User:Weezing22arbok: Difference between revisions

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m (Text replacement - "{{User Starter|" to "{{User First Partner|")
Tags: Mobile edit Mobile web edit
(18 intermediate revisions by 10 users not shown)
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{{User Male|336}}
{{User Female|549}}
{{User Christian|480}}
{{User Christian|480}}
{{User Hates|238.png|50|Smoochum (Pokémon)|Smoochum}}
{{User Hates|238.png|50|Smoochum (Pokémon)|Smoochum}}
{{User Firefox}}
{{User Google_Chrome}}
{{User Windows|Microsoft XP}}
{{User Windows|Microsoft XP}}
{{User Read Unown}}
{{User Read Unown}}
{{User Dex}}
{{User Dex}}
{{User Age|13|483}}
{{User No Vandal}}
{{User Birthday|May 4, 1995}}
{{User Birthday|May 4, 1987}}
{{User Taurus|128}}
{{User Astrology|Taurus|128}}
{{User Starter|255|Torchic}}
{{User First Partner|255|Torchic}}
{{User Favorite|082|Magneton}}
{{User Favorite|082|Magneton}}
{{User Favorite Legendary|386|Deoxys}}
{{User Favorite Legendary|487|Giratina}}
{{User Favorite Electric|081|Magnemite}}
{{User Favorite Electric|462|Magnezone}}
{{User Favorite Poison|336|Seviper}}
{{User Favorite Poison|024|Arbok}}
{{User Favorite Psychic|150|Mewtwo}}
{{User Favorite Psychic|282|Gardevoir}}
{{User Favorite Water|382|Kyogre}}
{{User Favorite Water|073|Tentacruel}}
{{User Favorite Fire|257|Blaziken}}
{{User Favorite Fire|609|Chandelure}}
{{User Favorite Grass|071|Victreebel}}
{{User Favorite Grass|497|Serperior}}
{{User Favorite Dragon|Spr_4p_487O|Giratina}}
{{User Favorite Dragon|635|Hydreigon}}
{{User Favorite Ghost|092|Gastly}}
{{User Favorite Ghost|563|Cofagrigus}}
{{User Favorite Fighting|067|Machoke}}
{{User Favorite Fighting|257|Blaziken}}
{{User Favorite Dark|491|Darkrai}}
{{User Favorite Dark|491|Darkrai}}
{{User Favorite Steel|379|Registeel}}
{{User Favorite Steel|625|Bisharp}}
{{User Favorite Ice|378|Regice}}
{{User Favorite Ice|471|Glaceon}}
{{User Favorite Ground|050|Diglett}}
{{User Favorite Ground|553|Krookodile}}
{{User Favorite Rock|141|Kabutops}}
{{User Favorite Rock|338|Solrock}}
{{User Favorite Normal|493|Arceus}}
{{User Favorite Normal|531|Audino}}
{{User Favorite Flying|042|Golbat}}
{{User Favorite Flying|279|Pelipper}}
{{User Favorite Bug|469|Yanmega}}
{{User Favorite Bug|542|Leavanny}}
{{User Favorite Move|462|Zap Cannon|Electric}}
{{User Favorite Move|082|Shock Wave|Electric}}
{{User Favorite Ability|202|Shadow Tag}}
{{User Favorite Ability|292|Wonder Guard}}
{{User Favorite Glitch|000|Missingno.}}
{{User Favorite Glitch|000|Missingno.}}
{{User Gym Leader|Clair|gif}}
{{User Favorite Gym Leader|Spr BW Skyla|Skyla|Flying}}
{{User Favorite Character|May.png|May|May|{{fire color}}|000|(game)}}
{{User Favorite Character|Spr E May.png|May|May|{{fire color}}|000|(game)}}
{{User Region|Hoenn|HoennIIIE.png}}
{{User Region|Hoenn|HoennIIIE.png}}
{{User Ball|Master}}
{{User Ball|Ultra}}
{{User Favorite Berry|Pecha}}
{{User Favorite Berry|Pecha}}
{{User Guinea Pig|020}}
{{User Pet|Guinea Pig}}
{{User Dog|058}}
{{User Pet|Dog}}
{{User Likes Purple|302}}
{{User Likes Purple|302}}
{{User Food|Chicken Burger}}
{{User Food|Chicken Burger}}
{{User Emerald}}
{{User Emerald}}
{{User Male Trainer}}
{{User White}}
{{User Trainer|Spr BW Hilda.png}}

