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===Main Pokémon===
<i>See [[User:FrankTheTank000/Pokémon]]</i>
|color={{red color}}|bordercolor={{red color dark}}|headcolor={{red color light}}
|sprite=FRLG Red.png
|class=Pokémon Trainer
|game=FireRed Team
|locationname=Unova (migrated from Kanto)
|move2=Air Slash|move2type=Flying|move2cat=Special
|move3=Heat Wave|move3type=Fire|move3cat=Special
|move4=Blast Burn|move4type=Fire|move4cat=Special}}
|ability=Keen Eye
|move2=Aerial Ace|move2type=Flying|move2cat=Physical
|move3=Steel Wing|move3type=Steel|move3cat=Physical
|ability=Poison Point
|move1=Poison Jab|move1type=Poison|move1cat=Physical
|move4=Stealth Rock|move4type=Rock|move4cat=Status}}
|move2=Poison Jab|move2type=Poison|move2cat=Physical
|move4=Brick Break|move4type=Fighting|move4cat=Physical}}
|move1=Body Slam|move1type=Normal|move1cat=Physical
|move3=Giga Impact|move3type=Normal|move3cat=Physical
|move4=Heavy Slam|move4type=Steel|move4cat=Physical}}
|ability=Motor Drive
|move2=Wild Charge|move2type=Electric|move2cat=Physical
|color={{ruby color}}|bordercolor={{ruby color dark}}|headcolor={{ruby color light}}
|sprite=RS Brendan.png
|class=Pokémon Trainer
|game=Ruby Team
|locationname=Unova (migrated from Hoenn)
|move4=Hammer Arm|move4type=Fighting|move4cat=Physical}}
|ability=Keen Eye
|move3=Hydro Pump|move3type=Water|move3cat=Special
|move4=Steel Wing|move4type=Steel|move4cat=Physical}}
|move2=Dragon Claw|move2type=Dragon|move2cat=Physical
|ability=Thick Fat
|move2=Ice Ball|move2type=Ice|move2cat=Physical
|move3=Ice Beam|move3type=Ice|move3cat=Special
|move1=Hyper Voice|move1type=Normal|move1cat=Special
|move3=Shadow Ball|move3type=Ghost|move3cat=Special
|move4=Ice Beam|move4type=Ice|move4cat=Special}}
|move3=Water Spout|move3type=Water|move3cat=Special
|move4=Ice Beam|move4type=Ice|move4cat=Special}}
|color={{sapphire color}}|bordercolor={{sapphire color dark}}|headcolor={{sapphire color light}}
|sprite=RS Brendan.png
|class=Pokémon Trainer
|game=Sapphire Team
|locationname=Unova (migrated from Hoenn)
|move1=Leaf Blade|move1type=Grass|move1cat=Physical
|move2=Dragon Claw|move2type=Dragon|move2cat=Physical
|move3=Energy Ball|move3type=Grass|move3cat=Special
|move2=Shadow Ball|move2type=Ghost|move2cat=Special
|move4=Dream Eater|move4type=Psychic|move4cat=Special}}
|move3=Shock Wave|move3type=Electric|move3cat=Special
|move4=Volt Switch|move4type=Electric|move4cat=Special}}
|ability=Inner Focus
|move1=Cross Poison|move1type=Poison|move1cat=Physical
|move4=Poison Fang|move4type=Poison|move4cat=Physical}}
|ability=Air Lock
|move1=Dragon Claw|move1type=Dragon|move1cat=Physical
|move4=Hyper Beam|move4type=Normal|move4cat=Special}}
|ndex=257 m
|move1=Blaze Kick|move1type=Fire|move1cat=Physical
|move2=Fire Punch|move2type=Fire|move2cat=Physical
|move3=Brick Break|move3type=Fighting|move3cat=Physical
|color={{emerald color}}|bordercolor={{emerald color dark}}|headcolor={{emerald color light}}
|sprite=E Brendan.png
|class=Pokémon Trainer
