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Revision as of 03:18, 15 November 2023

Greengrass Isle
Team RP target: >= 1,400
Wakakusa Island
"Wild Missingno. appeared!"
Map description: The largest island in the region, known for its fertile land covered with greenery. It hosts the greatest variety of Pokémon.
Location: West of Cyan Beach
Region: Pokémon Sleep
Generations: IX

Location of Greengrass Isle in Pokémon Sleep.
Pokémon world locations

Greengrass Isle (Japanese: ワカクサ本島 Wakakusa Island) is an island on which players can conduct sleep research in Pokémon Sleep.


Greengrass Isle decorated for the Halloween event

Greengrass Isle is the first island available for players in Pokémon Sleep. It hosts the greatest variety of Pokémon, with 84 different species being found here.

Snorlax found here are colored normally, and their favorite Berries can be any kind.

As the first island, it has the lowest strength targets needed to achieve each Snorlax ranking. Greengrass Isle's strength targets, along with the associated rewards for achieving each rating, are as follows.

Snorlax rating Required strength Dream Shard reward
Basic 1 0 0
2 3,118 35
3 7,171 45
4 11,693 50
5 17,149 61
Great 1 23,385 69
2 31,492 90
3 41,314 109
4 53,006 130
5 65,634 140
Ultra 1 79,197 151
2 93,540 159
3 109,130 173
4 125,032 177
5 156,121 345
Master 1 187,832 352
2 220,177 359
3 253,169 367
4 286,821 374
5 321,146 381
6 356,158 389
7 391,870 397
8 428,296 405
9 465,451 413
10 532,707 747
11 601,308 762
12 742,056 1,564
13 885,619 1,595
14 1,029,700 1,601
15 1,199,506 1,887
16 1,486,800 3,192
17 1,795,052 3,425
18 2,165,541 4,117
19 2,604,280 4,875
20 3,245,795 7,128

Sleep styles

This section is incomplete.
Please feel free to edit this section to add missing information and complete it.
Reason: Missing some sleep styles found here; missing images of Cleffa and Shuppet lines + 3 and 4 star sleep styles

Greengrass Isle features a wide variety of Pokémon, but their sleep styles are typically limited to the ★, ★★, and ★★★★ sleep styles for each species.

Dozing Types

There are 29 different Dozing-type Pokémon that can be found here, with a total of 85 different sleep styles.

Pokédex No. Pokémon Number of sleep styles Available sleep styles
#0001 Bulbasaur 3 Sunbathing Sleep

Sturdy Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep
#0002 Ivysaur 3 Sunbathing Sleep

Sturdy Sleep

#0003 Venusaur 3 Sturdy Sleep

#0010 Caterpie 3 Sprawled Sleep

Droopy-Headed Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep
#0011 Metapod 3 Placid Sleep

Wobbling Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep
#0012 Butterfree 4 Air-Sitting Sleep

#0023 Ekans 3 Coiled Sleep

Springy Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep
#0024 Arbok 3 Coiled Sleep

Leaning Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep
#0054 Psyduck 3 Headache Sleep

Big-Yawn Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep
#0056 Mankey 3 Angry Sleep

Upright Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep
#0057 Primeape 3 Angry Sleep

Stomping Sleep

#0069 Bellsprout 3 Stretched-Out Sleep

Acid-Dripping Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep
#0070 Weepinbell 3 Acid-Dripping Sleep

Floating Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep
#0071 Victreebel 3
#0092 Gastly 2 Snickering Sleep

Floaty-Gas Sleep

#0093 Haunter 2 Slumping Sleep

Floaty-Gas Sleep

#0094 Gengar 3
#0127 Pinsir 3 Fearless Sleep

#0152 Chikorita 3 Leaf-Twirling Sleep

Droopy-Leaf Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep
#0214 Heracross 3 Horn-Shaking Sleep

Upright Sleep

#0228 Houndour 3 Howling Sleep

Stretching Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep
#0288 Vigoroth 3 Impatient Sleep

#0316 Gulpin 3 Balloon Sleep

Nodding Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep
#0317 Swalot 3 Toppling-Over Sleep

Nodding Sleep

#0353 Shuppet 2
#0354 Banette 3
#0359 Absol 3 Tucked Sleep

Danger-Sensing Sleep

#0453 Croagunk 3 Loafing Sleep

Cheek-Inflating Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep
#0454 Toxicroak 3 Loafing Sleep

Throat-Inflating Sleep


Snoozing Types

There are 31 different Snoozing-type Pokémon that can be found here, with a total of 96 different sleep styles.