==Weezing Arbok Magneton!!!==
==Emerald Team==
As you all noticed, I love these guys! I dunno why, I just do.
{| {| align="left" width="50%" style="background: #{{emerald color light}};  {{roundy|1em}} border: 5px solid #{{emerald color dark}};"
[[image:Jessie_arbok.jpg|thumb|left|[[Jessie's Arbok]]]][[Image:244.jpg|thumb|left|175px|A wild [[Magneton]]]][[Image:James_weezing.jpg|thumb|left|[[James's Weezing]]]]
| align="center" |
{| border=1 width="100%" align="center" style="background: #{{emerald color light}}; border:5px solid #{{emerald color}}; border-collapse:collapse;"
|- class="c"
| width="33%" | <!--Blaziken-->
{| width=100px align="center" style="background: #{{fire color}}; border: 3px solid #{{fighting color}};  {{roundy|1em}}"
! align="center" | {{p|Blaziken}}
| align="center" style="background: #{{fighting color light}};  {{roundy|1em}} font-size: 100%;" | '''{{tt|Ryujin♂|I know it's a Japanese water god. I took it from Bleach. :I}}'''<br>[[File:Spr 3e 257.png]]
| width="35%" | <!--Magneton-->
{| width=100px align="center" style="background: #{{electric color}}; border: 3px solid #{{steel color}};  {{roundy|1em}}"
! align="center" | {{p|Magneton}}
| align="center" style="background: #{{steel color light}};  {{roundy|1em}} font-size: 100%;" | '''{{tt|Nikola|Don't like the sound of Tesla.}}'''<br>[[File:Spr 3e 082.png]]
| width="33%" | <!--Weezing-->
{| width=100px align="center" style="background: #{{Poison color}}; border: 3px solid #{{Poison color dark}};  {{roundy|1em}}"
! align="center" | {{p|Weezing}}
| align="center" style="background: #{{Poison color light}};  {{roundy|1em}} font-size: 100%;" | '''{{tt|Fumez♂|...I had no idea what to name him. Quick thinking, if you will.}}'''<br>[[File:Spr 3e 110.png]]
|- class="c"
| <!--Arbok-->
{| width=100px align="center" style="background: #{{Poison color}}; border: 3px solid #{{Poison color dark}};  {{roundy|1em}}"
! align="center" | {{p|Arbok}}
| align="center" style="background: #{{Poison color light}};  {{roundy|1em}} font-size: 100%;" | '''{{tt|Shadrone♂|Yes I cheated for the guy. I like Arboks. PROBLEM???}}'''<br>[[File:Spr 3e 024.png]]
| <!--Tentacruel-->
{| width=100px align="center" style="background: #{{Water color}}; border: 3px solid #{{Poison color}};  {{roundy|1em}}"
! align="center" | {{p|Tentacruel}}
| align="center" style="background: #{{Water color light}};  {{roundy|1em}} font-size: 100%;" | '''{{tt|Ikurandji♂|NOTE, the actual spelling is Irukandji. It's a type of jellyfish that has frickin' painful stings, yet it's just like, bite-sized.}}'''<br>[[File:Spr 3e 073.png]]
| <!--Pelipper-->
{| width=100px align="center" style="background: #{{Water color}}; border: 3px solid #{{Flying color}};  {{roundy|1em}}"
! align="center" | {{p|Pelipper}}
| align="center" style="background: #{{Water color light}};  {{roundy|1em}} font-size: 100%;" | '''{{tt|Gullie♀|HM Slave along with Randji. I know Pelipper can learn Surf too but, I like Tentacruels. C:}}'''<br>[[File:Spr 3e 279.png]]
<br clear="left">
==Emerald Backup PKMN==
{| {| align="left" width="50%" style="background: #{{emerald color light}};  {{roundy|1em}} border: 5px solid #{{emerald color dark}};"
| align="center" |
{| border=1 width="100%" align="center" style="background: #{{emerald color light}}; border:5px solid #{{emerald color}}; border-collapse:collapse;"
|- class="c"
| width="33%" | <!--Gardevoir-->
{| width=100px align="center" style="background: #{{Psychic color}}; border: 3px solid #{{Psychic color dark}};  {{roundy|1em}}"
! align="center" | {{p|Gardevoir}}
| align="center" style="background: #{{psychic color light}};  {{roundy|1em}} font-size: 100%;" | '''{{tt|Shirine♀|She replaces Ikurandji from time to time.}}'''<br>[[File:Spr 3e 282.png]]
