Ash Ketchum/Quotes: Difference between revisions

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* Victory (with Red on the team, speaks first)
* Victory (with Red on the team, speaks first)
: ''"We are the strongest ever!"''-->
: ''"We are the strongest ever!"''
* Victory (with Red on the team, in response to Chase)
: ''"Thanks, Chase!"''-->

;Special Event - The Classic Thunderbolt
;Special Event - The Classic Thunderbolt

Revision as of 06:47, 15 February 2024

These are Ash's quotes in the Pokémon games.

In the spin-off games

Pokémon Masters EX

Main article: Ash (Masters)
050Diglett.png This section is incomplete.
Please feel free to edit this section to add missing information and complete it.
Reason: Missing voice clips
Menu interface (voice clips)
  • After being recruited
"I'm Ash from Pallet Town, and this is my buddy, Pikachu. My dream is to become a Pokémon Master!"
  • Sync pair viewer
"Pikachu! Use Thunderbolt!"
"Let's go catch some Pokémon!"
  • Selection screen (forming team)
"Okay, I'll go with you!"
  • Selection screen (disbanding team)
"See you later!"
  • Upon learning a new lucky skill
"Can't wait to try this out."
  • Upon leveling up
"Ehaha, our training's paying off."
  • Upon reaching max level
"We're one of the strongest sync pairs out there."
  • Upon unlocking a new level cap
"We're just getting started!"
  • Receiving EX style
"Let's go catch some Pokémon!"
  • During conversation
"All right!"
  • During special log-in conversation (morning)
"Good morning! I'm glad I actually woke up on time today! I oversleep a lot..."
  • During special log-in conversation (afternoon)
"Man, that smells good... My stomach's growling like crazy! Wanna go get some lunch?"
  • During special log-in conversation (evening)
"It sure got dark fast, huh. I hope I get to battle some awesome sync pairs tomorrow!"
  • During special gift conversation
"Oh, there you are! Here, this is for you!"
Battle interface (voice clips)
  • Co-op match screen
  • VS screen
"Let's go!"
  • Sending out Pokémon
"Let's have a battle!"
  • Using Pokémon move
"Keep it up!"
  • Using item
"Let's do this!"
  • Using Trainer move
"Not done yet!"
  • Using sync move (Pikachu)
"Let's do it, Pikachu!"
  • Using sync move or max move (Pokémon other than Pikachu)
  • Unity attack / theme skill
  • Uh-oh!
"I choose you!"
  • Switching in
"I got this!"
  • Recalling fainted Pokémon
"No way!"
  • "Nice" emote
  • "Watch out" emote
"Watch out!"
  • "Let's do this" emote
"Dodge it!"
  • "Thanks" emote
"Thank you!"
  • Defeat
"Aw, man!"
  • Victory
"That was awesome! We should do this again!"
Special Event - The Classic Thunderbolt
  • Where Are We?!
"Where are we?"
"I'm so hungry, Pikachu..."
"Maybe we trained a little too hard..."
"Aw, man... I can't take it anymore..."
  • Ash's Sync Move Practice
"Mmm, that food was great! That was a huge help! Thanks!"
"Uh... So, could you explain what this place is?"
"Whoa, really? So Trainers from all over the world come here? And you're, like, the king and creator of this place?! That's so cool!"
"Of course! I'm really good at battling!"
"Come on out, everyone!"
"I'm Ash, from Pallet Town! My dream is to become a Pokémon Master!"
"By the way, we've been training for this thing called the Masters Eight Tournament!"
"If you don't mind us being here, could we stay on Pasio for a while?"
"Awesome! Thanks, Lear!"
"Thanks, <player>! And...what was your name again?"
"Yeah! Nice to meet you!"
"Oh! Wait, Lear! One more thing!"
"Once you're done with whatever you're busy with, let's have a battle!"
"Whoa! So that's a sync move, huh!"
"I wanna try that, too! I wonder if I can do it!"
"Yup! There's supposed to be something called a sync stone in there. It turns the strength of your bond with your Pokémon into power, right?"