|game=Emerald Team
|locationname=Unova (migrated from Hoenn)
|ndex=257 m
|move1=Blaze Kick|move1type=Fire|move1cat=Physical
|move2=Sky Uppercut|move2type=Fighting|move2cat=Physical
|move3=Flare Blitz|move3type=Fire|move3cat=Physical
|move4=Hi Jump Kick|move4type=Fighting|move4cat=Physical}}
|ndex=272 m
|ability=Rain Dish
|move1=Energy Ball|move1type=Grass|move1cat=Special
|move4=Hydro Pump|move4type=Water|move4cat=Special}}
|ability=Huge Power
|move3=Aqua Tail|move3type=Water|move3cat=Physical
|move3=Hydro Pump|move3type=Water|move3cat=Special
|move4=Ice Beam|move4type=Ice|move4cat=Special}}
|move1=Energy Ball|move1type=Grass|move1cat=Special
|move4=Leaf Storm|move4type=Grass|move4cat=Special}}
|ndex=178 m
|ability=Early Bird
|move2=Psycho Shift|move2type=Psychic|move2cat=Status
|move4=Sleep Talk|move4type=Normal|move4cat=Status}}
|color={{pearl color}}|bordercolor={{pearl color dark}}|headcolor={{pearl color light}}
|sprite=DP Lucas.png
|class=Pokémon Trainer
|game=Pearl Team
|locationname=Unova (migrated from Sinnoh)
|move2=Ice Beam|move2type=Ice|move2cat=Special
|move3=Hydro Cannon|move3type=Water|move3cat=Special
|move4=Drill Peck|move4type=Flying|move4cat=Physical}}
|ndex=398 m
|move2=Brave Bird|move2type=Flying|move2cat=Physical
|move3=Close Combat|move3type=Fighting|move3cat=Physical
|move4=Aerial Ace|move4type=Flying|move4cat=Physical}}
|ndex=405 m
|move1=Wild Charge|move1type=Electric|move1cat=Physical
|move2=Close Combat|move2type=Fighting|move2cat=Physical
|move3=Blast Burn|move3type=Fire|move3cat=Special
|move4=Flare Blitz|move4type=Fire|move4cat=Physical}}
|held=Lustrous Orb
|move2=Dragon Claw|move2type=Dragon|move2cat=Physical
|move3=Aura Sphere|move3type=Fighting|move3cat=Special
|move4=Spacial Rend|move4type=Dragon|move4cat=Special}}
|move1=Shadow Ball|move1type=Ghost|move1cat=Special
|move2=Dragon Claw|move2type=Dragon|move2cat=Physical
|move3=Aura Sphere|move3type=Fighting|move3cat=Special
|move4=Shadow Force|move4type=Ghost|move4cat=Physical}}
|color={{unknown color}}|bordercolor={{unknown color dark}}|headcolor={{unknown color light}}
|sprite=Spr BW Ace Trainer M.png
|class=Pokémon Trainer
|game=Miscellaneous Team
|locationname=Unova (from different places)
|ability=Natural Cure
|move1=Dragon Pulse|move1type=Dragon|move1cat=Special
|move3=Draco Meteor|move3type=Dragon|move3cat=Special
|move4=Sky Attack|move4type=Flying|move4cat=Physical}}
|move2=Dragon Claw|move2type=Dragon|move2cat=Physical
|held=Miracle Seed
|ability=Effect Spore
|move1=Seed Bomb|move1type=Grass|move1cat=Physical
|move2=Sky Uppercut|move2type=Fighting|move2cat=Physical
|move3=Mach Punch|move3type=Fighting|move3cat=Physical
|move4=Leech Seed|move4type=Grass|move4cat=Status}}
|move3=Signal Beam|move3type=Bug|move3cat=Special
|move4=Power Gem|move4type=Rock|move4cat=Special}}
|ndex=369 m
|ability=Rock Head
|move2=Head Smash|move2type=Rock|move2cat=Physical
|move3=Hydro Pump|move3type=Water|move3cat=Special
|color={{White color}}|bordercolor={{white color dark}}|headcolor={{white color light}}