| width="35%" | <!--Ninjask-->
{| width=100px align="center" style="background: #{{Bug color}}; border: 3px solid #{{Flying color}};  {{roundy|1em}}"
! align="center" | {{p|Ninjask}}
| align="center" style="background: #{{bug color light}};  {{roundy|1em}} font-size: 100%;" | '''{{tt|Aoshi♂|Original name was Sasuke. GLAD I CHANGED IT.}}'''<br>[[File:Spr 3e 291.png]]
| width="33%" | <!--Shedinja-->
{| width=100px align="center" style="background: #{{Bug color}}; border: 3px solid #{{Ghost color}};  {{roundy|1em}}"
! align="center" | {{p|Shedinja}}
| align="center" style="background: #{{Bug color light}};  {{roundy|1em}} font-size: 100%;" | '''{{tt|Half-Life|I rarely use the guy. I just keep 'im 'cause he's cool.}}'''<br>[[File:Spr 3e 292.png]]
|- class="c"
| <!--Seviper-->
{| width=100px align="center" style="background: #{{Poison color}}; border: 3px solid #{{Poison color dark}};  {{roundy|1em}}"
! align="center" | {{p|Seviper}}
| align="center" style="background: #{{Poison color light}};  {{roundy|1em}} font-size: 100%;" | '''{{tt|Shiva♀|She has SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEECH.}}'''<br>[[File:Spr 3e 336.png]]
| <!--Banette-->
{| width=100px align="center" style="background: #{{Ghost color}}; border: 3px solid #{{Ghost color dark}};  {{roundy|1em}}"
! align="center" | {{p|Banette}}
| align="center" style="background: #{{Ghost color light}};  {{roundy|1em}} font-size: 100%;" | '''{{tt|Banehallow♂|First Ghostie I ever has~!}}'''<br>[[File:Spr 3e 354.png]]
| <!--Beldum-->
{| width=100px align="center" style="background: #{{Steel color}}; border: 3px solid #{{Psychic color}};  {{roundy|1em}}"
! align="center" | {{p|Beldum}}
| align="center" style="background: #{{Steel color light}};  {{roundy|1em}} font-size: 100%;" | '''{{tt|Albert|Too lazy to evolve the dude. But I will do so some time. the future.}}'''<br>[[File:Spr 3e 374.png]]
<br clear="left">
==White Team==
{| {| align="left" width="50%" style="background: #{{black color}};  {{roundy|1em}} border: 5px solid #{{white color}};"
| align="center" |
{| border=1 width="100%" align="center" style="background: #{{white color light}}; border:5px solid #{{black color}}; border-collapse:collapse;"
|- class="c"
| width="33%" | <!--Serperior-->
{| width=100px align="center" style="background: #{{Grass color}}; border: 3px solid #{{Grass color dark}};  {{roundy|1em}}"
! align="center" | {{p|Serperior}}
| align="center" style="background: #{{grass color light}};  {{roundy|1em}} font-size: 100%;" | '''{{tt|Hiedra♂|It's HI-YEH-DRAH, guys. NOT HAI-DRA. IT'S SPANISH FOR IVY, FOR ARCEUS' SAKE.}}'''<br>[[File:Spr 5b 497.png]]
| width="34%" | <!--Lilligant-->
{| width=100px align="center" style="background: #{{Grass color}}; border: 3px solid #{{Grass color dark}};  {{roundy|1em}}"
! align="center" | {{p|Lilligant}}
| align="center" style="background: #{{grass color light}};  {{roundy|1em}} font-size: 100%;" | '''{{tt|Diane♀|She has Own Tempo, ya mutts. PETAL FURRRYYYY}}'''<br>[[File:Spr 5b 549.png]]
| width="33%" | <!--Krookodile-->
{| width=100px align="center" style="background: #{{Ground color}}; border: 3px solid #{{dark color}};  {{roundy|1em}}"
! align="center" | {{p|Krookodile}}
| align="center" style="background: #{{ground color light}};  {{roundy|1em}} font-size: 100%;" | '''{{tt|Clyde♂|G'day, mate!}}'''<br>[[File:Spr 5b 553.png]]
|- class="c"
| <!--Cofagrigus-->
{| width=100px align="center" style="background: #{{ghost color}}; border: 3px solid #{{ghost color dark}};  {{roundy|1em}}"
! align="center" | {{p|Cofagrigus}}
| align="center" style="background: #{{Ghost color light}};  {{roundy|1em}} font-size: 100%;" | '''{{tt|Ramesses♂|King RAMMMEEESSSSSEEEESSSSSSS~♫}}'''<br>[[File:Spr 5b 563.png]]
