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| == Availability == | | ==WalkthroughNotice template update== |
| === Time-based ===
| | <center>''This is the Bulbapedia walkthrough for [[{{#switch: {{{1|RB}}}|RB=Pokémon Red and Blue Versions|Y=Pokémon Yellow Version|GS=Pokémon Gold and Silver Versions|RS=Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire Versions|DP=Pokémon Diamond and Pearl Versions|FRLG=Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen Versions|HGSS=Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver Versions|ORAS=Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire|LGPE=Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee!|BDSP=Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl}}|{{#switch: {{{1|RB}}}|RB=Pokémon Red and Blue|Y=Pokémon Yellow|GS=Pokémon Gold and Silver|RS=Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire|DP=Pokémon Diamond and Pearl|FRLG=Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen|HGSS=Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver|ORAS=Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire|LGPE=Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee!|BDSP=Pokémon Brillant Diamond and Shining Pearl}}]].<br>These pages follow the {{#switch: {{{1|RB}}}|RB|Y|GS|RS|DP=original|FRLG|HGSS|ORAS|LGPE|BDSP=remade}} [[{{#switch: {{{1|RB}}}|RB|Y=Game Boy|GS=Game Boy Color|RS|FRLG=Game Boy Advance|DP|HGSS=Nintendo DS|ORAS=Nintendo 3DS|LGPE|BDSP=Nintendo Switch}}]] iteration, '''not''' [[{{#switch: {{{1|RB}}}|RB=Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen Versions|Y=Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee!|GS=Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver Versions|RS=Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire|DP=Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl|FRLG=Pokémon Red and Blue Versions|HGSS=Pokémon Gold and Silver Versions|ORAS=Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire Versions|LGPE=Pokémon Yellow Version|BDSP=Pokémon Diamond and Pearl Versions}}|{{#switch: {{{1|RB}}}|RB=FireRed and LeafGreen|Y=Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee!|GS=HeartGold and SoulSilver|RS=Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire|DP=Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl|FRLG=Red and Blue|HGSS=Gold and Silver|ORAS=Ruby and Sapphire|LGPE=Pokémon Yellow|BDSP=Diamond and Pearl}}]]. The guide for {{#switch: {{{1|RB}}}|RB|Y|GS|RS|DP|FRLG|HGSS|ORAS|BDSP=those games|LGPE=that game}} can be found '''{{appendix|{{#switch: {{{1|RB}}}|RB=FireRed and LeafGreen|Y=LGPE|GS=HeartGold and SoulSilver|RS=Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire|DP=Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl|FRLG=Red and Blue|HGSS=Gold and Silver|ORAS=Ruby and Sapphire|LGPE=Yellow|BDSP=Diamond and Pearl}} walkthrough|here}}'''.''</center> |
| {{catch/header|building|yes}}
| | ----- |
| {{Catch/entry2|019|Rattata|yes|yes|yes|1F-3F|3-6|100%|100%|15%}}
| | <br> |
| {{Catch/entry2|092|Gastly|yes|yes|yes|1F-3F|3-6|0%|0%|85%|type1=Ghost|type2=Poison}}
| |
| {{catch/footer|building}}
| |
| | |
| | |
| {| align="left" class="roundy" width=425px style="border: 2px solid #{{locationcolor/dark|building}}; background: #{{locationcolor/med|building}}; margin-right: 5px; margin-bottom: 5px;"
| |
| ! class="roundytl" width=20% style="background: #{{locationcolor/light|building}}; color: #{{locationcolor/text|building}}" rowspan="{{#ifeq: {{{2|yes}}}|yes|2|1}}" | Pokémon
| |
| ! width=18% style="background: #{{locationcolor/light|building}}; color: #{{locationcolor/text|building}}" rowspan="{{#ifeq: {{{2|yes}}}|yes|2|1}}" colspan="6" | Games
| |
