25.00%
Jigglypuff 31.25% 12.5%
Magikarp 12.5% 25.00%
Cerulean City
Pokémon Catch'em Arrows
Two Three
Caterpie - 6.25%
Weedle 12.5% -
Pidgey 6.25% -
Nidoran♂ - 6.25%
Oddish 31.25% 6.25%
Psyduck 6.25% 12.5%
Mankey 18.75% 12.5%
Abra 12.5% 18.75%
Krabby 6.25% 6.25%
Goldeen 6.25% 12.5%
Jynx - 18.75%
Vermilion City Seaside
Pokémon Catch'em Arrows
Two Three
Pidgey 6.25% -
Spearow 6.25% -
Ekans 12.5% 25%
Oddish 12.5% 6.25%
Mankey 12.5% 6.25%
Farfetch'd - 25%
Shellder 18.75% 12.5%
Drowzee 12.5% 12.5%
Krabby 18.75% 12.5%
Rock Mountain
Pokémon Catch'em Arrows
Two Three
Rattata 6.25% -
Spearow 6.25% -
Ekans 18.75% -
Zubat 6.25% 12.5%
Diglett 18.75% 6.25%
Machop 6.25% 12.5%
Geodude 6.25% 12.5%
Slowpoke 6.25% 12.5%
Onix 6.25% 12.5%
Voltorb 18.75% 12.5%
Mr. Mime - 18.75%
Lavender Town
Pokémon Catch'em Arrows
Two Three
Pidgey 12.5% -
Ekans 12.5% 6.25%
Mankey 12.5% 6.25%
Growlithe 12.5% 6.25%
Magnemite 12.5% 12.5%
Gastly 31.25% 12.5%
Cubone 6.25% 18.75%
Electabuzz - 18.75%
Zapdos - 18.75%

Area 2

Cycling Road
Pokémon Catch'em Arrows
Two Three
Rattata 12.5% -
Spearow 12.5% -
Tentacool 12.5% 6.25%
Doduo 18.75% 31.25%
Krabby 12.5% 6.25%
Lickitung 6.25% 25%
Goldeen 12.5% 6.25%
Magikarp 12.5% 6.25%
Snorlax - 18.75%
Safari Zone
Pokémon Catch'em Arrows
Two Three
Nidoran♂ 25% 12.5%
Paras 25% 12.5%
Doduo 25% -
Rhyhorn 25% 12.5%
Chansey - 25%
Scyther - 12.5%
Tauros - 12.5%
Dratini - 12.5
Seafoam Islands
Pokémon Catch'em Arrows
Two Three
Zubat 6.25% -
Psyduck 6.25% -
Tentacool 6.25% -
Slowpoke 6.25% -
Seel 6.25% 31.25%
Shellder 6.25% -
Krabby 6.25% -
Horsea 25% -
Goldeen 6.25% 25%
Staryu 25% 25%
Articuno - 18.75%
Cinnabar Island
Pokémon Catch'em Arrows
Two Three
Growlithe 25% 12.5%
Ponyta 25% 12.5%
Grimer 12.5% 6.25%
Koffing 25% 12.5%
Tangela 12.5% 18.75%
Omanyte - 18.75%
Kabuto - 18.75%

Area 3

Mew can appear as a catchable Pokémon in Indigo Plateau once the player has completed the Mewtwo bonus stage twice (it then has a 1/16 chance of being encountered when all three GET lights are lit). However, it is virtually impossible to be caught by normal means, because a special routine requires the player to hit Mew a total of 1024 times (256 times for each of the 4 steps in the "catch!" sequence).[1] Mew's Pokédex entry will be unlocked when it is encountered instead of when it is obtained.

Indigo Plateau
Pokémon Catch'em Arrows
Two Three
Spearow 6.25% 6.25%
Ekans 6.25% 6.25%
Zubat 12.5% 6.25%
Machop 18.75% 6.25%
Geodude 18.75% 6.25%
Onix 18.75% 6.25%
Ditto 18.75% 25%
Moltres - 18.75%
Mewtwo - 18.75%