|sprite=BW Hilbert.png
|class=Pokémon Trainer
|game=White Team
|held=Amulet Coin
|move1=Heat Crash|move1type=Fire|move1cat=Physical
|move2=Brick Break|move2type=Fighting|move2cat=Physical
|move3=Flare Blitz|move3type=Fire|move3cat=Physical
|move4=Wild Charge|move4type=Electric|move4cat=Physical}}
|held=Rocky Helmet
|move3=Foul Play|move3type=Dark|move3cat=Physical
|held=Life Orb
|ability=Magic Guard
|move3=Future Sight|move3type=Psychic|move3cat=Special
|move4=Energy Ball|move4type=Grass|move4cat=Special}}
|held=Shell Bell
|ability=Sheer Force
|move3=Brave Bird|move3type=Flying|move3cat=Physical
|move4=Aerial Ace|move4type=Flying|move4cat=Physical}}
|held=Big Root
|ability=Poison Touch
|move3=Drain Punch|move3type=Fighting|move3cat=Physical
|move4=Poison Jab|move4type=Poison|move4cat=Physical}}
|held=Scope Lens
|move1=Dragon Claw|move1type=Dragon|move1cat=Physical
|move2=Fusion Bolt|move2type=Electric|move2cat=Physical
|color={{unknown color}}|bordercolor={{unknown color dark}}|headcolor={{unknown color light}}
|sprite=Spr BW Ace Trainer M.png
|class=Pokémon Trainer
|game=Other Team
|locationname=Unova (from different places)
|held=Silk Scarf
|move2=Shadow Claw|move2type=Ghost|move2cat=Physical
|move4=Swords Dance|move4type=Normal|move4cat=Status}}
|ability=Flame Body
|move1=Bug Buzz|move1type=Bug|move1cat=Special
|move3=Heat Wave|move3type=Fire|move3cat=Special
|move4=Quiver Dance|move4type=Bug|move4cat=Status}}
|ability=Skill Link
|move1=Icicle Spear|move1type=Ice|move1cat=Physical
|move2=Razor Shell|move2type=Water|move2cat=Physical
|move3=Shell Smash|move3type=Normal|move3cat=Status
|move4=Toxic Spikes|move4type=Poison|move4cat=Status}}
|ability=Effect Spore
|move2=Cross Poison|move2type=Poison|move2cat=Physical
|move1=Hi Jump Kick|move1type=Fighting|move1cat=Physical
|move2=Drain Punch|move2type=Fighting|move2cat=Physical
|move4=Fake Out|move4type=Normal|move4cat=Physical}}
|ability=Victory Star
|move2=Flame Burst|move2type=Fire|move2cat=Special
|move3=Searing Shot|move3type=Fire|move3cat=Special
|move4=Zen Headbutt|move4type=Psychic|move4cat=Physical}}
===Other Pokémon===
<i>See [[User:FrankTheTank000/Other Pokémon]]</i>
==Trivia About Teams==
*With the exception of the Miscellaneous, White, and Other Teams, all of the first Pokémon on the major teams are the starters and the second ones were the first ones I caught.
**However, for White the first one is my starter. The second one isn't the first one I caught though.
*The Ruby and Miscellaneous teams are the only teams to not have any Fire-types.
**Groudon can learn multiple Fire moves and is associated with Drought and sunny weather, though.
*The Sapphire team is the only team with no Water-types.
*It is the only game-based team with no legendaries.
*Due to Beedrill having an attack raising nature and Nidoking having an attack lowering nature, Beedrill's attack is actually higher than Nidoking's.
*Ruby was the first game I got, and therefore the first team I used.