Pokédex No. Pokémon Number of sleep styles Available sleep styles
#0014 Charmander 3 Crackling Sleep

Tummy-Rub Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep
#0015 Charmeleon 3 Arm-Pillow Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep
#0006 Charizard 3
#0019 Rattata 3 Face-Scratching Sleep

Slumping Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep
#0020 Raticate 3 Teeth-Grinding Sleep

Upright Sleep

#0025 Pikachu 3 Curled-Up Sleep

Droopy-Eared Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep
#0026 Raichu 3
#0035 Clefairy 3 Atop-Belly Sleep
#0036 Clefable 3
#0039 Jigglypuff 3 Seated Sleep

Spacey Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep
#0040 Wigglytuff 3
#0050 Diglett 2 Underground Sleep

Aboveground Sleep

#0051 Dugtrio 2 Underground Sleep

Aboveground Sleep

#0052 Meowth 3 Curled-Up Sleep

Seated Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep
#0053 Persian 3 Elegant Sleep

#0058 Growlithe 3 Stretching Sleep

Sitting Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep
#0079 Slowpoke 3 Zonked Sleep

Dazed Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep
#0080 Slowbro 3 Cozy-Duo Sleep

Drooling Sleep

#0115 Kangaskhan 3 Parental-Bond Sleep

#0132 Ditto 5 Rock-Formed Sleep

As-Is Sleep

Bulbasaur Sleep
#0133 Eevee 3 Curled-Up Sleep

Droopy-Eared Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep
#0135 Jolteon 4
#0155 Cyndaquil 3 Sprawled Sleep

Hunched Sleep

#0176 Togetic 3 Sitting-Flutter Sleep

Upright-Flutter Sleep

#0179 Mareep 3 Fluffy Sleep

Pawing Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep
#0180 Flaaffy 3 Sprawled Sleep

Fluffy Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep
#0202 Wobbuffet 3 Tail-Hiding Sleep

Biding Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep
#0287 Slakoth 3 Slacking Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep
#0289 Slaking 3
#0468 Togekiss 4
#0700 Sylveon 4

Slumbering Types

There are 24 different Slumbering-type Pokémon that can be found here, with a total of 72 different sleep styles.

Pokédex No. Pokémon Number of sleep styles Available sleep styles
#0007 Squirtle 3 Sheltered Sleep

Unsheltered Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep
#0008 Wartortle 3 Sheltered Sleep

Unsheltered Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep
#0009 Blastoise 3
#0074 Geodude 3 Arms-Crossed Sleep

Biding Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep
#0075 Graveler 3 Lounging Sleep

Hearty Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep
#0081 Magnemite 3 Droopy-Float Sleep

Magnet-Rise Sleep

Upside-Down Sleep
#0082 Magneton 3 Linked Sleep

Near-Falling Sleep

#0084 Doduo 3 Lookout Sleep

Lazy-Lookout Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep
#0085 Dodrio 3 Lookout Sleep

Lazy-Lookout Sleep

#0104 Cubone 3 Weepy Sleep

Scratchy-Bone Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep
#0105 Marowak 3 Huggy-Bone Sleep

Scratchy-Bone Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep
#0158 Totodile 3 One-Eyed Sleep

Bitey Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep
#0172 Pichu 3 Peaceful Sleep

Seated Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep
#0173 Cleffa 3 Rocking Sleep
Atop-Belly Sleep
#0174 Igglybuff 3 Bouncy Sleep

Spacey Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep
#0175 Togepi 3 Rocking Sleep

Overturned Sleep

#0185 Sudowoodo 3 Pseudo-Wood Sleep

Pseudo-Slacking Sleep

#0246 Larvitar 3 Stretching Sleep

Face-Rubbing Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep
#0333 Swablu 3 Roosting Sleep

Flapping Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep
#0360 Wynaut 3 Tail-Shifting Sleep

Biding Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep
#0363 Spheal 3 Flopped Sleep

Big-Yawn Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep
#0438 Bonsly 3 Flopped Sleep

Upright Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep
#0447 Riolu 3 Knee-Hugging Sleep

Mid-Training Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep
#0462 Magnezone 3


Language Name Origin
Japanese ワカクサ本島 Wakakusa Hontō From 若草色 wakakusa-iro (chartreuse green color of young grass)
English Greengrass Isle From green and grass
German Grasgrün-Insel From Gras (grass) and Grün (green)
Spanish Isla Verdegal From verde (green) and galería (gallery)
French Île Vertepousse From vert (green) and pousse (sprout)
Italian Isola Erbaverde From erba (herb) and verde (green)
Korean 연둣빛 본섬 Yeondut-bit Bonseom From 연둣빛 yeondut-bit (yellow green)
Chinese (Mandarin) 萌綠之島 Ménglǜ zhī Dǎo From 萌 méng (to sprout) and 綠 / 绿 lǜ / luhk (green)
Chinese (Cantonese) 萌綠之島 Màhngluhk jī Dóu

This article is part of both Project Sidegames and Project Locations, Bulbapedia projects that, together, aim to write comprehensive articles on locations in the sidegames.