Talk:Battle Tower (Generation III)

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Rewards missing... ht14 05:15, 9 February 2010 (UTC)Reply

Rewards Still Missing

Battle Tower Prizes

1st(7 matches) victory to 5th(35 matches) victory: HP Up, Protein, Iron, Carbos, Calcium, or Zinc
After 50 consecutive wins: Award Ribbon & Silver Shield
6th(42) victory and on: Bright Powder, White Herb, Quick Claw, Mental Herb, Choice Band, King's Rock, Focus Band, Scope Lens, or Leftovers
After 100 consecutive wins: Gold Shield
Can someone please make the box since I don't know how yet or at least give me some directions? Thanks in advance. --SaitoFX 01:19, 20 November 2010 (UTC)Reply

Today, I encountered humans who said things

From the trivia section: <<In Pokémon Emerald, there is an apprentice who asks the player questions.>> Instead of deleting this piece of trivia, could someone find out what this means exactly, so that it can be edited into something understandable ?--WenGobou 18:15, 3 March 2011 (UTC)Reply