User:Theryguy512/Genders: Difference between revisions

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Theryguy512 (talk | contribs)
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Theryguy512 (talk | contribs)
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* All Credit for the creation of the table goes to {{u|Argy}}.
* All Credit for the creation of the table goes to {{u|Argy}}.
'''Any Comments? Please post them [[User talk:Theryguy512/Genders|here!!!]]'''
=={{Ash}}'s Pokémon==
=={{Ash}}'s Pokémon==
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'''Any Comments? Please post them [[User talk:Theryguy512/Genders|here!!!]]'''

Revision as of 20:00, 2 March 2008

  • All Credit for the creation of the table goes to Argy.

Any Comments? Please post them here!!!

Ash's Pokémon

Pokémon Species Ratio Gender Other Evidence
Pikachu 50% ♀
50% ♂
Dawn's Buneary (female) has a crush on it, it carried packages alongside other males in EP052, no indent on tail, brave, strong, loyal, disobedient at first, wore a male kimono in DP061 and was embarrassed while wearing maid outfit in DP062.
Butterfree 50% ♀
50% ♂
Had a crush on and tried to impress a pink Butterfree, brave, loyal
Pidgeot 50% ♀
50% ♂
Brave and strong, loyal,
Bulbasaur 12.5% ♀
87.5% ♂
Stubborn, eager to battle, stong, shows leadership, had a crush on a Gloom in Make Room for Gloom, masculine compared to May's Bulbasaur
Charizard 12.5% ♀
87.5% ♂
Very strong, powerful, brave, and loyal, stubborn at first, has girlfriend (Charla)
Squirtle 12.5% ♀
87.5% ♂
Leader of police squad, strong, brave, bossy
Kingler 50% ♀
50% ♂
Primeape 50% ♀
50% ♂
Muk 50% ♀
50% ♂
Tauros x30 100% ♂
Lapras 50% ♀
50% ♂
Snorlax 12.5% ♀
87.5% ♂
Heracross 50% ♀
50% ♂
Bayleef 12.5% ♀
87.5% ♂
Has a huge crush on Ash
Cyndaquil 12.5% ♀
87.5% ♂
Totodile 12.5% ♀
87.5% ♂
Noctowl 50% ♀
50% ♂
Donphan 50% ♀
50% ♂
Larvitar 50% ♀
50% ♂
Swellow 50% ♀
50% ♂
Sceptile 12.5% ♀
87.5% ♂
Corphish 50% ♀
50% ♂
Torkoal 50% ♀
50% ♂
Glalie 50% ♀
50% ♂
Staravia 50% ♀
50% ♂
Turtwig 12.5% ♀
87.5% ♂
Chimchar 12.5% ♀
87.5% ♂
Buizel 50% ♀
50% ♂
Has two spots on his back
Gligar 50% ♀
50% ♂

Brock's Pokémon

Pokémon Species Ratio Gender Other Evidence
Steelix 50% ♀
50% ♂
Geodude 50% ♀
50% ♂
Crobat 50% ♀
50% ♂
Vulpix 50% ♀
50% ♂
Forretress 50% ♀
50% ♂
Marshtomp 12.5% ♀
87.5% ♂
Ludicolo 50% ♀
50% ♂
Sudowoodo 50% ♀
50% ♂
Croagunk 50% ♀
50% ♂
Happiny 100% ♀

Misty's Pokémon

Pokémon Species Ratio Gender Other Evidence
Goldeen 50% ♀
50% ♂
Staryu Genderless
Starmie Genderless
Horsea 50% ♀
50% ♂
Psyduck 50% ♀
50% ♂
Togetic 12.5% ♀
87.5% ♂
Politoed 50% ♀
50% ♂
Corsola 75% ♀
25% ♂
Gyarados 50% ♀
50% ♂
Caserin 75% ♀
25% ♂
Azurill 75% ♀
25% ♂

Dawn's Pokémon

Pokémon Species Ratio Gender Other Evidence
Piplup 12.5% ♀
87.5% ♂
Buneary 50% ♀
50% ♂
Pachirisu 50% ♀
50% ♂
File:424f.png Ambipom 50% ♀
50% ♂

May's Pokémon

Pokémon Species Ratio Gender Other Evidence
Blaziken 12.5% ♀
87.5% ♂
Beautifly 50% ♀
50% ♂
Skitty 75% ♀
25% ♂
Bulbasaur 12.5% ♀
87.5% ♂
Munchlax 12.5% ♀
87.5% ♂
Squirtle 12.5% ♀
87.5% ♂
Eevee 12.5% ♀
87.5% ♂

Tracey's Pokémon

Pokémon Species Ratio Gender Other Evidence
Venonat 50% ♀
50% ♂
Marill 50% ♀
50% ♂
Scyther 50% ♀
50% ♂
Dodrio 50% ♀
50% ♂
Complete guess

Jessie's Pokémon

Pokémon Species Ratio Gender Other Evidence
Arbok 50% ♀
50% ♂
Lickitung 50% ♀
50% ♂
Wobbuffet 50% ♀
50% ♂
Seviper 50% ♀
50% ♂
Dustox 50% ♀
50% ♂
Shellder 50% ♀
50% ♂
Magikarp 50% ♀
50% ♂
Charizard 12.5% ♀
87.5% ♂

James's Pokémon

Pokémon Species Ratio Gender Other Evidence
Growlie 25% ♀
75% ♂
Weezing 50% ♀
50% ♂
Gyarados 50% ♀
50% ♂
Victreebel 50% ♀
50% ♂
James's second Victreebel 50% ♀
50% ♂
Cacnea 50% ♀
50% ♂
Chimecho 50% ♀
50% ♂
Mime Jr. 50% ♀
50% ♂
Hoppip 50% ♀
50% ♂
Carnivine 50% ♀
50% ♂
Aggron 50% ♀
50% ♂

Ritchie's Pokémon

Pokémon Species Ratio Gender Other Evidence
Sparky 50% ♀
50% ♂
Zippo 12.5% ♀
87.5% ♂
Happy 50% ♀
50% ♂
Cruise 50% ♀
50% ♂
Rose 50% ♀
50% ♂
Eevee 12.5% ♀
87.5% ♂

Wild Pokémon

Pokémon Species Ratio Gender Other Evidence
Mewtwo Genderless
Mew (Mewtwo Strikes Back) Genderless
Lugia (The Power of One) Genderless
Latias (Pokémon Heroes) 100% ♀
Latios (Pokémon Heroes) 100% ♂
Jirachi (Jirachi: Wish Maker) Genderless
Lucario (Lucario and the Mystery of Mew) 12.5% ♀
87.5% ♂
Mew (Lucario and the Mystery of Mew) Genderless
Manaphy (Pokémon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea) Genderless Called the "prince of the sea"
Darkrai (The Rise of Darkrai) Genderless
Jigglypuff 75% ♀
25% ♂
Wynaut 50% ♀
50% ♂
Spoink 50% ♀
50% ♂
Hippopotas 50% ♀
50% ♂
Color patterns show that it is male, brave
Madame Muchmoney's Granbull 75% ♀
25% ♂
Giovanni's Persian 50% ♀
50% ♂
Delibird (Team Rocket) 50% ♀
50% ♂

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