| ! width=29% style="background: #{{locationcolor/light|building}}; color: #{{locationcolor/text|building}}" rowspan="{{#ifeq: {{{2|yes}}}|yes|2|1}}" | Location
| |
| ! width=29% style="background: #{{locationcolor/light|building}}; color: #{{locationcolor/text|building}}" rowspan="{{#ifeq: {{{2|yes}}}|yes|2|1}}" | Levels
| |
| ! class="roundytr" width=33% style="background: #{{locationcolor/light|building}}; color: #{{locationcolor/text|building}}" colspan="{{#ifeq: {{{season (mechanic)|}}}|yes|4|3}}" | Rate
| |
| {{#ifeq: {{{2|yes}}}|yes|
| |
| {{!}}- align="center" style="background: #{{locationcolor/light|{{{1|road}}}}}; color: #{{locationcolor/text|{{{1|road}}}}}"
| |
| {{#ifeq: {{{season (mechanic)|}}}|yes|! width=8% style="background:#{{spring color}}" {{!}} [[Season (mechanic)#Spring|<span style="color:#000000;">Sp</span>]]
| |
| ! width=8% style="background:#78D0F8" {{!}} [[Season (mechanic)#Summer|<span style="color:#000000;">Su</span>]]
| |
| ! width=8% style="background:#F89058" {{!}} [[Season (mechanic)#Autumn|<span style="color:#000000;">Au</span>]]
| |
| ! width=8% style="background:#F0D8F8" {{!}} [[Season (mechanic)#Winter|<span style="color:#000000;">Wi</span>]]|! width=11% style="background:#FFFFAA" {{!}} [[File:Morning Icon.png|30px|Morning|link=Morning]]
| |
| ! width=11% style="background:#5ED0FF" {{!}} [[File:Day Icon.png|30px|Day|link=Day]]
| |
| ! width=11% style="background:#003366" {{!}} [[File:Night Icon.png|30px|Night|link=Night]]}}|{{!}}-}}
| |
| |- style="text-align:center;" | |
| | style="background: #FFFFFF;" |
| |
| {| width="100%" class="roundy" style="background: transparent;"
| |
| ! width="32px" style="{{roundy|32px}} background: #{{{{{type1|normal}}} color light}}; border: 2px solid #{{{{{type2|{{{type1|normal}}}}}} color dark}};" | {{MSP|019|Rattata}}
| |
| | [[Rattata (Pokémon)|<span style="color:#000;">Rattata</span>]]
| |
| |} | |
| ! colspan="2" style="background:#{{gold color}};" | [[Pokémon Gold and Silver Versions|<span style="color:#000;">G</span>]]
| |
| ! colspan="2" style="background:#{{silver color}};" | [[Pokémon Gold and Silver Versions|<span style="color:#000;">S</span>]]
| |
| ! colspan="2" style="background:#{{crystal color}};" | [[Pokémon Crystal Version|<span style="color:#000;">C</span>]]
| |
| | style="background:#FFFFFF;" | | |
| {| width="100%" style="background:transparent;"
| |
| |- | |
| | width="30px" | [[File:GSC Stairs.png]]
| |
| | Walking
| |
| |}
| |
| | style="background:#FFFFFF;" | 3-8
| |
| {{!}} colspan="3" style="background:#{{#switch: {{#time: G}}|4|5|6|7|8|9={{morning color light}}|10|11|12|13|14|15|16|17={{day color light}}|18|19|20|21|22|23|0|1|2|3={{night color light}}}};" {{!}} {{#switch: {{#time: G}}|4|5|6|7|8|9=100%|10|11|12|13|14|15|16|17=100%|18|19|20|21|22|23|0|1|2|3={{color|{{night textcolor}}|15%}}}}
| |
| |- style="text-align:center;" | |
| | style="background: #FFFFFF;" |
| |
| {| width="100%" class="roundy" style="background: transparent;"
| |
| ! width="32px" style="{{roundy|32px}} background: #{{ghost color light}}; border: 2px solid #{{poison color dark}};" | {{MSP|092|Gastly}}
| |
| | [[Gastly (Pokémon)|<span style="color:#000;">Gastly</span>]]
| |
| |} | |
| ! colspan="2" style="background:#{{gold color}};" | [[Pokémon Gold and Silver Versions|<span style="color:#000;">G</span>]]
| |
| ! colspan="2" style="background:#{{silver color}};" | [[Pokémon Gold and Silver Versions|<span style="color:#000;">S</span>]]
| |
| ! colspan="2" style="background:#{{crystal color}};" | [[Pokémon Crystal Version|<span style="color:#000;">C</span>]]
| |
| | style="background:#FFFFFF;" | | |
| {| width="100%" style="background:transparent;"
| |
| |- | |
| | width="30px" | [[File:GSC Stairs.png]]
| |
| | Walking
| |
| |}
| |