*The only reason Ralio isn't a {{p|Gallade}} is because he evolved into a Gardevoir before Generation IV came out.
**He was also the first Pokémon I found in my Sapphire on Route 102.
*Blazek hatched from an egg that came from Blaze.
**Additionally, the name Blazek comes from <b>Blaz</b>iken and Viv<b>ek</b> after my friend Vivek who put a Blaziken as his Facebook profile picture for 2011's Pokémon Picture month.
*Similar to most of the Miscellaneous Team, Chimney's name applies only to its pre-evolved form.
*It is the only team with two legendaries.
*Ampharo is the only single-typed Pokémon on the team.
*As a result of laziness, Hincho has Illuminate instead of Volt Absorb.
*If I could change the other names (as most of them only apply to the pre-evolved forms) they would be: Anthole-no idea, Gom-no idea, Hincho-Turner (Lan<b>turn</b>), and Brain-Relic.
====Name Origins====
*Anthole comes from ant, which Trapinch is, but I chose anthole because red ants are ***holes.
*Gom stands for <b>G</b>rumpy <b>O</b>rb <b>M</b>ushroom which only applies to Shroomsish.
*Ampharo was originally DennyCrane which came from the Boston Legal character who had a slight sheep (which Mareep and Flaaffy are) fetish.
*Hincho is Chinchou without the first and last letters.
*I have no idea why Brain is named Brain.
*{{p|Victini}} was on the team for most of the game. It was replaced by Zekrom after I caught it. It was then moved to the Other team.
*Half of the team is version exclusive.
*Even though I hate it when people give their Pokémon Japanese names, I still nicknamed my Braviary "Wargle".
*The Other team is really just another miscellaneous team.
**However it was made up of Pokémon that were on another team but was replaced (Victini), were used a lot but never on a team (Zangoose, OJ, and Volcarona), or were either hatched from eggs or caught to be used for battle (Cloy and Mieno).
*It is the only team with no Pokémon that knows {{m|Fly}}.
*I have no idea why OJ is named OJ.


Revision as of 20:58, 7 March 2012

About Me

I try to help edit, but I have little knowledge about the anime and mangas and I don't play the TCG anymore.


See User:FrankTheTank000/Pokémon


480.png This user is a WikiGnome.
628.png This user comes from the United States.
Spr 4d 335.png This user is 16 years old.
385.png This user's birthday is October 4.
143.png This user eats too much.
164.png This user doesn't get enough sleep.
233.png This user's favorite subject is Web Design.
034.png This user identifies as male.
474.png This user knows HTML.
480.png This user is intelligent.
VSBrock.png This user is not in a relationship.
Spr 5b 076 s.png ShinyIIStars.png This user has a Shiny Golem. ShinyIIStars.png
Spr 5b 313 s.png ShinyIIStars.png This user has a Shiny Volbeat. ShinyIIStars.png
Spr 5b 426 s.png ShinyIIStars.png This user has a Shiny Drifblim. ShinyIIStars.png
Spr 5b 243 s.png ShinyIIStars.png This user has a Shiny Raikou. ShinyIIStars.png
Spr 5b 244 s.png ShinyIIStars.png This user has a Shiny Entei. ShinyIIStars.png
Spr 5b 245 s.png ShinyIIStars.png This user has a Shiny Suicune. ShinyIIStars.png

(These are the shinies that I have caught or received from events that aren't hacked. I have gotten a Shiny Lickitung (now a Lickilicky) via Action Replay, a Red Gyarados via my friend's HeartGold, a Shiny Castform, Tailow, and Arbok from my friend's game that he used an Action Replay on, and a Shiny Oshawott (later Dewott and Samurott) from the GTS but I later put it back up as it was obviously hacked. I also played a hacked Pokémon ROM on my computer and found a Shiny Meowth. Unfortunately there was no way to trade it onto my actual games.)