| <!--Chandelure-->
{| width=100px align="center" style="background: #{{Ghost color}}; border: 3px solid #{{fire color}};  {{roundy|1em}}"
! align="center" | {{p|Chandelure}}
| align="center" style="background: #{{Ghost color light}};  {{roundy|1em}} font-size: 100%;" | '''{{tt|Twilight♀|Say that I based my precious Chandy's name off the gay movie or the frickin' pony and I will CLAW MY WAY DOWN YOUR THROAT AND TEAR OUT YOUR VERY SOUL.}}'''<br>[[File:Spr 5b 609.png]]
| <!--Ducklett-->
{| width=100px align="center" style="background: #{{Water color}}; border: 3px solid #{{flying color}};  {{roundy|1em}}"
! align="center" | {{p|Ducklett}}
| align="center" style="background: #{{water color light}};  {{roundy|1em}} font-size: 100%;" | '''{{tt|Cygnus♂|I just keep him for the sake of Fly and Surf. Nothing more.}}'''<br>[[File:Spr 5b 580.png]]
<br clear="left">
==White Backup PKMN==
{| {| align="left" width="50%" style="background: #{{black color}};  {{roundy|1em}} border: 5px solid #{{white color}};"
| align="center" |
{| border=1 width="100%" align="center" style="background: #{{white color light}}; border:5px solid #{{black color}}; border-collapse:collapse;"
|- class="c"
| width="33%" | <!--Leavanny-->
{| width=100px align="center" style="background: #{{bug color}}; border: 3px solid #{{Grass color}};  {{roundy|1em}}"
! align="center" | {{p|Leavanny}}
| align="center" style="background: #{{bug color light}};  {{roundy|1em}} font-size: 100%;" | '''{{tt|Sheila♀|Typical Leavanny 'ere. Chose the name 'coz it VAGUELY sounds like scythe or something. :I}}'''<br>[[File:Spr 5b 542.png]]
| width="34%" | <!--Eelektross-->
{| width=100px align="center" style="background: #{{Electric color}}; border: 3px solid #{{Electric color dark}};  {{roundy|1em}}"
! align="center" | {{p|Eelektross}}
| align="center" style="background: #{{electric color light}};  {{roundy|1em}} font-size: 100%;" | '''{{tt|Lampree♀|Lame name, same reason as Fumez. But she OWNS in battles. Mwahaha. And she has Volt Switch. C:}}'''<br>[[File:Spr 5b 604.png]]
| width="33%" | <!--Bisharp-->
{| width=100px align="center" style="background: #{{Dark color}}; border: 3px solid #{{Steel color}};  {{roundy|1em}}"
! align="center" | {{p|Bisharp}}
| align="center" style="background: #{{Dark color light}};  {{roundy|1em}} font-size: 100%;" | '''{{tt|Jagjade♂|Me gusta Bisharp. Me gusta mucho.}}'''<br>[[File:Spr 5b 625.png]]
|- class="c"
| <!--SHINY Audino-->
{| width=100px align="center" style="background: #{{Normal color}}; border: 3px solid #{{Normal color dark}};  {{roundy|1em}}"
! align="center" | {{p|Audino}}
| align="center" style="background: #{{Normal color light}};  {{roundy|1em}} font-size: 100%;" | '''{{tt|★Glenn♀|Note, she is NOT a hack. She's a legit Shiny and I LOVE HER TO BITS.}}'''<br>[[File:Spr 5b 531 s.png]]
| <!--Haxorus-->
{| width=100px align="center" style="background: #{{Dragon color}}; border: 3px solid #{{Dragon color dark}};  {{roundy|1em}}"
! align="center" | {{p|Haxorus}}
| align="center" style="background: #{{Ghost color light}};  {{roundy|1em}} font-size: 100%;" | '''{{tt|Dr. Hax♂|If you know where I got his name, I love you. As for him being just backup... long explanation.}}'''<br>[[File:Spr 5b 612.png]]
| <!--Sigilyph-->
{| width=100px align="center" style="background: #{{Psychic color}}; border: 3px solid #{{flying color}};  {{roundy|1em}}"
! align="center" | {{p|Sigilyph}}
| align="center" style="background: #{{psychic color light}};  {{roundy|1em}} font-size: 100%;" | '''{{tt|Adarno♂|He WAS my HM Fly slave. ...I like him more than Cygnus, but he can't learn Surf. T^T}}'''<br>[[File:Spr 5b 561.png]]
<br clear="left">