| | style="background:#FFFFFF;" | 3-6
| |
| {{!}} colspan="3" style="background:#{{#switch: {{#time: G}}|4|5|6|7|8|9={{morning color light}}|10|11|12|13|14|15|16|17={{day color light}}|18|19|20|21|22|23|0|1|2|3={{night color light}}}};" {{!}} {{#switch: {{#time: G}}|4|5|6|7|8|9=0%|10|11|12|13|14|15|16|17=0%|18|19|20|21|22|23|0|1|2|3={{color|{{night textcolor}}|85%}}}}
| |
| {{catch/footer|building}}
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| | |
| === Season-based===
| |
| {{Catch/header|ocean|seasons=yes}}
| |
| {{catch/entry5|278|Wingull|yes|yes|N/A|Surf|25-55|all=60%|type1=Water|type2=Flying}}
| |
| {{catch/entry5|279|Pelipper|yes|yes|N/A|Surf|25-55|all=10%|type1=Water|type2=Flying}}
| |
| {{catch/entry5|458|Mantyke|yes|yes|N/A|Surf|25-55|30%|30%|30%|-|type1=Water|type2=Flying}}
| |
| {{catch/entry5|363|Spheal|yes|yes|N/A|Surf|25-55|-|-|-|30%|type1=Ice|type2=Water}}
| |
| {{Catch/footer|ocean}}
| |
| | |
| | |
| {{catch/header|ocean|seasons=yes}}
| |
| <!--{| align="left" class="roundy" width=425px style="border: 2px solid #{{locationcolor/dark|ocean}}; background: #{{locationcolor/med|ocean}}; margin-right: 5px; margin-bottom: 5px;" | |
| ! class="roundytl" width=20% style="background: #{{locationcolor/light|ocean}}; color: #{{locationcolor/text|ocean}}" rowspan="{{#ifeq: {{{2|yes}}}|yes|2|1}}" | Pokémon
| |
| ! width=18% style="background: #{{locationcolor/light|ocean}}; color: #{{locationcolor/text|ocean}}" rowspan="{{#ifeq: {{{2|yes}}}|yes|2|1}}" colspan="6" | Games
| |
| ! width=29% style="background: #{{locationcolor/light|ocean}}; color: #{{locationcolor/text|ocean}}" rowspan="{{#ifeq: {{{2|yes}}}|yes|2|1}}" | Location
| |
| ! width=29% style="background: #{{locationcolor/light|ocean}}; color: #{{locationcolor/text|ocean}}" rowspan="{{#ifeq: {{{2|yes}}}|yes|2|1}}" | Levels
| |
| ! class="roundytr" width=33% style="background: #{{locationcolor/light|ocean}}; color: #{{locationcolor/text|ocean}}" | Rate
| |
| {{#ifeq: {{{2|yes}}}|yes|
| |
| {{!}}- align="center" style="background: #{{locationcolor/light|ocean}}; color: #{{locationcolor/text|ocean}}"
| |
| ! style="background:#{{#switch: {{#time: M}}|Jan|May|Sep={{spring color light}}|Feb|Jun|Oct={{summer color light}}|Mar|Jul|Nov={{autumn color light}}|Apr|Aug|Dec={{winter color light}}}};" {{!}} [[Season (mechanic)#{{#switch: {{#time: M}}|Jan|May|Sep=Spring|Feb|Jun|Oct=Summer|Mar|Jul|Nov=Autumn|Apr|Aug|Dec=Winter}}|<span style="color:#000000;">{{#switch: {{#time: M}}|Jan|May|Sep=Spring|Feb|Jun|Oct=Summer|Mar|Jul|Nov=Autumn|Apr|Aug|Dec=Winter}}</span>]]
| |
| {{!}}-}}-->
| |
| |- style="text-align:center;"
| |
| | style="background: #FFFFFF;" |
| |
| {| width="100%" class="roundy" style="background: transparent;" | |
| ! width="32px" style="{{roundy|32px}} background: #{{water color light}}; border: 2px solid #{{flying color dark}};" | {{MSP|278|Wingull}}
| |
| | [[Wingull (Pokémon)|<span style="color:#000;">Wingull</span>]]
| |
| |} | |
| ! colspan="3" style="background:#{{black color}};" | [[Pokémon Black and White Versions|<span style="color:#FFF;">B</span>]]
| |
| ! colspan="3" style="background:#{{white color}};" | [[Pokémon Black and White Versions|<span style="color:#000;">W</span>]] | |
| | style="background:#FFFFFF;" |
| |
| {| width="100%" style="background:transparent;"
| |
| |-
| |
| | width="30px" | [[File:BW Surf {{#switch: {{#expr: {{#time: s}} mod 2}}|0=M|1=F}}.png|Surfing]]
| |
| | [[Surf (move)|<span style="color:#000;">Surfing</span>]]
| |
| |}
| |
| | style="background:#FFFFFF;" | 25-55
| |
| {{!}} colspan="4" style="background:#{{#switch: {{#time: M}}|Jan|May|Sep={{spring color light}}|Feb|Jun|Oct={{summer color light}}|Mar|Jul|Nov={{autumn color light}}|Apr|Aug|Dec={{winter color light}}}};" {{!}} 60%