"Sure thing! Ready when you are, Tina!"
"What's the matter? If you're not gonna use your move, then I guess it's our turn!"
"Wait, was that–"
"Really? That was it?! We did it, Pikachu!"
  • Flareon's Rebellion
"I wonder why your sync move didn't work, Tina."
"Do you usually have fights like that with Flareon?"
"Don't worry, Tina. Flareon's just going through a rebellious stage."
"Yeah. Y'see, I've traveled around a lot and caught tons of different Pokémon."
"Everyone's got their own personality, so I've seen it all!"
"I've butted heads with my Pokémon every now and then...just like how you and Flareon are right now!"
"But I was determined to get along with them! So I did my best to tell my Pokémon how I felt!"
"Once I started doing that, we started to understand each other better, and now we get along just fine!"
"Even Pikachu and I had our differences when we first met. Isn't that right, buddy?"
"So don't worry! I'm sure the two of you will be fine!"
"'Cause Flareon's really important to you, right?"
"Let's go find Flareon! I'm sure he's feeling lonely without you by now!"
"Where did Flareon go?!"
"Oh, do you have an idea where Flareon went?"
"And who are you?!"
"Team Break?"
"Hey, you! What do you mean when you said Tina will never get Flareon back?"
  • Use Thunderbolt!
"Are you kidding me?!"
"No, this can't be true!"
"C'mon, <player>! Let's stop Flareon together!"
"Pikachu, I choose you!"
"Aw, man!"
"I can't just go all out against a friend's Pokémon!"
"Tina! You can't give up!"
"Flareon's your friend, right?!"
"You've gotta tell him how you feel!"
"Cut it out!"
"You heard her. Right, Flareon?"
"You're Tina's partner. Nobody could replace you."
"And you hate being apart from her, too, right?"
"I'm not letting you get away with what you've done!"
"Pikachu! Use Thunderbolt!"
"Oh, you still wanna battle? We don't mind."
"I guess Flareon thought you were gonna get taken away from him, Tina."
"That's why losing to Pikachu made him so upset."
"You were just jealous, right?"
"See? I think he's feeling a little sorry about that."
"Hey. Do you wanna have another battle?"
"The best way to feel better when you're feeling down is to have a battle!"
"I wanna see your teamwork now that you're not fighting anymore!"
Special Event - Blazing Battle with Ash
  • Sudden Announcement
"That's Lear on the screen, right? I wonder what's up."
"Weren't YOU the leader of the team that won the first PML tournament?"
  • Lear's Goal?
"Hey, I thought battles on Pasio were usually team battles!"
"If so, why is this tournament for Single Battles?"
"I guess Lear must've thought this through."
"Of course!"
"Let's show everyone on Pasio how we battle, Pikachu!"
"This is our chance to have a serious battle with <player> on a big stage!"
"We're gonna make it to the top and battle you, <player>!"
"Yeah! Let's see which of us gets to battle <player>!"
"So, who's my first opponent?"
"I'm Ash from Pallet Town! Let's have a good battle!"
  • A Heated First Battle!
"Sirfetch'd! I choose you!"
"That's a tough-looking Salamence..."
"Sirfetch'd, use Fury Cutter!"
"Dodge it with Detect!"
"It's not looking good against an opponent that's strong at battling in the air..."
"Sirfetch'd, return!"
"Let's go, Dragonite!"
"Here we go!"
"Engulf it with Hurricane!"
"Now! Use Dragon Claw!"
"You're good... Let's finish this at once, Gengar!"
"Let's go big! Gigantamax!"
"All right!"
  • The Exciting Second Battle!
"It won't be that easy! Dracovish, use Water Gun to make an opening!"
"Right now! Use Ice Fang!"
"Hit them with another Water Gun, Dracovish!"
"We missed? It's fast..."
"OK, Dracovish. Rest up for now!"
"Let's go, Pikachu!"
"Pikachu! Get the first hit with Quick Attack!"