Latest revision as of 00:57, 10 March 2024

549.png This user identifies as female.
480.png This user is Christian.
238.png This user hates Smoochum.
201G.png This user contributes using Google Chrome.
474.png This user contributes using Microsoft Windows Microsoft XP.
201.png This user can read Unown writing!
Pokédex BW art.png This user strives to complete the Pokédex.
068.png This user will fight against vandals.
385.png This user's birthday is May 4, 1987.
128.png This user is a Taurus.
255.png This user's first partner Pokémon is Torchic.
082.png This user's favorite Pokémon is Magneton.
487.png This user's favorite legendary Pokémon is Giratina.
462.png This user's favorite Electric-type Pokémon is Magnezone.
024.png This user's favorite Poison-type Pokémon is Arbok.
282.png This user's favorite Psychic-type Pokémon is Gardevoir.
073.png This user's favorite Water-type Pokémon is Tentacruel.
609.png This user's favorite Fire-type Pokémon is Chandelure.
497.png This user's favorite Grass-type Pokémon is Serperior.
635.png This user's favorite Dragon-type Pokémon is Hydreigon.
563.png This user's favorite Ghost-type Pokémon is Cofagrigus.
257.png This user's favorite Fighting-type Pokémon is Blaziken.
491.png This user's favorite Dark-type Pokémon is Darkrai.
625.png This user's favorite Steel-type Pokémon is Bisharp.
471.png This user's favorite Ice-type Pokémon is Glaceon.
553.png This user's favorite Ground-type Pokémon is Krookodile.
338.png This user's favorite Rock-type Pokémon is Solrock.
531.png This user's favorite Normal-type Pokémon is Audino.
279.png This user's favorite Flying-type Pokémon is Pelipper.
542.png This user's favorite Bug-type Pokémon is Leavanny.
082.png This user's favorite move is Shock Wave.
292.png This user's favorite Ability is Wonder Guard.
000.png This user's favorite Glitch Pokémon is Missingno..
Spr BW Skyla.png This user's favorite Gym Leader is Skyla.
Spr E May.png This user's favorite character is May.
HoennIIIE.png This user's favorite region is Hoenn.
Dream Ultra Ball Sprite.png This user's favorite ball is the Ultra Ball.
Pecha Berry This user's favorite Berry is the Pecha Berry.
399.png This user has a pet Guinea Pig.
058.png This user has a pet Dog.
302.png This user's favorite color is purple.
446.png This user's favorite food is Chicken Burger.
Spr 3r 384.png This user is a player of Pokémon Emerald Version.
644.png This user is a player of Pokémon White Version.
Spr BW Hilda.png This user is a Pokémon Trainer.

Emerald Team

Spr 3e 257.png
Spr 3e 082.png
Spr 3e 110.png
Spr 3e 024.png
Spr 3e 073.png
Spr 3e 279.png

Emerald Backup PKMN

Spr 3e 282.png
Spr 3e 291.png
Spr 3e 292.png
Spr 3e 336.png
Spr 3e 354.png
Spr 3e 374.png

White Team

Spr 5b 497.png
Spr 5b 549.png
Spr 5b 553.png
Spr 5b 563.png
Spr 5b 609.png
Spr 5b 580.png

White Backup PKMN

Spr 5b 542.png
Spr 5b 604.png
Spr 5b 625.png
Spr 5b 531 s.png
Dr. Hax♂
Spr 5b 612.png
Spr 5b 561.png