| |
| |- style="text-align:center;"
| |
| | style="background: #FFFFFF;" |
| |
| {| width="100%" class="roundy" style="background: transparent;"
| |
| ! width="32px" style="{{roundy|32px}} background: #{{water color light}}; border: 2px solid #{{flying color dark}};" | {{MSP|279|Pelipper}}
| |
| | [[Pelipper (Pokémon)|<span style="color:#000;">Pelipper</span>]]
| |
| |} | |
| ! colspan="3" style="background:#{{black color}};" | [[Pokémon Black and White Versions|<span style="color:#FFF;">B</span>]]
| |
| ! colspan="3" style="background:#{{white color}};" | [[Pokémon Black and White Versions|<span style="color:#000;">W</span>]]
| |
| | style="background:#FFFFFF;" | | |
| {| width="100%" style="background:transparent;"
| |
| |-
| |
| | width="30px" | [[File:BW Surf {{#switch: {{#expr: {{#time: s}} mod 2}}|0=M|1=F}}.png|Surfing]]
| |
| | [[Surf (move)|<span style="color:#000;">Surfing</span>]]
| |
| |}
| |
| | style="background:#FFFFFF;" | 25-55
| |
| {{!}} colspan="4" style="background:#{{#switch: {{#time: M}}|Jan|May|Sep={{spring color light}}|Feb|Jun|Oct={{summer color light}}|Mar|Jul|Nov={{autumn color light}}|Apr|Aug|Dec={{winter color light}}}};" {{!}} 10%
| |
| |- style="text-align:center;" | |
| | style="background: #FFFFFF;" | | |
| {| width="100%" class="roundy" style="background: transparent;"
| |
| ! width="32px" style="{{roundy|32px}} background: #{{water color light}}; border: 2px solid #{{flying color dark}};" | {{MSP|458|Mantyke}}
| |
| | [[Mantyke (Pokémon)|<span style="color:#000;">Mantyke</span>]]
| |
| |} | |
| ! colspan="3" style="background:#{{black color}};" | [[Pokémon Black and White Versions|<span style="color:#FFF;">B</span>]]
| |
| ! colspan="3" style="background:#{{white color}};" | [[Pokémon Black and White Versions|<span style="color:#000;">W</span>]]
| |
| | style="background:#FFFFFF;" |
| |
| {| width="100%" style="background:transparent;"
| |
| |-
| |
| | width="30px" | [[File:BW Surf {{#switch: {{#expr: {{#time: s}} mod 2}}|0=M|1=F}}.png|Surfing]]
| |
| | [[Surf (move)|<span style="color:#000;">Surfing</span>]]
| |
| |}
| |
| | style="background:#FFFFFF;" | 25-55
| |
| {{!}} colspan="4" style="background:#{{#switch: {{#time: M}}|Jan|May|Sep={{spring color light}}|Feb|Jun|Oct={{summer color light}}|Mar|Jul|Nov={{autumn color light}}|Apr|Aug|Dec={{winter color light}}}};" {{!}} {{#switch: {{#time: M}}|Apr|Aug|Dec=0%|30%}}
| |
| |- style="text-align:center;" | |
| | style="background: #FFFFFF;" | | |
| {| width="100%" class="roundy" style="background: transparent;"
| |
| ! width="32px" style="{{roundy|32px}} background: #{{ice color light}}; border: 2px solid #{{water color dark}};" | {{MSP|363|Spheal}}
| |
| | [[Spheal (Pokémon)|<span style="color:#000;">Spheal</span>]]
| |
| |} | |
| ! colspan="3" style="background:#{{black color}};" | [[Pokémon Black and White Versions|<span style="color:#FFF;">B</span>]]
| |
| ! colspan="3" style="background:#{{white color}};" | [[Pokémon Black and White Versions|<span style="color:#000;">W</span>]]
| |
| | style="background:#FFFFFF;" | | |
| {| width="100%" style="background:transparent;"
| |
| |-
| |
| | width="30px" | [[File:BW Surf {{#switch: {{#expr: {{#time: s}} mod 2}}|0=M|1=F}}.png|Surfing]] | |
| | [[Surf (move)|<span style="color:#000;">Surfing</span>]]
| |
| |}
| |
| | style="background:#FFFFFF;" | 25-55
| |
| {{!}} colspan="4" style="background:#{{#switch: {{#time: M}}|Jan|May|Sep={{spring color light}}|Feb|Jun|Oct={{summer color light}}|Mar|Jul|Nov={{autumn color light}}|Apr|Aug|Dec={{winter color light}}}};" {{!}} {{#switch: {{#time: M}}|Apr|Aug|Dec=30%|0%}}
| |
| {{Catch/footer|ocean}}
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