"Don't let it get away! Use Electroweb!"
"Keep it up with Thunderbolt!"
"How're you holding up, Pikachu?"
"Pikachu! Use Thunderbolt!"
"You did great! We'll take care of the rest!"
"It's your turn, Lucario!"
"Pikachu and Dracovish are at their limits, so we have to finish it here!"
"Let's show them our bond! Lucario, Mega Evolve!"
"Give 'em a barrage of Aura Sphere!"
"Dive in with Bullet Punch!"
"Now! Use Reversal!"
"I made it here as promised, <player>!"
"Let's have a fun battle!"
  • The Final Showdown!
"I'm counting on you as always, Dracovish!"
"I guess they saw I don't like long-distance attacks..."
"Dracovish, use Water Gun!"
"Use Water Gun again!"
"OK, now I'm ready!"
"Dragovish, use Ice Fang on the wet ground!"
"Slide on the ground to get closer!"
"Use Fishious Rend!"
"Now, who's the next Pokémon?"
Go! Solgaleo!: "S-Solgaleo?"
Go on, Solgaleo! I know you can do it!: "That Pokémon is..."
"What an impressive showing from the PML champion team's leader! What a matchup for the finals!"
"Let's go, Dracovish! Slide across the ground and use Fishious Rend!"
"What tremendous power... But we're not done yet!"
"I'm counting on you, Sirfetch'd!"
"Dodge with Detect and attack with Fury Cutter!"
"Hang in there, Sirfetch'd!"
"It should be feeling the damage from Dracovish's attacks!"
"You can do it! We're almost there!"
"You can finish this!"
"Pikachu! I choose you!"
"Use Quick Attack, then Iron Tail!"
"Use Thunderbolt!"
"I'm not done yet! Go for another Thunderbolt!"
"Our Thunderbolts are equally matched... Then how about this!"
"I'm gonna show you what I've learned on Pasio, <player>!"
"Let's go, Pikachu! Time for our sync move!"
"Heh, thanks, Lear!"
"Of course... I haven't forgotten!"
"I'm gonna get battling as a team down pat and win the Masters Eight Tournament!"
"Let's go, Pikachu!"
Sync Pair Story - A Day with Ash
"Now listen up, Pikachu."
"The strength of these "sync pairs" depends on the strength of the bond between the Trainer and their partner Pokémon!"
"So let's practice using moves together until we're more in sync than ever!"
"OK, ready? Let's hit that rock with a sync move!"
"Right, I just need to feel my heart sync with Pikachu's..."
"Let's do it, Pikachu!"
  • Off-screen
"H-huh? That electrical charge looks bigger than—"
  • On-screen
Are you OK?!: "Oh, you saw that, <player>? Don't worry! I'm fine!"
"Pikachu's shocked me plenty of times before, so I'm used to it!"
Wow, that was powerful!: "Oh, didn't see you there, <player>! Yeah, Pikachu's electricity sure is impressive!"
"Looks like Pikachu and I may have overdone it a little."
"But that shock just now..."
"It reminded me of the day we set off from Pallet Town."
Set off?: "Yeah! Pikachu and I had just met. He was my very first partner..."
Why?: "Well, Pikachu was my very first partner..."
"At first, we didn't get along, and he kept shocking me all the time. It was a lot to deal with!"
What an experience...: "Heh heh... You could say that!"
You didn't put him in a Poké Ball?: "My Pikachu doesn't like Poké Balls. I know—it's really unusual!"
"But I wanted to get along with Pikachu more than anything, so I decided I'd just meet him head on."
"While all that was going on, I got attacked by a flock of Spearow..."
"but Pikachu drove them all away with his electricity. He saved me!"
"That was the first time I felt like we actually understood each other's feelings and finally became friends."
"Since then, I've traveled around all sorts of different regions and made loads of other friends..."
"And Pikachu's been with me through it all!"
"I'm confident that the bond between me and Pikachu is as strong as any sync pair's on Pasio!"
"So Pikachu and I are sure to keep getting stronger and stronger from here on out!"
"All right! That's got me all fired up! Come on, Pikachu! Let's get back to training!"
"Why don't you join us, <player>? I'm sure we'll have a gr—"
"Heh heh... Maybe we should eat first?"
Pokémon Center
  • During sync background preview
"I choose you!"
  • Random conversation
"The most important thing about battling is understanding your Pokémon... And, of course, guts and enthusiasm!"
"If you meet your opponent with a fired-up attitude, you're sure to have a great battle!"
  • Random conversation
"You know, the more important it is that I wake up on time, the more likely I am to oversleep."
"I swear I do remember to set an alarm! But for some reason, it's always broken when I wake up..."
  • Random conversation
"Some of the greatest things about traveling are meeting new Pokémon and battling..."
"but you can't forget the food!"
"After all, if you're too hungry, you can't concentrate on the battles!"
  • Random conversation
"I've had lots of friends travel with me up until now—but for every new meeting, there's also a good-bye!"
"Even the people who aren't with me now are all doing their best somewhere."
"So it makes me really happy when I get to see them sometimes!"
  • Random conversation
"My rival here on Pasio is...<player>! I choose you!"
"Hahaha! But I'm serious about the rival part!"
"If we keep on challenging each other, determined not to lose, there's no limit to how strong we'll get!"
  • Random conversation
"Pikachu and I are always together, and we've known each other for a long time now."
"It was kinda rough when we first met. He used to zap me with electricity all the time!"
"But I really wanted to grow closer with him, so I just kept meeting him head on until we grew to understand each other."
"A lot has happened since then, but now he's my best friend and partner!"
  • If spoken to again
"So, I heard that here on Pasio, they call the combination of Trainer and Pokémon a "sync pair.""
"Well, I'm confident that I'm more in sync with Pikachu than anyone else is with their Pokémon!"
"Just watch—we'll become the best sync pair on Pasio!"
  • Random conversation
"The day Pikachu and I left Pallet Town to start our travels together..."
"we saw a huge Pokémon flying across a rainbow in the sky."
"I thought maybe if we kept traveling long enough, we could meet a Pokémon like that! Seriously, that was so exciting!"
  • If spoken to again
"And now we've traveled all over the place and met a whole ton of totally incredible Pokémon!"
"Someday I'll tell you all about every Pokémon that Pikachu and I have befriended!"
  • Special log-in conversation (generic)
"Hey, <player>! I've been waiting for you!"
"I hope you're ready for plenty of battles with me today!"
  • Special log-in conversation (morning)
"Good morning! I'm glad I actually woke up on time today! I oversleep a lot..."
  • Special log-in conversation (afternoon)
"Man, that smells good... My stomach's growling like crazy! Wanna go get some lunch?"
  • Special log-in conversation (evening)
"It sure got dark fast, huh. I hope I get to battle some awesome sync pairs tomorrow!"
  • Special gift conversation
"Oh, there you are! Here, this is for you!"
  • After giving out item
"Using items effectively is just the first step toward becoming a Pokémon Master!"
  • The Classic Thunderbolt special event blurb
"I'm gonna train on Pasio!"
  • The Classic Thunderbolt special event conversation with Pikachu
"To prepare for the Masters Eight Tournament, we'll be training here on Pasio for a while."
"We're gonna get even stronger, so let's give it our all, Pikachu!"
  • Blazing Battle with Ash special event blurb
"I won't lose!"
  • Blazing Battle with Ash special event conversation with Pikachu
"We're gonna have a real battle with <player>!"
"Let's show them how we battle, Pikachu!"